Tag: Marx
ว่าด้วยทุน แผนที่ และภูมิประเทศ
โดย เควิน คาร์สัน เควิน คาร์สัน. บทความต้นฉบับ: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain 1 พฤศจิกายน 2023. แปลเป็นภาษาไทยโดย Kin ผมบังเอิญเจอภาพสกรีนช็อตของทวิตคลาสสิกของอาร์เธอร์ ฉู อันนี้ ทุกครั้งที่ข้อสังเกตลักษณะนี้ปรากฏในสื่อออนไลน์ มันมักจะกระตุ้นให้เกิดกระแสโต้กลับอย่างเลี่ยงไม่ได้ในทำนองว่า “คนงานไม่มีทางทำอะไรได้เลยถ้าต้องคอยสร้างอุปกรณ์และเครื่องไม้เครื่องมือของตัวเอง” ตัวอย่างเช่น เพื่อฉลองวันเกิดของอดัม สมิธ ในเดือนมิถุนายนที่ผ่านมา นิตยสาร Reason ได้ตีพิมพ์ชุดบทความซึ่งหนึ่งในนั้นคือการ์ตูนของปีเตอร์ บัคเคอ ซึ่งมีภาพวิญญาณของสมิธกำลังแอบฟังบทสนทนาระหว่างคาร์ล มาร์กซ์ กับฟรีดริช เองเกลส์ ในภาพ เองเกลส์กล่าวอย่างจริงจัง (พร้อมทุบโต๊ะด้วยสีหน้าบึ้งตึง) ว่า “ยังไงซะ ทรัพย์สินส่วนบุคคลก็ต้องถูกล้มเลิกไป…หลังจากนั้นแรงงานจะบริหารโรงงานด้วยตัวของพวกเขาเอง” สมิธซึ่งดูสับสนตอบกลับว่า “จริงเหรอ ทำยังไงนะ พวกเขาจะซ่อมแซม ขยาย หรือปรับปรุงโรงงานพวกนั้นยังไง สิ่งเหล่านี้ต้องใช้ทุนไม่ใช่เหรอ” ไม่นานมานี้ บนเฟซบุ๊ก มีคนโพสต์มีมเกี่ยวกับแรงงานที่ผลิตสินค้าได้ 3,000 ชิ้นต่อชั่วโมง แต่ค่าจ้างต่อหนึ่งชั่วโมงที่พวกเขาได้รับกลับซื้อสินค้าได้แค่สามชิ้น คอมเมนต์ตอบกลับเต็มไปด้วยข้อความเช่น “ใช้เครื่องจักรที่มีราคาถึง…
Membela Kaum Luddite
Oleh: Dawie Coetzee, Teks aslinya berjudul Vindicating the Luddites, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. Saya sudah lama mempertahankan pandangan yang sama – kira-kira di mana ujung anarkis Distributisme Chestertonian bertemu dengan ujung individualis Mutualisme Proudhon – sehingga saya berani mengusulkan bahwa menjadi sasaran kritik dari kedua sisi dalam dikotomi palsu merupakan indikasi kuat bahwa seseorang mungkin melakukan…
La Rivincita dei Luddisti
Di Dawie Coetzee. Originale: Vindicating the Luddites, del 23 giugno 2022. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. È da così tanto tempo che mantengo la stessa posizione (più o meno dove il distributismo chestertoniano incontra il lato individualista del mutualismo proudhoniano) che comincio a pensare di aver ragione perché vengo criticato da entrambi i rami…
Do Capital, Dos Mapas e Dos Terrenos
Por Kevin Carson. Artígo original: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, 1 de novembro de 2023. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Recentemente, deparei-me com uma print deste tuíte clássico de Arthur Chu: [‘O capitalismo fez seu iPhone’. Não! O TRABALHO fez seu iPhone, e ele faz as coisas sob quaisquer ismos. Estes apenas determinam…
Il Capitale, la Mappa e il Territorio
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: On Capital, Maps, and Terrain, del primo novembre 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Mi è capitato recentemente di leggere su Twitter questo classico di Arthur Chu: (Traduzione: “Il capitalismo fa il tuo iPhone”. No, è il LAVORATORE che fa le cose, quali che siano gli -ismi. Gli -ismi servono…
О деньгах, картах и территории
Kevin Carson. On Capital, Maps, and Terrain. November 1st, 2023. На днях я наткнулся на скрин этого классического старого твита Артура Чи: Каждый раз, когда такое высказывание появляется в социальных сетях, оно неизбежно вызывает огромное количество отзывов типа «рабочие не смогли бы ничего сделать, если бы им пришлось самостоятельно изготавливать запчасти и орудия труда.» К…
On Capital, Maps, and Terrain
I recently stumbled across a screenshot of this classic old tweet from Arthur Chu: Whenever such an observation appears on social media, it inevitably provokes a storm of responses along the lines of “workers wouldn’t be able to make anything if they had to make their own parts and tools.” For example, as part of…
Kapan Kapitalisme Bukan Kapitalisme?
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “When is Capitalism Not Capitalism?” Diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru Seperti yang digunakan oleh para apologis sayap kanan untuk “kapitalisme pasar bebas” (oksimoron jika pernah ada), kapitalisme adalah sumber dari segala sesuatu yang baik di dunia — tetapi juga sesuatu yang tidak pernah ada. Dan itu beralih berulang-ulang dari satu ke…
El Fin de la Anarquía – Una Introducción
De Shane Ross. Artículo original: The End of Anarchy – An Introduction, del 20 de enero de 2022. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Leer a Proudhon, para muchos pensadores no mutualistas más allá de la academia anarquista, es irrisorio. Los comunistas anarquistas insistirán en que Bakunin, Kropotkin y Bookchin amplían a Proudhon, dejando vacía la promesa…
Vindicating the Luddites
I have for so long held the same ground – roughly where the anarchic end of Chestertonian Distributism overlaps the individualist end of Proudhonian Mutualism – that I am willing to go so far as to propose as a rule that getting it in the neck from both sides of a false dichotomy is a…
Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation
View or download a PDF copy of Eric Fleischmann’s C4SS Study here: Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation Introduction One of the most famous theories forwarded by Karl Marx is that of historical materialism—although Marx himself apparently never used that exact term in his work [1]. To put it succinctly, Merriam-Webster defines historical…
The End of Anarchy – An Introduction
To read Proudhon, to many non-mutualist thinkers beyond anarchist academia, is laughable. Anarchist communists will insist that Bakunin, Kropotkin and Bookchin expand on Proudhon, rendering the original mutualist promise as empty (ironic considering the massive amount Bakunin took directly from Proudhon.) Anarchist capitalists insist that his theories were flawed, socialist, and/or didn’t rely on the…
NFT, la Fregatura per il Lavoratore
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 16 novembre 2021 con il titolo NFT Suck for Labor. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Dico subito che non sono un tecnofilo. Sono solo un tifoso dell’open-source e delle tecnologie eque, paritarie e decentrate; per il resto, sono a livello di Playstation.[1] Ci sono però certi aspetti del mondo tecnologico…
NFTs Suck for Labor
It’s best to start this piece off by admitting that I am not particularly tech-savvy. I am a cheerleader for open-source, peer-to-peer, decentralized, appropriate, etc. technology, but, otherwise, I am only about as knowledgeable about this stuff as your average zoomer [1]. However, some things in the technological and digital world appear quite obvious to…
Di ZH. Originale: #redefinework, 29 luglio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Sono il fondatore e direttore esecutivo della Automotive Free Clinic (AFC). La AFC è una libera autocarrozzeria a basso costo di Prattville, Alabama, una cittadina appena fuori Montgomery, progettata secondo i principi del mutuo aiuto e della teoria del valore lavoro di Marx. Nasciamo…
I am the founding Executive Director of The Automotive Free Clinic. The AFC is a free and low cost automotive repair shop in Prattville, Alabama, a small town outside of Montgomery, that was designed on the principles of mutual aid and Marx’s labor theory of value. We were founded in March of 2020 as a…
I Am Antifa
If the United States has become gradually less religious, it has simultaneously become entrenched in the quasi-religious ideology of its own corrupt two-party system. Devout liberals figuratively cross themselves, reaffirming their faith in a democratic savior come November–clinging to their faith in democracy without realizing that the system they think will save them is the…
Mathematical Optimization and the Economic Calculation Problem
In 1939, Leonid Kantorovich, a Soviet mathematician, came up with a formulation for optimization problems called linear programming (LP) after being tasked with planning production in the plywood industry during World War 2. A linear program is a constrained optimization problem with a linear objective function that is maximized or minimized subject to linear equality…
Long Live Anarchy: An Interview with Robert Anton Wilson (Part 1)
At some point in the late fifties or early sixties, Pacifica Radio’s Charlie Hayden interviewed the inimitable Robert Anton Wilson on all things anarchism. Wilson waxes poetic on anarchism’s foundations and answers some challenging questions from a presumable skeptic in Hayden. While the exact date of the interview is unknown, the early to mid-sixties appear…
When is Capitalism Not Capitalism?
As used by right-wing apologists for “free market capitalism” (an oxymoron if ever there was one), capitalism is the source of everything good in the world — but also something that never existed. And it switches repeatedly back and forth from one to the other, every couple of sentences, in the same argument. I learned…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory