Tag: violence
Properti adalah Kekerasan, Jadi Mari Kita Tekan Seminimal Mungkin
Oleh: Trevor Hauge, Teks aslinya berjudul “Property is Violence, So Let’s Keep It to a Minimum”, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. “Monopoli tanah… terdiri dari penegakan oleh pemerintah atas hak-hak atas tanah yang tidak bertumpu pada penghunian dan penggarapan pribadi… individu tidak boleh lagi dilindungi oleh sesamanya dalam hal apa pun kecuali penghunian dan penggarapan tanah secara…
La Proprietà è Violenza, Riduciamola al Minimo
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale pubblicato il 25 settembre 2023 con il titolo Property is Violence, So Let’s Keep It to a Minimum. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. “Il monopolio della terra… non è che l’imposizione da parte dello stato di diritti di proprietà terriera che non si riferiscono a una occupazione o coltivazione della terra……
Gangster Terbesar dan Terburuk
Oleh: David S. D’amato. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Biggest, Baddest Gang in Town.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Aku tinggal di Chicago, dimana kekerasan oleh polisi telah menjadi hal biasa yang terjadi setiap harinya, terutama menyasar komunitas kulit hitam, menghancurkan hidup dan keluarga mereka. Para elit kulit putih yang ku kenal kebanyakan…
Property is Violence, So Let’s Keep It to a Minimum
“The land monopoly… consists in the enforcement by government of land titles which do not rest upon personal occupancy and cultivation… the individual should no longer be protected by their fellows in anything but personal occupation and cultivation of land.” -Benjamin R. Tucker, “State Socialism and Anarchism” Ironically, the non-aggression principle as understood by much…
Why American Progressives Won’t Ever Seriously Address Mass Killings
This piece is an offshoot commentary on certain elements touched upon in a recent essay by Spooky, so it will make the most sense if one reads that first. Any quotes in the essay below, unless otherwise indicated by mention or link, are from Spooky’s essay. Since the Republicans—and any overlap with those political circles—are…
Sociedades de la Regla de Plata y de Oro
Por Michael S. Rozeff. Artículo original: Silver and Golden Rule Societies, del 20 de octubre de 2015. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Introducción La violencia agresiva se opone a la libertad de acción. Este es un principio libertario central. Entonces, ¿qué vamos a hacer con los medios no violentos de controlar las creencias de un individuo,…
L’inizio è la Fine: Abolizionismo Anarchico come Dialogo Creativo
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 26 aprile 2021 con il titolo The End Is the Beginning: Anarchist Abolitionism as Communicative Creation. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Thomas Malthus, nel suo tristemente famoso Saggio sul principio della popolazione dedica alcuni capitoli alla critica di quello che probabilmente fu il primo pensatore anarchico moderno, William Godwin. Ad…
The Tricky Business of Violence
The tricky business of violence against the state (or other systems of power) is really defined by two questions: When is violence acceptable and justifiable on principle, and when is it the best tactic to achieve your goal? There are times when violence is both justifiable and strategically useful. However, there are also times when…
A Solution? To Be Read by Police, Politicians, Mean Parents, Etc.
Like every other intelligent person, I find violence repulsive. Violence is effectively the definition of “how to do something if you’ve not an ounce of cleverness.” In nature, the symbiotic relationship constitutes the ideal: it generates a sustainable and ecologically sound means of enjoying the little bit of time any one of us has here…
Evitare gli Eccessi di Violenza e Pacifismo
Di Zachary Woodman. Originale pubblicato il 30 aprile 2019 con il titolo Avoiding the Excesses of Violence and Pacifism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Gli anarchici sono facilmente irritabili, anzi l’irritazione è forse ciò che spinge ad essere anarchici. Gli anarchici sono contro la politica convenzionale, come tutte le frange, e questo crea risonanza. Le due…
Avoiding the Excesses of Violence and Pacifism
We anarchists are usually very good at being edgy, and edginess is one of the personality traits that probably attracted many of us to anarchism. Anarchists, like any fringe movement, need to counter-signal against the political mainstream in order to remain relevant. These two things are not necessarily bad; an edgy predisposition enables you more…
Pacifismo e Inerzia
Politicamente morti Di Black Cat. Originale pubblicato il 22 marzo 2019 con il titolo Pacifism and the Pacifistic: a Tale of the Politically Dead. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ci sono ancora, purtroppo, anche tra gli attivisti di sinistra, persone inerti, pacifisti ad oltranza. Ovvero, persone non solo intenzionalmente, esplicitamente pacifiste: tutti i pacifisti sono tali….
Pacifism and the Pacifistic: a Tale of the Politically Dead
Sadly, there are still some people — people within the activist left, even, who are pacifistic. When I describe someone as pacifistic, I do not only mean that they are intentional, explicit pacifists — though, yes, all pacifists are pacifistic. By ‘pacifistic’ I don’t mean that they are explicit pacifists, but that they are irrationally…
L’Economia Crudele
[Di Chad Nelson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 19 aprile 2016 con il titolo The Inhumane Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] In un recente commento (Karma tastes delicious in America’s new, humane economy, Washington Post, 15 aprile 2016), Kathleen Parker plaude a quella che lei considera “una rivoluzione… nel regno sempre…
When Compassion is Terrorism: Animal Rights in a Post-9/11 World
What a sick world we live in where Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane, two individuals so passionate about the lives of the earth’s most vulnerable, must fight for their own lives for having the courage to act on their compassion. But in a world where justice has become a scarce commodity, should we be surprised…
The Inhumane Economy
In a recent op-ed (Karma tastes delicious in America’s new, humane economy, Washington Post, April 15, 2016), Kathleen Parker lauds what she sees as “a revolution…in the ever-more-dignified animal kingdom.” For Parker, evidence of the revolution is clear: From SeaWorld’s ban on orca breeding, to Armani’s discontinuation of fur-use in products, to Walmart’s promise of…
Violence and Freedom in a Borderlands Trump Rally
The rally against Trump in Fountain Hills, Arizona, on the 19th of March, 2016, was met with great resistance and critique from both the Left and the Right largely using arguments about “freedom” and “violence.” As these are important and seemingly misunderstood themes, I’ve chosen to weave analyses of them through this report-back. Freedom is…
Who is the Government? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Lee Byas‘s “Who is the Government?” from the Students for a Stateless Society‘s Volume 1, Issue 1 of THE NEW LEVELLER read by Stephen Ledger and edited by Nick Ford. On this month 29 years ago, the Philadelphia police dropped a bomb on a row house in order to attack…
State Cannot Seperate From Church
Classical liberalism recommends, in Thomas Jefferson’s words, “a wall of separation” between church and state. In his case for religious toleration, John Locke argued that separation protects people from the “compulsive force” of individuals trying to inculcate “certain doctrines” through “fire and sword.” Robert Audi later added that “if the state prefers one or more…
The Untenability of Libertarian Transphobia on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Meg Arnold and Alex McHugh’s “The Untenability of Libertarian Transphobia” read by Athena Roberts and edited by Tony Dreher. “Trans people are not calling for the feds to come sweeping in and arrest every person who’s had a transphobic thought. Rather, we have a truly classical liberal intention; we just want…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory