Tag: big tech
“La Tragedia dei Beni Comuni”, II Parte
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 27 febbraio 2024 con il titolo “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. I Deboli Stereotipi dei Libertari di Destra Pare che i libertari di destra non riescano a fare a meno di Garrett Hardin e della sua cosiddetta “tragedia dei beni comuni”. Sembrano ossessionati…
“Tragedy of the Commons” Part II
The Poverty of Right-Libertarian Cliches Right-libertarians, it seems, have a love affair with Garrett Hardin and his so-called “tragedy of the commons.” It’s a principle to which they return, time and again. But as a foundation, it is historically illiterate; and the structure which they erect upon it is conceptually incoherent. Take, for example, Saul…
Y, sin embargo, utilizas esas malvadas plataformas tecnológicas. ¡Curioso!
De Kevin Carson. Artículo original: And Yet You Use Those Evil Big Tech Platforms. Curious! del 16 de septiembre de 2020. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Es común que los libertarios de derecha ataquen, con cierta justificación, la estupidez de quienes equiparan oponerse a una ley o agencia gubernamental con oponerse a algún valor…
Antitröst Yasalarına Anarşist Bir Yaklaşım: Riskler ve Olasılıklar
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Eric Fleischmann tarafından kaleme alınmış ve 1 Kasım 2020 tarihinde “An Anarchist Take on Antitrust Laws: Dangers and Possibilities” başlığı altında yayınlanmış, Efsa tarafından Türkçe’ ye çevrilmiştir. Tekeller hemen hemen tüm dünyada kötü bir şey olarak görülür. Max Weber’in “Meslek Olarak Siyaset” adlı eserinde güç tekeli ve coğrafi bir alanda güç kullanımının onaylanması…
Cómo NO argumentar contra la existencia de los monopolios
Kevin Carson. Artículo original: How NOT to Argue Against the Existence of Monopoly, de 3 de agosto 2021. Traducido al español por Antonio J. Ferrer. Liz Wolfe parece haber reemplazado, en las últimas semanas, a Elizabeth Nolan Brown como la apologista en jefe de las plataformas tecnológicas en Reason. En su artículo más reciente sobre…
Come NON Criticare i Monopoli
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 3 agosto 2021 con il titolo How NOT to Argue Against the Existence of Monopoly. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pare che da qualche settimana Liz Wolfe abbia usurpato il ruolo che era di Elizabeth Nolan di difensore capo delle piattaforme tecnologiche su Reason. Nel suo ultimo articolo sul tema,…
E ainda assim você usa essas plataformas malígnas da Big Tech. Que curioso!
De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: And Yet You Use Those Evil Big Tech Platforms. Curious!, de 16 de setembro 2020. Traduzido para o português por Estefano Enrico. É comum que “libertários” de direita ataquem — com alguma justificativa — a estupidez daqueles que equiparam a oposição a uma lei ou agência governamental com a oposição…
Imaginando un ciberfuturo optimista
Tech Learning Collective. Artículo original: Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future de 5 de enero de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Violeta ha sido coautora de este artículo. Dominar la mayoría de las cosas que hace el ser humano requiere toda una vida de práctica. La carpintería, la jardinería y la pintura son algunos de…
How NOT to Argue Against the Existence of Monopoly
Liz Wolfe, in recent weeks, seems to have displaced Elizabeth Nolan Brown as the chief tech platform apologist at Reason. In her most recent article on this theme, “Google CEO Sundar Pichai Is Right: Companies That Dominate Today May Be Gone Tomorrow” (July 26), the general lines of her argument are simple: “Today’s Big Tech…
«Desplataformar» a Parler tendrá consecuencias para las que debemos prepararnos inmediatamente
Escrito por Tech Learning Collective. Título original: Deplatforming Parler will have consequences for which we must immediately prepare, de 26 de enero 2021. Traducido en español por Kathiana Thomas. Dos días después del fallido golpe fascista de la extrema derecha estadounidense del 6 de enero de 2021 que dejó cinco muertos en Washington, DC, Twitter…
Deplatforming Parler will have consequences for which we must immediately prepare
Two days after the American far right’s failed fascist coup on January 6th, 2021 that left five people dead in Washington, DC, Twitter (finally) permanently banned the would-be dictator responsible for inciting the mob from their platform. Shortly thereafter, the social media network most closely affiliated with the racist reactionaries, Parler, was kicked off its…
Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this and this episode of The Enragés] Mastering most things humans do requires lifetimes of practice. Woodworking, gardening, and painting are just a few crafts whose histories stretch back thousands of years. But modern telecommunication, the act of communicating nearly instantaneously with someone from afar,…
An Anarchist Take on Antitrust Laws: Dangers and Possibilities
Monopolies are pretty much universally bad. This perhaps one of the most uncontroversial position amongst anarchists, who principally define themselves in opposition to the state, which Max Weber, in “Politics as Vocation,” defines as the monopoly on force and the approval of the use of force in a geographic area. Benjamin Tucker, the great U.S….
Internet Offriva Libertà, Noi Abbiamo Scelto la Servitù Aziendale
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale: The Internet Offered Us Freedom, We Chose Corporate Rule, 13 ottobre 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. A detta di cypherpunk e cripto-anarchici, una cosa è chiara: internet ci ha offerto la libertà. I movimenti open-source e peer-to-peer (p2p) prosperano ancora in qualche angolino di internet. Vero. Ma molti di noi…
A Internet nos Ofereceu Liberdade, Mas Nós Escolhemos a Regra Corporativa
Leia qualquer um dos escritos clássicos dos cypherpunks ou dos cripto-anarquistas e uma coisa é certa: a internet nos ofereceu liberdade. Embora os movimentos de código aberto e ponto a ponto (p2p) ainda estejam vivos e bem em certos cantos da Internet, a maioria de nós escolheu a regra corporativa. Embora as criptomoedas nos ofereçam…
The Internet Offered Us Freedom, We Chose Corporate Rule
Read any of the classic cypherpunk or crypto-anarchist writings and one thing is clear: the internet offered us freedom. While the open source and peer-to-peer (p2p) movements are still alive and well in certain corners of the internet, most of us have chosen corporate rule instead. While cryptocurrency offered us a medium of exchange that…
E Però ti Servi di quei Mostri Cattivi
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 16 settembre 2020 con il titolo And Yet You Use Those Evil Big Tech Platforms. Curious! Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Capita spesso che un libertario di destra denunci, con qualche giustificazione, la stupidità di chi pensa che opporsi a qualche legge o istituzione statale significhi opporsi a qualche valore…
And Yet You Use Those Evil Big Tech Platforms. Curious!
It’s common for right-libertarians to attack — with some justification — the stupidity of those who equate opposing a law or government agency with opposing some value or goal in its name. Wanting to abolish the Department of Education, for example, doesn’t mean you’re against education. But right libertarians are guilty of a somewhat related…
Big Government Has Made Big Tech Way Too Powerful
Robert Reich contends that “Big Tech Has Become Way Too Powerful” (New York Times, September 20) — and so, to curb its power, big government must become way more powerful. Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, like the railroad and oil trusts of the Gilded Age, are to Reich the natural result of market consolidation. Retelling the civics-textbook story of…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory