The Enragés: The Monster That Exists with Jaimine
For the sixth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Jaimine to discuss his piece “Social Statism called Caste.“ Without fearing the consequences, Jaimine writes boldly on a variety of topics including culture, hindutva, and economics. Jaimine made a political splash after spray painting “Taxation is Theft” on public walls in Mumbai, India,…
The Enragés: Embracing the Implications of Statelessness
For the fifth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Spooky to discuss two of their articles that are a part of an ongoing series. The first is titled “Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: Pacifying Anti- Statism” and the second, “Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: What Left Unity Conceals.” Spooky is a queer anarchist without adjectives, an egoist, former…
The Enragés: Next Time the Pendulum Swings
For the fourth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with the Tech Learning Collective to talk about their article “Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future,” which is a creative exploration of radical strategies for a liberatory techno future. They also explore the impetus behind Tech Learning Collective and even offer some practical advice for those…
The Enragés: Infinite Possible Vectors of Progress
For the third installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson interviews Rai Ling, an Anarchist Without Adjectives interested in economics and markets. This episode explores their article, “Scarcity and Abundance Under Anarchism” which was originally published at the Center for a Stateless Society on May 24th, 2020. The piece is an exploration of how anarchic,…
The Enragés: Dragons to Slay
In the second episode of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson discusses with Eric Fleischmann their recent piece for C4SS “The End Is the Beginning: Abolition as Communicative Creation” (Renamed “The End is the Beginning: Anarchist Abolitionism as Communicative Creation”). The conversation spans from the juxtaposition of violence and communication to the influence of violent institutions upon…
The Enragés: No Bosses, No Landlords, No Bureaucrats!
In this first episode of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson sits down with Kevin Carson to discuss Kevin’s recent piece on the Center for a Stateless Society website “The Myth of the Private Sector, Part I: Why Big-Small and Vertical-Horizontal Trumps ‘Public-Private’”—a conversion that spans from the role of government interference in the scale and structure…
New C4SS Podcast: The Enragés
Center for a Stateless Society is proud to announce the beginning of a brand new podcast christened The Enragés, which will feature questions and casual conversations with authors about recent pieces they’ve published on the C4SS site. In comparison to Mutual Exchange Radio, this podcast will focus exclusively on the specific works of authors on…
“Red Mutualism” Series at Mutualism Co-Op
If there are two contemporary anarchist theorists whose work occupies and influences my thought the most, they are Kevin Carson and Wayne Price. Carson has spent a huge segment of his career not just reconstructing a mutualist political economy as an alternative to the anarchist default to the economics of Karl Marx but also making…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Tux Pacific on Cryptocurrency and Anarchism
MER is back!! In this episode, with Cory Massimino, Tux Pacific discusses their unique take on cryptocurrency, the connection between markets and anarchism, and being anti-capitalist in a capitalist world. Tux Pacific (they/she) is a cryptographer, anarchist, and the founder of Entropy, a decentralized custodian for crypto. Their crypto-inclusive perspective has been shaped by their…
Laporan Tahunan C4SS 2022
Kepada para kawan dan pendukung C4SS Original text: Pertama, izinkan saya untuk menyampaikan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya untuk seluruh dukungan kalian selama tahun 2022! Sejujurnya ini merupakan tahun yang berat bagi C4SS (seperti yang sata bayangkan, sebagian besar dari kalian rasanya juga mengalaminya), namun disini lah kami, di Januari 2023, dan siap menghadapi badai…
Director’s Report: C4SS in 2022
Dear C4SS supporters and friends,  First, let me extend an enormous thank you for all of your support throughout 2022! It’s admittedly been a difficult year here at C4SS (as I imagine it’s been for most of you as well), but here we are in January 2023, ready to take on more than ever before. …
Gente mala: Individuos irredimibles e incentivos estructurales
Por William Gillis. Artículo original:  Bad People: Irredeemable Individuals & Structural Incentives, publicado el 14 de agosto de 2020. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. cw: discusión sobre violación [Escuche una discusión en profundidad sobre este artículo y sus temas en este episodio de The Enragés] Contrariamente a las afirmaciones de algunos izquierdistas, en realidad…
Constructing an Unfixed Freedom
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Self Interest In every interaction and through every social structure, humans exercise an unavoidable psychological instinct known as self interest. It is a deep motivational factor that is inseparable from our subjectivity. Whether we are kind or cruel, it…
Вульгарный анархо-коммунизм: что скрывает левое единство
Spooky, Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: What Left Unity Conceals, March 8 2021. Перевёл Артём Чернышёв. [Послушайте подробное обсуждение этой статьи и её тем в этом выпуске The Enragés] Если вы работаете над каким-либо проектом — политическим или любым другим — вы будете сотрудничать с людьми, с которыми вы не согласны. Марксисты, демократические социалисты и левые либералы могут…
Вульгарный анархо-коммунизм: усмирение антиэтатизма
Spooky, Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: Pacifying Anti-Statism, June 26 2020. Перевёл Артём Чернышёв. [Послушайте подробное обсуждение этой статьи и её тем в этом выпуске The Enragés] Радикальные позиции всегда трудно продать. В какой-то степени это неотъемлемый аспект отстаивания любой альтернативной системы социальной организации, вместо того чтобы просто предлагать реформы и «двухпартийные решения». Некоторые, возможно, слишком многие, пытаются…
Laurance Labadie commenta Thornley
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato l’otto luglio 2022 con il titolo Laurance Labadie’s “Comments on Interview Between Kerry Thornley and Harry Pollard on ‘Dialogue’”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Commento di Laurance Labadie all’intervista concessa da Kerry Thornley a Harry Pollard su Dialogue Forse è ingiusto commentare le idee in fatto di economia espresse dal signor…
Laurance Labadie’s “Comments on Interview Between Kerry Thornley and Harry Pollard on ‘Dialogue’”
Comments by Laurance Labadie on Interview Between Kerry Thornley and Harry Pollard on “Dialogue”  It may be somewhat gratuitous to comment on what Mr. Kerry Thornley has said on what he considers to be his understanding of economics in only a half hour show, but he has said enough I think plus his explicit endorsement…
Market, State, and Anarchy: A Dialectical Left-Libertarian Perspective
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Preface  This article was originally composed as a series of posts on Facebook; I prefaced my series with the warning: “I have no use for being in anyone’s fan club, whether the U.S. libertarian/classical liberal communities, the Democratic Party,…
Molotov Pill Bottle: Radical Answers to Failed Capitalist Healthcare
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] A recent legislative attempt at Medicare and Healthcare expansion has fallen to the monopolistic death-grip of corporate lobbyists. What does the history of radical alternatives to healthcare have to teach us? Before looking at examples of solutions, it is…
Towards Prefigurative Design
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] The word prefigurative has been used in a radical political context for around half a century, but I’ve been encountering it more and more recently. As a sometime design professional it occurred to me that if prefigurative design is…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory