Tag: agorism
Oleh: Vikky Storm. Teks aslinya berjudul “Egoist Agorism.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. “Persaingan bebas sejatinya tidaklah “bebas” karena Saya tidak memiliki modal apapun untuk berkompetisi. Tidak ada yang melarangku, namun karena Saya tidak memiliki modal, maka Saya menjadi tersingkir. Dan siapa yang memiliki modal-modal produksi tersebut? Para kelas pemodal? Wahh, Saya…
Por Roderick Long. Título original: Looking for Daylight: Minarchist Strategy’s Missteps, del 13 de septiembre 2018. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Los editores de la revista Reason, Nick Gillespie y Katherine Mangu-Ward, han debatido recientemente la cuestión del minarquismo (es decir, gobierno mínimo) versus anarquismo de libre mercado. Como anarquista, obviamente estoy del lado…
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “White Market Agorism.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Dalam setiap gerakan politik yang mengkehendaki adanya perubahan secara radikal pada masyarakat, akan selalu muncul perdebatan mengenai bagaimana cara terbaik untuk meraih hal tersebut. Apakah kita harus berserikat dan mengadakan mogok kerja? Apakah kita harus menarik diri…
De Joel Williamson. Artigo original: Autonomy and Action, de 12 de julho de 2016. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Camargo. “Em seus esforços para realizar o impossível, o homem atinge o que é possível. Aqueles que, com cautela, não fizeram mais do que acreditavam ser possível, nunca deram um único passo à frente.” –…
In my previous article “In Lieu of Free Banking,” I outline the mutualist and individualist anarchist arguments for free and mutual banking, its potential ability to empower labor, and, briefly, some immediate proxies available via credit unions and alternative currencies. But I also point to Laurance Labadie’s assessment of Benjamin Tucker’s (and later his own)…
C4SS Editing Coordinator Eric Fleischmann was recently featured on the Non-Serviam podcast. The discussion covers a broad range of topics from to Marxism and historical materialism to Laurance Labadie and the history of free-market-anti-capitalism to agorism and its left-wing fundamentals. From the Non-Serviam Episode Description: Eric Fleischmann (he/they) is an anarchist indebted to communistic and continental…
For the 24th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by H.B. Dillon Williams IV (@MorpheusRage) to discuss their article Molotov Pill Bottle: Radical Answers to Failed Capitalist Healthcare (https://c4ss.org/content/56444). H.B. Dillon Williams IV (they/he) is a mexican-indigenous irish genderqueer anti-fascist anarchist rapper, father of three, activist, Magic player, and avid fan of dofflin…
Oleh: Benjamin. Teks aslinya berjudul “How Would Dual Power and Agorism Create a Free Society?” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Penjelasan ini merupakan bagian dari seri FAQ Anarkisme Pasar C4SS “Kekuasaan ganda” dapat dijelaskan secara ringkas dalam frasa populer Wobbly, “membangun struktur baru masyarakat dalam cangkang yang lama.” Para pendukung strategi kekuasaan ganda berbagi kepercayaan yang…
Oleh: Jesse Baldwin. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Black Market Correction.” Diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. Sangat menarik melihat kaum Kiri progresif bersatu melawan pelarangan narkoba. Mereka tidak bersama kita dalam semangat, juga seharusnya tidak, tetapi mereka telah meletakkan dasar untuk kritiknya, dan dengan cara yang dijahit dengan benang yang sama dari kesamaan kita yang lewat. Banyak yang…
Recently I received an email from eBay outlining the following: Tell Congress to Stop Requiring Unnecessary Tax Reporting and Protect Seller Privacy A problematic tax reporting provision will force millions of Americans to receive confusing and burdensome IRS forms. These additional income tax forms (1099-K) will be issued for the sale of virtually all goods,…
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: A Brief Look Back at Ithaca HOURS, del 23 de julio de 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Una de las monedas comunitarias más famosas de Estados Unidos es Ithaca HOURS, por lo que un repaso a su historia, función y eficacia parece apropiado en cualquier momento. Como cuenta…
Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 23 luglio 2022 con il titolo A Brief Look Back at Ithaca HOURS. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ithaca HOURS è una delle più famose valute comunitarie negli Stati Uniti; un’analisi della sua storia, il funzionamento e l’efficacia non è mai fuori luogo. Racconta l’antropologo Bill Maurer nel suo libro Mutual…
One of the most famous community currencies in the United States is Ithaca HOURS, so a review of its history, function, and effectiveness seems appropriate at any time. As accounted by anthropologist Bill Maurer in his book Mutual Life, Limited: Islamic Banking, Alternative Currencies, Lateral Reason, Ithaca HOURS was started in 1991 in Ithaca, New…
This month we are joined by Logan Marie Glitterbomb, leading an awesome conversation about the fundamentals of Agorism, as well as its lesser-known forms and environmentalist potential. We’re also talking about Mardi Gras, Logan’s legal incident, gun control and more. A Catholic anarchist-without-adjectives, Logan Marie discovered anarchism through the punk scene in high school and…
I have a saying that goes something like: ‘I don’t trust anybody who thinks taxation is theft but profit isn’t.’ The former is a common sentiment among libertarians left and right, who argue, like Michael Huemer, that “[w]hen the government ‘taxes’ citizens, what this means is that the government demands money from each citizen, under…
De Jason Lee Byas. Artigo original: Ross Ulbricht and the Courage to Break the Law, de 9 de novembro 2020. Traduzido para o português por Diogo Ladeira Sales. Os advogados dele dizem que não vão recorrer. As acusações pelas quais ele vai possivelmente passar o resto da vida na prisão gravitam em torno do marketplace…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] There is an odd side to the American Dream. One deemed worthless long ago, by the Soviets, by the Maoists, by the BPP. There exists a culture of greed. Though most people lack an in-depth understanding of economic terms…
Green Market Agorist Episode 15: Economic Calculation in the Spooky Commonwealth (feat. James Weeks)
Do we still need bosses? What would a real free-market look like? Can egoists work a day job? Dig into these questions and more with the always-amusing James Weeks and your host Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Running show notes for Green Market Agorist: Logan’s legal fund: https://gogetfunding.com/legal-defense-for-logan-glitterbomb/ LIMITED EDITION shirt to help fund with Logan’s legal…
Oleh: Joel Williamson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Autonomy and Action.” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. “Saat berupaya melakukan hal yang tidak mungkin, manusia selalu mencapai apa yang mungkin. Mereka yang ketakutan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari yang mereka yakini mungkin, tidak pernah mengambil satu langkah maju.” – Dikaitkan dengan Mikhail Bakunin dalam The Explorers karya…
In this episode of Green Market Agorist, Logan Glitterbomb interviews recent addition to the C4SS podcast team, Leslee Petersen. Leslee joined the team to host The Hadal Quadrants, a new show on the C4SS podcast network. You can find the first episode here. We’ll also soon be migrating Green Market Agorist to the same hosting…