Tag: agorism
De Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Artigo original: Green Market Agorism de 19 de abril de 2019. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. A teoria agorista foi muito enriquecida desde que Samuel Edward Konkin III introduziu a teoria inicial. Por meio dos escritos e do trabalho de visionários como Karl Hess, Ross Ulbricht, Satoshi Nakamoto, Defense…
De Jesse Baldwin. Artigo original: Black Market Mutualism and the Soul of Society de 8 de abril de 2018. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Quando os anarquistas falam sobre ação contra-econômica, pensamos em trocar bens e serviços independentemente da jurisdição do estado. Nosso objetivo é pressionar os limites do estado regulatório. Não importa…
De Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Artigo original: White Market Agorism de 22 de janeiro de 2020. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Dentro de qualquer movimento político definido para mudar radicalmente a sociedade, sempre surge um debate sobre a melhor forma de atingir esses objetivos. Devemos nos unir para uma greve geral? Devemos nos retirar…
There’s an effort underway to digitize and catalog the writings of Samuel Edward Konkin III, founder of the Agorist movement. While some of his work is preserved in publications, there’s a lot that hasn’t been digitized or even organized yet and Victor Korman has taken on the project. Here’s a bit on what’s in the…
Carnival season is upon us and Mardi Gras Day is fast approaching! How are you celebrating this year? Hopefully you’ll choose to celebrate with us at Coup de Gras 2: Electric Luau! Coup de Gras is an annual Mardi Gras festival thrown by Krewe de Main, the krewe behind the Coup de Main land project. The…
Prolific C4SS writer Logan Marie Glitterbomb was recently featured on Non Serviam, a podcast “exploring the world of anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas.” Logan joined host Joel Williamson to discuss: Agorism, Environmentalism, problems with the ”justice system”, and how we might go about building a better one. We also talk about the intentional queer community she’s…
In case you haven’t already heard, I have been hosting the Green Market Agorist podcast and YouTube/Bitchute channel in addition to my writings here at C4SS. My solo video output is sporadic at best but I keep a steady schedule with podcasts being released on the 15th of every month. This month I was joined by our…
His lawyers say they will try to appeal. The charges for which Ulbricht will likely spend his life in prison all center around the Silk Road marketplace, which allowed users to peacefully trade illegal drugs over the internet. Though he admitted to originally creating the site, Ulbricht has maintained that he quickly handed it off…
O Facebook está de volta nisso novamente. Em consequência do comício Unite the Right em Charlottesville alguns anos atrás, e devido a muita pressão de ativistas, o Facebook respondeu com uma onda de proibições e censura de “extremistas raciais” que foi tão ampla e simultaneamente ineficaz que literalmente muitos supremacistas brancos puderam continuar falando besteiras,…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale: Does Anarchism Skirt the Calculation Problem? pubblicato il 13 luglio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Qualcuno si sorprenderà, ma a differenza di molti anarchici del mercato liberato di C4SS, non sono un anarchico di mercato per via della questione del calcolo economico. Credo ovviamente che la questione del calcolo economico…
Let’s face it, it’s not easy being LGBTQ+ in this society. There is an ongoing rise in the murder rates of trans and gender non-conforming individuals, with the Human Rights Campaign documenting at least 21 murders just this year, which nearly matches last year’s documented 27 murders despite us only being halfway through the year….
Now it may surprise some, but unlike many fellow freed market anarchists at C4SS, I am not a market anarchist because of the economic calculation problem. While I do think the economic calculation problem rightly points out that top-down command economies cannot adequately produce and distribute goods to meet the needs of society, anarchist economic…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 9 febbraio 2020 con il titolo Combating High Tech: An Agorist Response to the YouTube Strike. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Risposta agoristica allo sciopero contro YouTube Dal dieci al tredici dicembre scorso (in Gran Bretagna, dal quattordici al diciassette per non limitare l’accesso alle principali notizie politiche sotto…
From December 10th-13th, 2019 (December 14th-17th for those in the UK due to the desire to not limit access to important political news during an election period), YouTube creators and their supporters went on strike, refusing to upload or watch any content or even log onto the site, to protest YouTube’s new terms of service….
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 22 gennaio 2020 con il titolo White Market Agorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Qualunque movimento politico che miri a cambiare radicalmente la società, prima o poi si chiede come raggiungere tale obiettivo. Iscrivendosi ad un sindacato e facendo uno sciopero generale? Uscendo dall’attuale sistema per vivere di risorse…
Within any political movement set on radically changing society, there always comes a debate on how best to achieve those goals. Should we unionize towards a general strike? Should we withdraw from the prevailing system by living on scavenged, stolen, and scammed resources in the fashion of classic CrimethInc. propaganda? Should we build cooperatives and…
Bitcoin Pizza Day passed again recently and with it came the expected wave of posts reminiscing about how far the world of cryptocurrency has come since that fateful day when Florida Man sent 10,000 of his magical internet money overseas all for a couple of pizzas. Of course, cryptocurrency has always been touted as a…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 19 aprile 2019 con il titolo Green Market Agorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da quando è stato formulato per la prima volta da Samuel Edward Konkin III, l’agorismo ha fatto passi enormi. Grazie agli scritti di visionari come Karl Hess, Ross Ulbricht, Satoshi Nakamoto, Defense Distributed e Derrick…
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. Today’s guest is Lyn Ulbricht. For those unfamiliar with the Silk Road case, Lyn is Ross Ulbricht’s mother and she became a crusader for due process after his 2013 arrest for developing the dark net trading site. In this episode, we consider issues…
Agorist theory has been enriched a lot since Samuel Edward Konkin III introduced the initial theory. Through the writings and work of visionaries such as Karl Hess, Ross Ulbricht, Satoshi Nakamoto, Defense Distributed, and Derrick Broze, we have seen agorism grow and expand in ways never thought possible both intellectually and in practice. And the…