Tag: minimum wage
…Be a Shame If Somebody Tried to Falsify It The Foundation for Economic Education’s specialty is making “arguments” via the uncritical assertion of right-wing talking points. If anybody’s the go-to guy for that, it’s Walter Block — especially when if it’s the worn-out “minimum wages cause unemployment” talking point (“Will an Increase in the Minimum…
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: The Weird Correlation Between “Understanding Economics” and Payola, de 6 de outubro 2024. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Desde antes de nascermos, os textos defensores da tese segundo a qual “o aumento do salário mínimo causa desemprego” vêm sendo o cigarro Hollywood diário nos sites propagandistas do libertarianismo…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 6 ottobre 2024 con il titolo The Weird Correlation Between “Understanding Economics” and Payola. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Molti di voi non erano neanche nati quando siti propagandistici libertari di destra come Foundation for Economic Education quasi hanno cominciato a pubblicare sviolinate quotidiane a base di numeri…
For more years than most of us have been alive, by-the-numbers “minimum wage increases cause unemployment” puff pieces have been an almost daily staple at right-libertarian propaganda sites like Foundation for Economic Education. As I remark every time I see one — more than once in written commentary — these people demonstrate a lack of…
At Reason (“The Government Wants To Cap Credit Card Late Fees. It Will Hurt the Poor“), Veronique de Rugy shows levels of compassion for the poor suffering banks that hasn’t been seen since John Stossel condemned the immorality of walking away from underwater mortgages. De Rugy starts off on a note seemingly calculated to alienate…
Original: An Anarchist Case for UBI, de Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Traduzido para o Português por Gabriel Serpa. A Renda Básica Universal (RBU) tem ganhado os holofotes durante esta corrida eleitoral, graças a Andrew Yang e seus apoiadores. Desde que ele começou sua campanha em favor dela, outros candidatos têm sido questionados sobre a possibilidade de…
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is quickly becoming a hot topic this presidential cycle due to the likes of Andrew Yang and his supporters. Since he began his campaign, many other candidates have been interrogated about their support for the idea and more and more are responding positively, even if half-heartedly. Sadly some, such as Bernie…
There are many different arguments against the Minimum Wage. One less prominent criticism of the idea is the fact that it restricts entrepreneurship: especially from those with low incomes. It is worth conceptually exploring how this happens. To begin with, when a Minimum Wage is instituted, there are layoffs.
Arguing against the Minimum Wage has often been the preserve of the ‘right’ (presuming the simplistic and problematic left-right dichotomy that we impose as a conceptual framework to make sense of contemporary politics); however, the ‘left’ also suffers heavily from the Minimum Wage and, despite it purporting to be a pro-poor law, it works to…
Last week, I attended a local Fight for $15 rally with some fellow Wobblies and other union organizers and supporters. Echoes of rally cries demanding, “$15 and a union,” filled the streets outside of a local McDonald’s as fast food and child services workers from the Tampa and Orlando, Florida area, mostly workers of color,…
How can you tell an American progressive from an American radical? A progressive laments the condition of working people and proposes to further empower the government. A radical laments the condition of working people and proposes to empower individuals by diminishing the power of government. Of course government power and individual power differ in kind:…
A call to raise the minimum wage is happening all over the United States, a call Michigan just answered. The way Michigan went about implementing the raise is a different story, which may also shine light on how other states may implement their changes. Michigan’s Public Act 138 of 2014 to raise the minimum wage is…
In the airport-turned-town of Seatac, Washington, a ballot proposal to institute a $15/hour minimum wage clings to a narrow lead and faces a certain recount, while in Seattle a state socialist candidate has won election to the city council on a platform including a $15/hour minimum wage for the entire city. Across the United States,…