Tag: privatization
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Christian Britschgi’s Lack of Object Permanence, del 2 maggio 2024. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Nota del traduttore: La permanenza dell’oggetto è la capacità di capire che un oggetto esiste anche quando non lo si percepisce più. Vedi anche qui. Christian Britschgi ha pubblicato su Reason (“Do Not Under Any…
Por Kevin Carson. Título original: Christian Britschgi’s Lack of Object Permanence, de 2 de maio de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Pedro H.S. Primo. No periódico Reason, Christian Britschgi (em “Sob quaisquer circunstâncias, não nacionalizem a Greyhound) celebra a americana e “extensiva rede de serviços de ônibus intermunicipais privados, que visa o lucro (e…
At Reason, Christian Britschgi (“Do Not Under Any Circumstances Nationalize Greyhound”) celebrates America’s “extensive network of private, for-profit (and profitable) intercity bus services primarily serving lower-income people” as “a great example of how the free market can provide an essential service without public subsidies.” There are a lot of questionable, or outright ahistorical, assumptions implicit…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Is the Market to Blame for Current Supply Chain Problems? del primo gennaio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. È dal picco della pandemia ad oggi (e forse oltre, data la comparsa improvvisa di Omicron) che noi, gli Stati Uniti in particolare, vediamo un imponente sconvolgimento delle catene logistiche. A chi chiede…
From the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to today (and likely to continue with the sudden rise of Omicron), we—speaking particularly of the U.S.—have seen a massive disruption in global supply chains. The obvious (and correct) answer to ‘why?’ is that labor is the basis of society, and when it—particularly that part involved in moving…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] There is an odd side to the American Dream. One deemed worthless long ago, by the Soviets, by the Maoists, by the BPP. There exists a culture of greed. Though most people lack an in-depth understanding of economic terms…
Di Ruairi McCallan. Originale pubblicato il 5 dicembre 2018 con il titolo Bolsonaro, Brazil & the Dangers of Free-Market Myopia. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Quando Jair Bolsonaro è stato eletto presidente del Brasile, molti hanno reagito prevedibilmente: choc, orrore, e incredulità per l’ascesa al potere di uno come Bolsonaro, un uomo che elogia apertamente il…
When Jair Bolsonaro became president-elect of Brazil, the reaction from many was as expected: shock, horror, and questions over just how Bolsonaro — a man who openly praised Brazil’s past dictatorship — came to power. Less expected was the ringing endorsement of Bolsonaro from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Praising Bolsonaro’s ability to give progressives,…
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato il 12 giugno 2018 con il titolo The Failure of Soviet Privatization. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Quando “Il Mercato” è Soltanto il Luogo dove si Riciclano i Soldi Insanguinati dello Statalismo Quando cadde l’Unione Sovietica, tra i programmi di “privatizzazione” c’era la distribuzione delle azioni delle aziende ai loro dipendenti….
When “The Market” Is Just Money Laundering the Bloodsoaked Riches of Statism When the USSR fell one of the “privatization” schemes was to just hand workers stock certificates in the companies they worked at. The problem of course was that the economy was seized up and everyone was starving. So gangsters and the children of…
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 14 maggio 2017 con il titolo Flint: Enclosure of the Water Commons. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La crisi idrica della città di Flint è nuovamente sulle cronache nazionali. Dopo il diciannove maggio, oltre ottomila residenti potranno vedersi ipotecata la casa per bollette non…
The Flint water crisis is back in the national news. Over 8,000 Flint residents now face tax liens on their homes for unpaid water bills after May 19th, and are faced with the possibility of losing their homes if they don’t pay the total amount in arrears. This follows last month’s mass water cutoffs for residences with unpaid bills.
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto maggio 2017 con il titolo If You Call It “School Choice,” You’ll Go to Hell. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Ci sono tra i libertari di destra delle sirene che inneggiano alle scuole private sovvenzionate usando l’eufemismo “libertà di scelta scolastica”, che è più…
Right-libertarian shills for school charterization like to use the euphemism “school choice,” which is about as misleading as referring to proprietary walled garden platforms like Uber as the “sharing economy.” The charter school movement’s inroads occur, almost without exception, in places where choice has been suppressed by the state. The Charter Mafia hates choice.
Center for a Stateless Society Senior Fellow Kevin Carson was recently interviewed by Andrew Stewart of the Rhode Island Media Cooperative on the issue of corporate water privatization, with an emphasis on commons-based ownership and cooperative management as an alternative. The interview podcast is now online here, along with a write-up by Stewart that hits…
In a Washington Post article (“What rich countries get wrong about poverty,” March 28), Ana Swanson summarizes an argument by Caroline Freund, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, as follows: “Blaming the super-rich for global poverty would be a mistake.” In fact it might reflect an erroneous “First World mindset.” (Note: I…
In a Feb. 1 article at Reason, Adrian Moore outlines his solution for the poison water crisis in Flint. He states his proposal straightforwardly enough in the title: “Here’s How to Fix Flint’s Water System: Privatize It.” This strikes me as curing the disease with more of the same disease. Some right-libertarians are sure to…
In their hasty scramble to blame the Flint water crisis on anything — anything at all — other than the regime of Emergency Managers and phony corporate “privatization” that Reason has been promoting for years in Michigan, Reason writers are forming a circular firing squad. Robby Soave, who had previously cheered on the Emergency Manager…
Anarchism & Non-Domination Will says that I “[c]learly come from an anarcho-capitalist, individualist, strain of anarchism, which is not necessarily well-versed in the social strands of anarchism that see anarchism as synonymous with participatory decision-making processes, rather than simply voluntary association.” First of all: I do not consider myself an anarcho-capitalist. I take “capitalism” as…
One proposal that periodically resurfaces in debates on managing endangered species is so-called “privatization.” Predictably, it has emerged once again in the context of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich safari-hunting dentist. Of course proposals for “privatization” generally come from the Right, and what they mean by it is reorganizing some…