Tag: right-libertarian
Kevin Carson. Supply and Demand: A Quibble. May 20th, 2023. Ши Санаязи из Хэмптонского института утверждает «Жилищный Рынок Определяется Классовой Властью и Прибылью, а Не «Спросом и Предложением»: «Правда в том, что… наши условия как арендаторов определяются балансом классовых сил, а не балансом спроса и предложения». Конечно, я знаю, что они имеют в виду. В…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: John Tamny Hits the Trifecta of False Talking Points, del 24 gennaio 2024. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. John Tamny è vice presidente di FreedomWorks e direttore del Center for Economic Freedom, sempre di FreedomWorks. Scrivendo su Real Clear Markets, Tamny è riuscito a centrare tre argomenti falsi con un solo…
At Real Clear Markets, John Tamny — FreedomWorks Vice President and Director of the FreedomWorks Center for Economic Freedom — manages to fit an impressive number of fallacious talking points into one column. FreedomWorks, as you might know, is the outfit founded by Dick Armey — the crook extraordinaire who (along with fellow dumpster fires…
Kevin Carson. Article original: “Supply and Demand:” A Quibble, 20 mai 2019. Traduction française par Éléazar. À l’Institut Hampton, Shi Sanyazi soutient que « Le prix du logement est déterminé par le rapport de classe et le profit, et non par « l’offre et la demande » » : En verité… notre condition en tant…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 20 maggio 2023 con il titolo “Supply and Demand”: A Quibble. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Scrive Shi Sanyazi sul sito del Hampton Institute: “I prezzi delle case dipendono dai poteri di classe e dal profitto, non dalla domanda ed offerta”: La verità è che…, in quanto affittuari, dipendiamo dall’equilibrio…
Recently on Facebook, left-libertarian activist Brianna Coyle posted: Radical idea: The amount of freedom someone has in their life shouldn’t be dependent on how much money they have, or whether or not they own property. “Freedom of association” in the context of property rights is a privilege afforded only to those who own property. Freedom…
At Reason (“The Government Wants To Cap Credit Card Late Fees. It Will Hurt the Poor“), Veronique de Rugy shows levels of compassion for the poor suffering banks that hasn’t been seen since John Stossel condemned the immorality of walking away from underwater mortgages. De Rugy starts off on a note seemingly calculated to alienate…
At the Hampton Institute, Shi Sanyazi argues that “Housing is Determined By Class Power and Profit, Not ‘Supply and Demand’”: “The truth is that… our conditions as tenants are determined by the balance of class power, not the balance of supply and demand. I know what they mean, of course. In the economic discourse between…
De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Are We All Mutualists? de 8 de novembro 2015. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Cabe a mim, nesta saudação de abertura de um simpósio sobre a possessão da terra por ocupação e uso, também conhecida como propriedade usufrutória, escrever uma defesa dela. Seus defensores teóricos remontam, de alguma…
In most American political discourse, freedom and equality are treated as inversely related: that is, economic freedom can only be increased at the expense of raising inequality, and economic equality can only be increased at the expense of reducing economic freedom. But at Stumbling and Mumbling blog, Chris Dillow (“Inequality against freedom,” Feb. 23) shows…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Are We All Mutualists?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. I consider a system avowedly based on occupancy-and-use, in which a piece of land becomes open for homesteading after some reasonable period of vacancy, to be the most desirable because it explicitly takes occupancy-based ownership as its goal and…
Are We All Mutualists? Some General Comments on Occupancy-and-Use It falls to me, in this opening salvo in a symposium on occupancy-and-use land tenure, also known as usufructory property, to write a defense of it. Theoretical advocates of it go back, in some form, at least to Godwin and Paine in the Western tradition. I’m…
Just like use of the first Thanksgiving as a cudgel against the commons, defenses of Ebenezer Scrooge like this Christmas’s Mises Daily article “Correcting Scrooge’s Economics” and Bleeding Heart Libertarians post “Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge!” (“Scrooge, then, isn’t as bad as he’s made out to be.”) are a year’s-end holiday perennial on certain parts of the libertarian right: Yaron…