Tag: ownership
Meritokrasi Omong Kosong
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul, Meritocracy is Bullshit diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. Dalam sebuah wawancara baru-baru ini dengan Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk menyatakan bahwa salah satu nilai yang dia anut adalah “meritokrasi, sebanyak mungkin meritokrasi, sehingga kamu bisa maju berdasarkan keterampilanmu, dan tidak ada yang lain.” “Meritokrasi” sering dianggap oleh kaum liberal sebagai sesuatu yang…
L’imbroglio della Meritocrazia
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 24 settembre 2024 con il titolo Meritocracy is Bullshit. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Intervistato recentemente da Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk dichiara che tra le cose che più ammira c’è “la meritocrazia, tanta meritocrazia: far carriera in base alla propria bravura e nient’altro.” La “meritocrazia” è una di…
Meritocracy is Bullshit
In a recent interview with Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk stated that one of his values was “meritocracy, as much meritocracy as possible, so you get ahead as a function of your skill, and nothing else.”  “Meritocracy” is often framed by liberals as a thing that would be good if we actually had it, as opposed…
Do Capital, Dos Mapas e Dos Terrenos
Por Kevin Carson. Artígo original: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, 1 de novembro de 2023. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Recentemente, deparei-me com uma print deste tuíte clássico de Arthur Chu: [‘O capitalismo fez seu iPhone’. Não! O TRABALHO fez seu iPhone, e ele faz as coisas sob quaisquer ismos. Estes apenas determinam…
Tre Falsi Argomenti con un Colpo Solo
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: John Tamny Hits the Trifecta of False Talking Points, del 24 gennaio 2024. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. John Tamny è vice presidente di FreedomWorks e direttore del Center for Economic Freedom, sempre di FreedomWorks. Scrivendo su Real Clear Markets, Tamny è riuscito a centrare tre argomenti falsi con un solo…
John Tamny Hits the Trifecta of False Talking Points
At Real Clear Markets, John Tamny — FreedomWorks Vice President and Director of the FreedomWorks Center for Economic Freedom — manages to fit an impressive number of fallacious talking points into one column. FreedomWorks, as you might know, is the outfit founded by Dick Armey — the crook extraordinaire who (along with fellow dumpster fires…
Il Capitale, la Mappa e il Territorio
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, del primo novembre 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Mi è capitato recentemente di leggere su Twitter questo classico di Arthur Chu: (Traduzione: “Il capitalismo fa il tuo iPhone”. No, è il LAVORATORE che fa le cose, quali che siano gli -ismi. Gli -ismi servono…
О деньгах, картах и территории
Kevin Carson. On Capital, Maps, and Terrain. November 1st, 2023. На днях я наткнулся на скрин этого классического старого твита Артура Чи: Каждый раз, когда такое высказывание появляется в социальных сетях, оно неизбежно вызывает огромное количество отзывов типа «рабочие не смогли бы ничего сделать, если бы им пришлось самостоятельно изготавливать запчасти и орудия труда.» К…
On Capital, Maps, and Terrain
I recently stumbled across a screenshot of this classic old tweet from Arthur Chu: Whenever such an observation appears on social media, it inevitably provokes a storm of responses along the lines of “workers wouldn’t be able to make anything if they had to make their own parts and tools.” For example, as part of…
Somos todos mutualistas?
De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Are We All Mutualists? de 8 de novembro 2015. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Cabe a mim, nesta saudação de abertura de um simpósio sobre a possessão da terra por ocupação e uso, também conhecida como propriedade usufrutória, escrever uma defesa dela. Seus defensores teóricos remontam, de alguma…
The Economics of the Black Bloc
The black bloc, at least as I have experienced it, is a very extreme departure from everyday economic life.  No one buys or sells anything — in fact, you shouldn’t even bring your wallet to something like this. They’ll use it to ID you. Instead, everyone gives everyone else things — if you need anything…
Market Dynamics Make Cop-Hating A Valuable Tool
The state depends on its cops to enforce private property. Without them present, the owners would have to hire private security to protect their property from seizure, and that is (due to economies of scale of which the state takes advantage) massively more expensive on the whole. So, one of the most effective ways to…
Il Futuro del Proudhonismo Digitale
Di Frank Miroslav. Originale pubblicato il 24 settembre 2018 con il titolo The Future of Digital Proudhonism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un recente articolo di Gavin Mueller per boundary 2 online journal, “Digital Proudhonism” è una critica marxista di quello che Mueller definisce “proudhonismo digitale”, un termine generico che indica chi crede che la tecnologia…
The Future of Digital Proudhonism
Gavin Mueller’s recent article for the boundary 2 online journal, “Digital Proudhonism” is a Marxist critique of what Mueller describes as “Digital Proudhonism,” a catchall term for those who believe that technology is lowering class barriers. Digital Proudhonism is not a formal ideology but rather an undercurrent expressed by a variety of individuals from all…
Aggression and the Environment on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Mary Ruwart‘s “Aggression and the Environment” read by Stepahnie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Whenever people do not pay the full cost of something they use, they have less incentive to conserve. For example, when people pay the same amount of taxes for solid waste disposal whether they recycle or…
Are We All Mutualists? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Are We All Mutualists?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. I consider a system avowedly based on occupancy-and-use, in which a piece of land becomes open for homesteading after some reasonable period of vacancy, to be the most desirable because it explicitly takes occupancy-based ownership as its goal and…
Are We All Mutualists?
Are We All Mutualists? Some General Comments on Occupancy-and-Use It falls to me, in this opening salvo in a symposium on occupancy-and-use land tenure, also known as usufructory property, to write a defense of it. Theoretical advocates of it go back, in some form, at least to Godwin and Paine in the Western tradition. I’m…
Could Commons-Based Resource Management Have Saved Cecil?
One proposal that periodically resurfaces in debates on managing endangered species is so-called “privatization.” Predictably, it has emerged once again in the context of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich safari-hunting dentist. Of course proposals for “privatization” generally come from the Right, and what they mean by it is reorganizing some…
Access Over Ownership
Among the barrage of selfies, South Korean pop sensations and videos of women twerking, it is easy to forget just how wonderful an invention the internet is. The ways it has been abused and sabotaged should not detract from the fact that it has the potential to bring about incredible change and influence. Since its inception…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory