Tag: lgbt
Click here to donate now. cw: skip first paragraph for mentions of graphic anti-LGBTQIA violence It has been a brutal week for LGBTQIA communities in Brazil. A queer Brazilian friend is heartbroken over the murders and suicides of 3 people close to him in just the last 4 days. The stories of these deaths are…
BACKSTORY Brazil is the country with the highest rate of travesti/trans* murders. In 2017, Brazil accounted for 52% of the deaths registered by International Transgender Europe (TGEU): 179 travesti/trans* people were murdered in 2017. Alarmingly, the new political scenario is contributing to a further rise in violence against vulnerable populations. (Note: Travesti is a Latin-American…
Di Alex McHugh. Originale pubblicato il 30 ottobre 2018 con il titolo The (Trans) Kids Are Alright. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’amministrazione Trump, tramite il dipartimento della salute, ha recentemente reso pubblica una nota preoccupante sull’identità di genere. La nota parte da un’interpretazione univoca del sesso: “o maschile o femminile, immutabile, determinato dai genitali alla…
Recently, the Trump administration, through the Department of Health and Human Services, issued a worrying memo about gender identity. In the memo, HHS argues for an interpretation of gender and sex that would define gender as “either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals a person is born with.” This would roll back…
The Bootleggers & Baptists allegory is a helpful illustration for understanding the motivations of actors within a regulated industry. Popularized by economist Bruce Yandel, it helps to explain how two seemingly unaligned groups can come together to support the same policy prescription — when they both stand to benefit from the outcomes. It goes like…
The following is republished from the author’s site. I’m sure I don’t have to tell anyone it’s Pride Month. It’s been advertised everywhere from Google to Twitter. A coming out party for the wholesale corporate appropriation of an underground movement. It’s not even Queer Pride Month anymore, that title has become too politically incorrect, it…
Di Vishal Wilde. Originale pubblicato il 5 giugno con il titolo The Common ‘Logic’ of Compulsory Education, Homophobia, and Transphobia. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. A chiunque contesti l’obbligo scolastico capita prima o poi di ricevere (una variante di) questa obiezione: “un giovanissimo non ha la possibilità di sapere cosa è bene per lui, cosa serve…
Anyone arguing against compulsory education will inevitably encounter (a variant of) this objection: “but a child cannot possibly know what is good for them and what they need to function well in society, we need some basic standards that everyone can conform to.”
This is the fourth part in a series. Be sure to check out parts 1, 2, 3 and 5. Advocates of gun ownership for marginalized people must talk about one of the biggest threats faced by such groups: hate crimes. Oftentimes, the media confuses this kind of bigotry with mental illness: but bigotry is not a mental illness at…
This is the first part in a series. Be sure to check out parts 2, 3, 4 and 5. Gun control is a big issue to many leftists. The Democratic Party has campaigned for years on a platform of gun control. Such measures, they claim, are the only ways to reduce gun violence and save lives. They claim they…
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Hey Indiana: Why Not Fight Discrimination with Freedom?” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. “State action against discrimination is at best a band-aid measure, since state action itself empowers discriminators in the first place. The increased costs associated with licensing, zoning, housing and building requirements kills many…
On April 1st, Indiana Governor Mike Pence requested a revision of his state’s recent “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” which, potentially allows for-profit businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexuality. The law spurred widespread boycott campaigns and in which individuals, as well as, state and local governments refused to do business in Indiana. Corporations such…
Em um texto para o blog da rede Students for Liberty (“Between Radicalism and Revolution: The Cautionary Tale of Students for a Democratic Society“, 6 de maio), Clark Ruper usa o exemplo dos Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) como alerta contra o sectarismo e a fragmentação dentro do movimento libertário. O movimento libertário, afirma…
These days, some policy makers are discussing rolling back America’s system of mass incarceration. Figures from Eric Holder to Rand Paul are proposing eliminating many mandatory minimum sentences. States like Colorado are legalizing marijuana. But while some policy makers talk about shrinking the prison state, prison expansion continues to be pushed and passed by legislators….
Vários estados americanos recentemente consideraram a aprovação de leis que permitem a discriminação contra pessoas LGBT. São leis baseadas na ideia de liberdade religiosa. Porém, qual é a resposta apropriada dos libertários de esquerda a essas leis? A resposta é a defesa de ações diretas. Se as leis forem aprovadas, nós, libertários de esquerda, devemos…
A linha de frente da igualdade esteve movimentada nos últimos dias. Algo que ganhou notoriedade nos EUA foi uma ação política no Tennessee que tinha como objetivo marginalizar a comunidade LGBTQ. O senador do estado Brian Kelsey introduziu um projeto de lei chamado “Afastando os gays”. Trata-se de uma lei que permitiria que as empresas…
Lots of action on the equality front the past few days. One story gaining national attention from Tennessee is a political action that serves to marginalize the LGBTQ community. State senator Brian Kelsey, of Memphis, has introduced a bill coined “turn the gays away.” This bill would allow businesses to refuse service to the LGBTQ community. According to the bill no “persons” will…
Today marks Transgender Day of Remembrance. On this day, transgender and gender non-conforming people join with our allies to mourn and memorialize the transgender and gender non-conforming people who have been killed for who they are. There’s a lot at stake here. Trans* people, particularly transgender women of color, face horrendous bigotry, violence, and murder….
Goodman: Human rights organizations shouldn’t be in the business of handing out awards, accolades and executive positions to human rights abusers.
When “progressive” Democrats profit from caging and abusing immigrants, the poor, people of color, transgender women, and LGBT youth, it’s time to leave the party.