Tag: logan marie glitterbomb
Imposto é roubo: um guia anarquista sobre tributação
Por Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Artigo original: Taxation is Theft: An Anarchist Guide to Taxation, de 01/09/2024. Traduzido em português por Estefano E. “Taxem os ricos” é um bordão muito comum na esquerda que, graças a sua união, ecoou até mesmo entre vários auto-proclamados anarquistas. “Imposto é roubo”, por outro lado, é um slogan que vários…
Pajak adalah Pencurian: Panduan Anarkis Tentang Pajak
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb | @MakhnoTits, Teks aslinya berjudul Taxation is Theft: An Anarchist Guide to Taxation, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. “Kenakan pajak pada orang kaya” adalah seruan yang sering terdengar dari kaum kiri, yang berkat persatuan kiri, bahkan telah diulangi oleh banyak orang yang mengaku sebagai anarkis. Di sisi lain, “Pajak adalah pencurian” adalah slogan yang banyak…
Taxation is Theft: An Anarchist Guide to Taxation
“Tax the rich” is an all too common refrain on the left which, thanks to left unity, has even been echoed by many self-proclaimed anarchists. “Taxation is theft” on the other hand is a slogan many anarchists are hesitant to repeat due to its association with right-libertarians despite it being far more consistent with anarchist…
Perpustakaan Menawarkan Model Ekonomi Berbagi
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah dan Boggy MS Ketika istilah “ekonomi berbagi” menjadi populer saat ini, seringkali yang muncul adalah pemikiran mengenai aplikasi seperti Uber, Lyft, atau AirBNB, tetapi aplikasi semacam itu tidak lebih dari upaya untuk menopang merek ekonomi berbagi…
The Enragés: A Shared Future with Logan Marie Glitterbomb
​​For the (very delayed) 19th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by Logan Glitterbomb (@MakhnoTits) to discuss Logan’s article Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy (https://c4ss.org/content/55523).  A Catholic anarchist-without-adjectives, Logan Marie discovered anarchism through the punk scene in high school and went on to join the Industrial Workers of…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Logan Marie Glitterbomb on Agorism, Manifold Coloured Markets, Mardi Gras, and Gun Control
This month we are joined by Logan Marie Glitterbomb, leading an awesome conversation about the fundamentals of Agorism, as well as its lesser-known forms and environmentalist potential. We’re also talking about Mardi Gras, Logan’s legal incident, gun control and more. A Catholic anarchist-without-adjectives, Logan Marie discovered anarchism through the punk scene in high school and…
URGENT: Logan Glitterbomb Needs Your Help
 Logan Marie Glitterbomb – a longtime IWW organizer, one of the Center’s most prolific writers, and a close friend of mine – is at risk of being unhoused. She needs $3000 by the end of the month, or she and her roommate will be homeless. Logan is a disabled trans woman whose access to…
Green Market Agorist Episode 19: Reconciling Social Ecology & Market Anarchism (feat. Mason Herson-Hord of the Institute for Social Ecology)
Can the market anarchist and social ecologist perspectives be reconciled? In this episode of Green Market Agorist, Logan interviews Mason Herson-Hord, an organizer and writer who also serves on the board of the Institute for Social Ecology. They discuss ecological philosophy, Mason’s work, and how markets and ecology might fit together. Now more than ever, these…
Bibliotecas Ofrecen un Modelo para la Economía Colaborativa
Autor: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Fuente: Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy del 15 de noviembre 2021. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Cuando el término «economía colaborativa» se escucha hoy en día, a menudo evoca pensamientos sobre aplicaciones como Uber, Lyft o AirBNB, pero estas aplicaciones son poco más que intentos de apropiarse…
Green Market Agorist Episode 18: From Nazi Bonehead to Libertarian Anarchist (feat. MilitiaSlim)
In this month’s episode, Logan Marie Glitterbomb talks with YouTuber MilitiaSlim about his recruitment into white supremacy as a teenager and his evolution into an anti-racist skinhead. Find MilitiaSlim on YouTube here. Credits: Intro song: Greenwashing by Appalachian Terror Unit Outro song: Secrets (Grooving mix) by Zoë Blade —————————————————————————————— Donate to Logan’s legal fund!  …
La Biblioteca, un Esempio per l’economia della Condivisione
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale dal titolo Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy, pubblicato il 15 novembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’espressione “economia della condivisione” è spesso associata ad applicazioni come Uber, Lyft o AirBNB, che sono poco più di un tentativo di cooptare il marchio dell’economia della condivisione senza seguirne i…
Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] When the term “sharing economy” is heard nowadays, it often conjures up thoughts of apps such as Uber, Lyft, or AirBNB, but such apps are little more than attempts at coopting the branding of the sharing economy while not…
Green Market Agorist Episode 17: What is C4SS? (feat. C4SS)
Don’t let the title fool you. Even if you’ve been a C4SS supporter for years, Logan Marie Glitterbomb’s deep dive into the center’s history and mission is a good listen for fellow travelers of all stripes. You might be surprised to learn that not everything you read on Twitter is true… —————————————————————————————— Donate to Logan’s…
Green Market Agorist Episode 16: Pandemic Anarchy (feat. Jeffrey Novatore)
In this month’s episode, Logan Marie Glitterbomb and Jeffrey Novatore talk about anarchism during a pandemic and how to balance rights and safety. Jeffrey Novatore: https://twitter.com/JNovatore
Ending Gun Violence by Defunding the Police
Anarchists and many others in the radical left and libertarian movements are rightly skeptical of gun control due to the history of state power, including gun laws, being weaponized to directly target and oppress marginalized communities while simultaneously maintaining a state monopoly on violence. Despite the dangers of gun control, gun violence is still a…
Green Market Agorist Episode 15: Economic Calculation in the Spooky Commonwealth (feat. James Weeks)
Do we still need bosses? What would a real free-market look like? Can egoists work a day job? Dig into these questions and more with the always-amusing James Weeks and your host Logan Marie Glitterbomb.  Running show notes for Green Market Agorist: Logan’s legal fund: https://gogetfunding.com/legal-defense-for-logan-glitterbomb/ LIMITED EDITION shirt to help fund with Logan’s legal…
The Outgroup: Industry Baby, Climate Change, & The Space Race
We’ve released this episode of The Outgroup publicly both as a way to announce our new Patreon levels and as a sort of apology for the recent gap in MER episodes. Thanks for your patience while we sorted things out! Mutual Exchange Radio will be back at the end of the month. In the meantime, we…
The Hadal Quadrants, Episode 2: Trans Youth Bills
In this episode of The Hadal Quadrants, host Leslee Petersen speaks to activists Ashley Shade and Logan Marie Glitterbomb about queer liberation, Pride, and the recent rash of trans youth bills. Intro music by Joel Williamson Be sure to follow The Hadal Quadrants on Facebook and Twitter. And if you want early access to C4SS podcasts, free swag, and…
Green Market Agorist Episode 13: Exploring the Hadal Quadrants (feat. Leslee Petersen)
In this episode of Green Market Agorist, Logan Glitterbomb interviews recent addition to the C4SS podcast team, Leslee Petersen. Leslee joined the team to host The Hadal Quadrants, a new show on the C4SS podcast network. You can find the first episode here. We’ll also soon be migrating Green Market Agorist to the same hosting…
Green Market Agorist Episode 13: Privatizing Investigative Services (feat. Ann Skelerton)
In this episode of Green Market Agorist, host Logan Marie Glitterbomb interviews private detective Ann Skelerton about what exactly a PD does and the potential role for private investigators and detectives in a stateless society. As Logan notes at the top, GMA is now part of the C4SS podcast lineup! That means that very soon,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory