Tag: Absentee land ownership
Reformasi Agraria Abad ke-20 di Guatemala dan Meksiko
Oleh: Eric F. Teks aslinya berjudul “20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Malcolm X pernah berkata bahwa semua “[r]evolusi adalah untuk tanah. Tanah merupakan fondasi bagi semua kemerdekaan. Tanah adalah fondasi untuk kebebasan, keadilan, dan kesetaraan.” Dari Gerakan Pekerja Tak Bertanah yang terpengaruh Marxisme di…
Reformas agrarias del siglo XX en Guatemala frente a México
De Eric F. Artículo original: 20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico, del 18 de mayo de 2023. Traducción al español por Camila Figueroa. Citas actualizadas el 20/7/23 Malcolm X dijo una vez que toda “[r]evolución se basa en la tierra. La tierra es la base de toda independencia. La tierra es la base…
Due Riforme Fondiarie del Novecento: Guatemala e Messico
Di Eric F. Originale pubblicato il 18 maggio 2023 con il titolo 20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Disse una volta Malcolm X che tutte “le rivoluzioni partono dalla terra. La terra è alla base dell’indipendenza. La terra è alla base della libertà, della giustizia e dell’eguaglianza.” Dal…
20th Century Land Reforms in Guatemala vs. Mexico
Malcolm X once said that all “[r]evolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality.” From the Marxist-influenced Landless Workers Movement seizing unused land in Brazil to Indigenous #LandBack efforts in North America, the struggle over land—both as a means of production and…
Damage Is Not Enough
Steven Greenhut, apparently filling in for Christian Britschgi as Reason’s resident landlord whisperer, recently voiced his concern that “The COVID-19 Pandemic Permanently Damaged Property Rights.”  I know proppity is a word to conjure with among right-libertarians. From my anarchist perspective, the term — as opposed to possession — carries far less weight. But I regard…
Somos todos mutualistas?
De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Are We All Mutualists? de 8 de novembro 2015. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Cabe a mim, nesta saudação de abertura de um simpósio sobre a possessão da terra por ocupação e uso, também conhecida como propriedade usufrutória, escrever uma defesa dela. Seus defensores teóricos remontam, de alguma…
Frank Chodorov
Frank Chodorov (2/15/1887-12/28/1966) was a libertarian’s libertarian. Born in New York’s lower East Side and brought up on the lower West Side, his inspiration was his father, an immigrant peddler who worked hard and built a successful department store (his “mother operated a lunch room in the rear of the store”), the bequest to his…
Are We All Mutualists? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Are We All Mutualists?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. I consider a system avowedly based on occupancy-and-use, in which a piece of land becomes open for homesteading after some reasonable period of vacancy, to be the most desirable because it explicitly takes occupancy-based ownership as its goal and…
Networked and Distributed Communities
Networked and Distributed Communities Kevin Carson’s Final Rejoinders This final set of rejoinders to the other participants’ second replies to me, where they made them, is not meant in any way to be comprehensive. It touches only on a few points I especially wanted to address. And anyone who responds to me after this will…
Occupancy-and-Use Reflects Moral Imperatives
Occupancy-and-Use Reflects Moral Imperatives …Implied by Land’s Unique Scarcity, Kevin Carson responds to Jason Byas Jason starts out by accepting my blurred lines between Lockeanism and occupancy-and-use, and agreeing that the difference between them is largely a matter of degree: Non-Proviso Lockeanism is just occupancy-and-use with a higher threshold for constructive abandonment. And the proper…
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy and Use Spectrum
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy-and-Use Spectrum Jason Byas’s Response to Kevin Carson Are We All Mutualists Now? Maybe: Lockeanism as Occupancy & Use The first thing to say in response to Kevin Carson’s opening essay is that he’s largely right. As this exchange’s representative Rothbardian, I agree with his suggestion that the differences…
Georgist Occupancy with Rent
Georgist Occupancy with Rent Community Rent Results in Fair and Optimal Use If a person has title to land, and pays its economic rent to the relevant community, then that person is, in effect, occupying the land. The economic rent is what a competitive tenant bids for the best use of the land. Suppose a…
Use-and-Occupancy: Practical Issues
Use-and-Occupancy: Practical Issues Robert Kirchner’s Response to Kevin Carson I have no desire to exchange ‘salvos’ with anybody, least of all Kevin Carson, whose work I greatly admire, who has greatly helped me to clarify my own thought on a range of economic and political issues, and who has strengthened my hope in anarchist strategies…
Are We All Mutualists?
Are We All Mutualists? Some General Comments on Occupancy-and-Use It falls to me, in this opening salvo in a symposium on occupancy-and-use land tenure, also known as usufructory property, to write a defense of it. Theoretical advocates of it go back, in some form, at least to Godwin and Paine in the Western tradition. I’m…