Tag: democratic party
O que podemos Fazer?
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: What Can We Do? primeiro de janeiro 2025. Traduzido para o português por Nico. No curto prazo, nosso foco deveria estar nos elementos discutidos pelo camarada de C4SS William Gillis, oito anos atrás, após a eleição de Trump para seu primeiro mandato: minimizar nossa exposição ao perigo, e construir infraestruturas…
Apa yang Bisa Kita Lakukan?
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “What Can We Do?” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Dalam jangka pendek, fokus kita harus pada apa yang telah kawan William Gillis dari C4SS diskusikan delapan tahun lalu pasca kemenangan periode pertama Trump: Meminimalisir paparan terhadap bahaya dan membangun infrastruktur untuk dukungan, perlindungan, dan mutual-aid. Kelly…
What Can We Do?
In the short term, our focus should be on the things C4SS comrade William Gillis discussed eight years ago in the aftermath of Trump’s election to his first term:  minimizing our exposure to harm, and building an infrastructure for support, protection and mutual aid. Kelly Hayes sums up this general approach as well as anyone…
Ulasan Buku: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Book Review: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism.” DIterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Bernie Sanders. It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism. With John Nichols (New York: Crown, 2023). Buku Sanders berfokus pada dua masalah yang harus dihadapi rakyat Amerika. Dia menyatakannya di awal sekali….
Il Doppio Taglio delle Armi Personali
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale: The Duality of Private Gun Ownership, del 21 luglio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Voglio essere chiaro. Sono tra i sostenitori del possesso personale delle armi perché, da anarchico, credo che sia utile che la popolazione possa, all’occorrenza, opporsi al monopolio della forza statale. Ciononostante, sono molto critico verso la…
Book Review: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism
Sanders’ book centers on two tasks facing the American people. He states them at the outset. First: These Americans [the predominantly younger voters who supported Sanders’ candidacy] understand that proposals that tinker around the edges are an insufficient response to the enormous crises we face. For them, there is a rapidly growing recognition that this…
The Duality of Private Gun Ownership
I’ll keep this short. I count myself among the defenders of private gun ownership, because I am an anarchist and I see utility in having a population that can challenge the state monopoly on violence if needed. Despite this, I am highly critical of right wing gun culture and it’s simple manichean narratives that cast…
Why American Progressives Won’t Ever Seriously Address Mass Killings
This piece is an offshoot commentary on certain elements touched upon in a recent essay by Spooky, so it will make the most sense if one reads that first. Any quotes in the essay below, unless otherwise indicated by mention or link, are from Spooky’s essay. Since the Republicans—and any overlap with those political circles—are…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 133
Daniel Mccarthy discusses a book on war for the Greater Middle East. Stephen Kinzer discusses two books critical of American foreign policy. Sheldon Richman discusses Trump’s miconceptions about NATO. Trevir Timm discusses the renewed U.S. bombing of Libya. Alex Emmons discusses the new military campaign against ISIS in Libya. Ted Rall discusses Khizr Khan and…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 132
Michael Swanson discusses a book on Allen Dulles ~ I don’t agree with the JFK conspiracy stuff in it. Andrew J. Bacevich discusses the kill em all solution to terrorism. Jonathan Marshall discusses Afghanistan as President Obama’s Vietnam. Tom Engelhardt discusses the future. Rhania Khalek discusses neocons for Hilary. Thaddeus Russell discuses the dangerous and…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 91
Patrap Chatterjeee discusses the lack of lone rangers in drone warfare. Phillip Magness discusses the Civil War from a classical liberal perspective. Cory Massimino discusses what libertarians are ahead of the curve on. Norman Solomon discusses perpetual war and Democratic Party enablers. Stephen Zunes discusses Hilary Clinton’s stance on BDS. Neera K. Badhwar discusses pathologies…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 59
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz discusses the myth of Thanksgiving. Uri Avnery discusses new right-wing bills up for passage in Israel. Nicola Nasser discusses recent bombings in Palestine. Jonathan Schell discusses Nick Turse’s book on Vietnam. Annabelle Bamforth discusses a new report on drone deaths. Ivan Eland discusses the Afghan war. Lew Rockwell discusses how the presidents are…
Smarter Red-Baiters, Please!
When I saw A. Barton Hinkle’s hit job on the Wobblies (“Meet the Left-Wing Extremist Running for U.S. Senate,” Reason, September 3), I had to double-check to make sure I was on the right website. Was it FrontPage Magazine? Breitbart? Nope — it was Reason! Reason prints some fairly right-leaning stuff, but seldom anything like…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 37
Andy Piascik discusses how war is everywhere. Anthony Papa discusses the stories of drug war prisoners. Timothy Karr discusses crony capitalists in Congress. Kevin Carson discusses so called “free trade” agreements. Jesse Walker discusses why the U.S. should stay out of Iraq. Andrew Levine discusses imperial stupidity. Sheldon Richman discusses the effects of imperialism in…
Jane Marquardt: “Progressive” Prison Profiteer
When “progressive” Democrats profit from caging and abusing immigrants, the poor, people of color, transgender women, and LGBT youth, it’s time to leave the party.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory