Tag: black markets
Pelajaran dari Ross dan Lyn Ulbricht
Oleh: Ryan Calhoun. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Significance of Ross and Lyn Ulbricht.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Pekan ini, Lyn Ulbricth menghadiri Konferensi Internasional Students For Liberty (ISFLC) dan memukau para peserta dengan presentasinya mengenai banding atas hukuman anaknya, Ross Ulbricth dalam persidangan Kasus Silk Road. Kehadiran dan advokasi tanpa hentinya…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Logan Marie Glitterbomb on Agorism, Manifold Coloured Markets, Mardi Gras, and Gun Control
This month we are joined by Logan Marie Glitterbomb, leading an awesome conversation about the fundamentals of Agorism, as well as its lesser-known forms and environmentalist potential. We’re also talking about Mardi Gras, Logan’s legal incident, gun control and more. A Catholic anarchist-without-adjectives, Logan Marie discovered anarchism through the punk scene in high school and…
L’attivismo Politico dei Mercati sulla Darknet
Di Gabriel Mitchell. Originale: Darknet Markets as Political Activism, del 21 settembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La vita di Ross Ulbricht è diventata un incubo. Nel 2013 ha subito una condanna a vita senza condizionale, con l’accusa di essere fondatore e gestore di Silk Road, che vendeva droghe online. Il gestore del sito inizialmente…
Darknet Markets as Political Activism
Ross Ulbricht’s life has become a nightmare. In 2013 he was given a life sentence with no chance of parole; he was charged with being the suspected founder and operator of the online drug market Silk Road. The operator of this site was previously only known as Dread Pirate Roberts- a name one might recall…
The Significance of Ross and Lyn Ulbricht
This week, Lyn Ulbricht attended the International Students For Liberty Conference and graced attendees with a presentation on the appeal of her son Ross Ulbricht’s sentencing in the Silk Road trial. Lyn’s presence and tireless advocacy for her son and for the preservation of our rights is a blessing in the face of our unaccountable…
L’Anarchia del Mercato Nero e del Mercato Verde
Mercato nero e agorismo sono parte integrante di come le persone libere salveranno il mondo dalla perenne oppressione economica e dal disastro ambientale. In cosa consiste l’attività del mercato nero? Cos’è l’agorismo e come fa a sovvertire il potere statale? Come fa l’agorismo a promuovere la sostenibilità ecologica? La risposta migliore viene dall’opera monumentale del…
Black Markets and Green Market Anarchy
Black markets and agorism are an integral part of the way free people are going to save the world from unrelenting economic oppression and environmental damage. What constitutes black market activity? What is agorism and how does it subvert the state? How does agorism promote ecological sustainability? These questions are best answered by looking at…
Big Government Has Made Big Tech Way Too Powerful
Robert Reich contends that “Big Tech Has Become Way Too Powerful” (New York Times, September 20) — and so, to curb its power, big government must become way more powerful. Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, like the railroad and oil trusts of the Gilded Age, are to Reich the natural result of market consolidation. Retelling the civics-textbook story of…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory