Tag: Henry George
Reconciling the Insights of Marx and George
A Comparative Review “Capital is dead labor, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks.” – Karl Marx, Capital Volume One; Chapter 10 “The association of poverty with progress is the great enigma of our times . . . So long as all the increased wealth…
Vergilendirmeye, Kamu Bütçelerine ve Katılımcı Bütçelemeye Yönelik Devlet Karşıtı Duruşa Bir Giriş
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Eric Fleischmann tarafından kaleme alınmış. 28 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde “An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Vergilendirme ve dolayısıyla kamu bütçelerine ilişkin en açık ve bariz devletçilik karşıtı tutum (her ne kadar birincisi ikincisinin tek kaynağı olmasa da) bunların azaltılması ya da tamamen kaldırılmasıdır…
Una guía antiestatista para principiantes sobre (impuestos, presupuestos públicos, y) presupuestos participativos
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting. Traducido en español por Diego Avila. La posición antiestatista más contundente y obvia en relación con los impuestos y, en consecuencia, con los presupuestos públicos (aunque los primeros no son la única fuente de los segundos) es su reducción…
Somos todos mutualistas?
De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Are We All Mutualists? de 8 de novembro 2015. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Cabe a mim, nesta saudação de abertura de um simpósio sobre a possessão da terra por ocupação e uso, também conhecida como propriedade usufrutória, escrever uma defesa dela. Seus defensores teóricos remontam, de alguma…
Manuale Antistato del Bilancio Partecipato (nonché Finanze Pubbliche e Tassazione)
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 28 luglio 2020 con il titolo An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In materia di tassazione e conseguente finanza pubblica (anche se la prima non è l’unica fonte della seconda), l’atteggiamento più drastico e evidente, diffuso tra i centristi e…
An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting
The most blunt and obvious anti-statist position regarding taxation and consequently public budgets (although the former is not the sole source of the latter) is their reduction or complete abolition, and this is often how it is treated amongst centrist and right-wing libertarians. For example, Murray Rothbard writes that the principled approach should be “to…
When Warmed Over Georgism Becomes Neoliberalism
I have a personal rule — I think you should never review a book that you strongly disagree with or strongly agree with. If you entirely agree, then a “review” would be nothing more than an echo. But if you strongly disagree there’s also little point to writing a review, the disagreements cannot be isolated…
Disuguaglianza Come Gioco a Somma Zero
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato l’undici febbraio 2016 con il titolo Inequality is a Zero-Sum Game. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un recente commento (“Economic Inequality”, gennaio 2016), l’investitore Paul Graham difende la disuguaglianza dicendo che non è necessariamente il risultato di un gioco a somma zero. Solitamente non lo è, dice. E accusa “gli…
On Trade, Sanders and Trump Are Peas in a Rotten Pod
Neither Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist, nor Donald Trump, the self-described terrific businessman, knows squat about economics. If their polices were enacted, regular working people would be harmed. This is most clear with trade. Sanders and Trump are flaming protectionists, which means they peddle perhaps the oldest, most-thoroughly discredited economics doctrine ever spoken. (An…
Frank Chodorov
Frank Chodorov (2/15/1887-12/28/1966) was a libertarian’s libertarian. Born in New York’s lower East Side and brought up on the lower West Side, his inspiration was his father, an immigrant peddler who worked hard and built a successful department store (his “mother operated a lunch room in the rear of the store”), the bequest to his…
Inequality is a Zero-Sum Game
In a recent commentary (“Economic Inequality,” January 2016), venture capitalist Paul Graham defends inequality on the grounds that it’s not necessarily the result of a zero-sum game. In fact, he says, it’s usually not. He accuses “the most naive” critics of growing levels of economic inequality of starting out from “the pie fallacy: that the…
Are We All Mutualists? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Are We All Mutualists?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. I consider a system avowedly based on occupancy-and-use, in which a piece of land becomes open for homesteading after some reasonable period of vacancy, to be the most desirable because it explicitly takes occupancy-based ownership as its goal and…
Land Appraisers Need Not Be Corrupted
Land Appraisers Need Not Be Corrupted Existing Land Trusts Provide Us Ample Evidence While the rents of a land trust could be started with competitive bidding, I agree with Robert Kirchner that there should not be continuous bidding for plots of land. The land rents would be appraised by professionals. Robert is concerned that the…
The Attractions of Geo-Mutualism
The Attractions of Geo-Mutualism Appraisers Begone! I am neither a philosopher, nor an economist, nor a political scientist, and so I’ve found myself a bit out of my scholarly depth in this symposium. Prior to these exchanges, I had only slight understanding of Georgist land use proposals, and it had not occurred to me that…
Occupancy-and-Use Reflects Moral Imperatives
Occupancy-and-Use Reflects Moral Imperatives …Implied by Land’s Unique Scarcity, Kevin Carson responds to Jason Byas Jason starts out by accepting my blurred lines between Lockeanism and occupancy-and-use, and agreeing that the difference between them is largely a matter of degree: Non-Proviso Lockeanism is just occupancy-and-use with a higher threshold for constructive abandonment. And the proper…
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy and Use Spectrum
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy-and-Use Spectrum Jason Byas’s Response to Kevin Carson Are We All Mutualists Now? Maybe: Lockeanism as Occupancy & Use The first thing to say in response to Kevin Carson’s opening essay is that he’s largely right. As this exchange’s representative Rothbardian, I agree with his suggestion that the differences…
Georgist System is Prudential
Georgist System is Prudential Land Ownership Monopoly Results in Enslavement Kevin claims that I deny occupancy and use is relevant to legitimate appropriation. Kevin states that the choice of rules regarding the ownership of land “is a prudential matter.” However, if one believes that there exists a universal morality, an ethic that transcends culture and is…
Community Land Tax Negates True Ownership
Community Land Tax Negates True Ownership …and Indirectly Reinforces State Capitalism Fred begins by denying that occupancy and use is relevant to legitimate appropriation, so long as the “person has title to land, and pays its economic rent to the relevant community”; meeting such criteria amounts, “in effect, [to] occupying the land.” So in the…
Georgist Occupancy with Rent
Georgist Occupancy with Rent Community Rent Results in Fair and Optimal Use If a person has title to land, and pays its economic rent to the relevant community, then that person is, in effect, occupying the land. The economic rent is what a competitive tenant bids for the best use of the land. Suppose a…
Geo-Mutualist Depictions of Occupancy-and-Use Fall Flat
Geo-Mutualist Depictions of Occupancy-and-Use Fall Flat Carson Adresses Schnack’s Criticisms Will begins by questioning the extent to which non-Proviso Lockeanism and occupancy-and-use really do occupy a single “stickiness” spectrum: …[H]e acknowledges … that mutualism and neo-Lockeanism may exist on a spectrum in regards to conventions relating to abandonment and community reclamation. It is implied that capitalists…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory