Damian Stephens

DAMIAN STEPHENS (1978 CE – ? 2020 ? CE) authored many works under a variety of names prior to his disappearance. The third and final volume of his “Means of Escape” trilogy (Zod-Manas Zi-Ba, or Morpheus Unbound) will be published as part of journalist Calder Caine’s upcoming feature on Stephens’s bizarre fate.

Website: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19005954.Damian_Stephens

Malison contra tiranos, fascistas y esclavistas
11 Dec 2022
Spanish & Stateless Embassies
Malison contra tiranos, fascistas y esclavistas
29 Nov 2022
Spanish & Stateless Embassies
Malison Against Tyrants, Fascists, and Enslavers
11 Nov 2020
Feature Articles
A Solution? To Be Read by Police, Politicians, Mean Parents, Etc.
01 Jul 2020
Feature Articles & Guest Feature