We are ungovernable

Listen. I’m genuinely afraid of a Trump presidency, and I’m really not looking forward to a Clinton presidency either. Do I think one is more-or-less “preferable” to the other? Yeah I do. Ultimately, though: the next president will have just as much blood on their hands as, if not more than, the last 44 have.

But on late nights, when I feel destructive nihilism creep up on me, I remind myself that anarchism has no time for despair. Anarchism is about getting shit done, not stewing in misery over electoral politics and its dis- and malcontents.

And I remember the slogan:

“No matter who they vote for, we are ungovernable.”

Anarchism has a lot to offer freedom-loving people. Anarchists have proven time and again that they can create vestiges of the new world in the infected, but still-breathing body of the old. Capitalists are not the only people who find opportunities in crises. It’s *been* high time for us to engage our emergency hearts and build institutions of counterpower strong enough to fight fascist characters like Donald Trump and his brownshirts, but it still isn’t too late.

We are rarely in a position to win, but keep in mind that the State has been trying to kill us for at least three centuries, and we’re still fucking here.

I have hope for our future yet.

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 143

Daniel Larison discusses the U.S. backed Saudi war in Yemen.

Daniel Larison discusses questions should that have been asked at the second presidential debate.

Daniel Larison discusses the missing media coverage of the U.S. backed Saudi war in Yemen.

Daniel Larison discusses U.S. excuses for Saudi war crimes in Yemen.

Daniel Larison discusses reckless U.S. interventionism in the Yemen.

Daniel Larison discusses a misleading Wall Street Journal editorial.

Jordan Michael Smith discusses a book on U.S. dominance in the world.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the similiarity between the Russian national security state and the U.S. one.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the libertarian position on U.S. interventionism.

Howard Lisnoff discusses the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

Ramzy Baroud discusses the Israeli govt’s response to threats to it.

Yves Engler discusses the alleged Israel obssession of the left.

Ryan J. Suto discusses the importance of mental health treatment for making progress in the Arab world.

Maya Schenwar discusses the War on Drugs.

Ryan Conard discusses why he is an anarchist who votes.

Nicolas J S Davies discusses the American warfare state.

Mitchell Plitnick discusses the Israel-Palestine issue.

Edward Hunt discusses the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

George H. Smith discusses whether beliefs can be moral or immoral.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses potential blowback from U.S. intervention in Yemen.

Uri Avnery discusses the 1973 Yom Kippur Arab-Israeli war and Henry Kissinger.

Robert Koehler discusses nuclear weapons and their possible abolition.

Rami G Khouri discusses the cost of war.

Ted Galen Carpenter discusses Russian concerns over NATO expansion.

Dalal Erakat discusses her family and children from Palestine.

David Gordon discusses a book debating gun control.

Daniel Larison discusses why increasing support for the Saudi war in Yemen is insane.

Sheldon Richman discusses Trump as a hawk.

Daniel Larison discusses the recent strikes by the Pentagon in Syria.

Media Coordinator Weekly Update, October 23, 2016

Howdy, folks! It’s yet another Sunday, which means we’re due for a look at what C4SS has been up to since last week! LESSGO

The Week in… uh…

So, we didn’t publish any commentaries this week. Right now, we seem to be going through one of our longer dry spells on the op-ed side of things. I’ll be honest: my work trip to Austin, while fun, was exhausting, so I’m kiiiiind of okay with that. I do believe we’ve got some good stuff coming up soon. That being said, we did get a few bangers in the barrel in our other sections this week. Let’s take a look!

Features and Blog Posts

Logan Glitterbomb started our week out strong with a pretty detailed guide on how to create an anarchist justice system. She goes systematically through the how and why on filming cops, holding “Know Your Rights” trainings, what to do if you’re ever in front of a judge, how to avoid the courts and cops, and so on. It’s a really good read, and you should check it out here!

Kevin Carson and Gary Chartier both got their C4SS 10th Anniversary games on. From Kevin’s piece:

But more importantly, our readership has expanded by many thousands and we’ve become one of the more visible libertarian commentary sites on the Internet. And we’re the single biggest voice out there challenging the mainstream narrative that “free markets” mean corporate rule and that government is a “progressive” restraint on the exploitative power of big business. Every day, we inform people of the fact — or rather, rub their noses in it — that the state is the primary force by which propertied classes, bureaucratic institutions and privileged groups exploit, oppress or extract rents from everybody else:  employers from workers, landlords from tenants, transnational corporations from the Global South, extractive corporations at the expense of environmental degradation, etc. And we show how people are fighting these things (and other things like police abuses) not through the state, but by building the kind of society we want to replace the present regime of exploitation and oppression. These include not just non-capitalist markets but peer-production, natural resource commons, open-source micromanufacturing, Permaculture, alternative currencies, squats and other intentional communities, and networked insurgencies like Occupy, Black Lives Matter and NoDAPL.

We’re accomplishing all this despite our donations being only enough to fund our writers and staff at a fraction of our budgeted pay, because we’re all dedicated to what we do. But with more funding, we could do a lot more. We’d like to get our ideas to a lot more readers. And we’d like to piss off a lot more awful people.

And Gary’s piece:

For ten years, the Center has powerfully and passionately kept alive the radical libertarian tradition. It has sought to emphasize that figures as diverse as Lysander Spooner, Benjamin Tucker, Henry George, Herbert Spencer, Voltairine de Cleyre, Albert Jay Nock, and Karl Hess were not, as many of them are today naively taken to be, partisans of the right but rather standard-bearers for the radical left. The Center has given new life to a vibrant strand of social critique linking support for markets and robust property rights with radical opposition to rather than support for the status quo.

The oddities of New Deal and Cold War American politics led, regrettably, to an unnatural association between American libertarianism and the political right. When figures like Hess sought instead to link libertarianism with the New Left (itself at its best an expression of the anti-authoritarian strand of the American political tradition), they were simply reemphasizing what had been true of libertarianism all along. The Center has done a remarkable job of keeping the perspective embodied in Hess’s radicalism front and center.

Go check both of those pieces out in their entirety. It’s definitely worth it.

We’ve also got a rare blog post from William Gillis on the delegitimization of democracy. It is also very good, and to prove it here’s an excerpt:

When one morning in 1936 the president of the Second Spanish Republic called his ministers, his assistants and secretaries and found that they had all abandoned their posts — his government de facto dissolved like a silly dream — the people of Spain were already building barricades and raiding the armories. Either for the fascists or for the anarchists.

We lost that war.

In part because we did not get to choose its outset. And were not ready for its vicissitudes.

There are presently far far far more Trump brownshirts in this country than there are anarchists. An insurrection by white supremacists and populist authoritarians against a thoroughly corrupt and totalitarian establishment looking for any excuse to suppress all dissent is a conflict we are ill-prepared to leverage to our advantage. This is a plain and uncontestable truth.

Obviously our state must fall. Democracy must be revealed as illegitimate. But these goals must happen on our terms. And they are nowhere near sufficient conditions for anarchy to flourish. When they are brought about on someone else’s timetable we should be concerned.

And to round out the week, Sheldon Richman has a new crossposted feature up with his new project, the Libertarian Institute:

Thus the much-touted peaceful transfer of power in the United States, which Trump is now said to jeopardize, is not the result of force or the threat thereof, but of ideology and custom.

Why bring this up now? It’s relevant to the case for anarchism. Most people who reject anarchism do so largely because they believe (like Thomas Hobbes and to a lesser extent John Locke) that without the state as an enforcer of at least last resort, internally generatedcooperation would be inadequate to sustain a peaceful and efficient society. Thus an ostensibly external agency — the state — is necessary to impose the minimum degree of cooperation required for society to run smoothly.

We’ve seen, however, that government also supposes internal cooperation — there is no superstate to police relations between the government and the people, or among the many individuals who constitute the government. Government is not external agency to society. The standard objection to anarchism is thus blunted by the fact that it applies equally to statism, including minimum statism (minarchism). Ideology and custom are immensely powerful in both contexts. If the public’s implicit or explicit ideology can sustain a state, we have no reason to believe it could not sustain a stateless society. If the real constitution of a society is its widely accepted code of conduct and resulting incentives (regardless of words on a piece of parchment, if that even exists), then a stateless society has a constitution fully as much as any other society with a state. The pertinent question, then, is not whether a society has a constitution, but whether the constitution is grounded in natural justice.

Check out his post here.


Alright, folks! Let’s get some announcements out of the way. First, you still have one more week to submit your essay for our Anniversary essay contest! Submissions are closed as of November 1, and we’ll announce the winners on November 6. As always, submit your stuff to for a chance to be one of our three!

Last week I announced (very loosely) that C4SS is going to have a panel discussion on anarchisms at the Oklahoma SFL Regional Conference on November 5. Well, we have some new information on that, including some EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS to share!

First (BREAKING), Grant Mincy, The Elinor Ostrom Chair in Environmental Studies and Commons Governance here at C4SS, has been added to the panel! He’ll be taking part in the discussion and hitting us all with his radical ecolibertarian awesomeness. Check out the breakout session page for more info.

Second, you still have time to register for the conference! In fact, you can register right up to the day before the conference! Come see C4SS, including main speaker Gary Chartier, as well as AntiWar’s Angela Keaton, at the most fun anarchist academic conference of the year.

Also, Nick Manley will be on We The Individuals tonight to debate left-libertarianism. Check that out here.

Roderick Long has been contributing to a series on Kant and libertarianism over at Cato Unbound. Check out his latest post.

Finally, Chad Nelson has passed along a call for contributions for a volume of essays over animal liberation and pedagogy. From the poster:

Vegan educators are invited to contribute to this volume of essays on animal liberation and pedagogy. For the purposes of this book, the term ‘educator’ is very loosely defined and does not only refer to professionals in teaching positions. This project invites anybody who sees themselves as a facilitator of knowledge, be they teachers, authors, artists, activists or anybody else who is in a position to offer a platform for knowledge exchange in a private or public setting (including parents and guardians, key workers, public speakers, etc.).

The book hopes to serve as a platform for the exchange of practical tools, including revolutionary communication skills and radical approaches to pedagogy, all of which should incorporate a thematization of animal liberation, speciesism or animalisation/dehumanisation amongst humans. Through this, it shall serve as a critique of and counterbalance to neoliberal education and its adherence to a mostly binaristic, white, heteronormative, masculinist, Euro- and anthropocentric curriculum.

Contributions could address, but are not restricted to, the following areas:

  • teachers as activists and activists as teachers
  • pedagogical approaches to communicating animal suffering
  • the ethics of teaching animal liberation (e.g., to children or when using imagery of animal suffering)
  • animal oppression as part of a larger system of injustice (e.g., discussions of kyriarchy, or intersectionality if not appropriated by white contributors)
  • teaching animal liberation (antispeciesism, veganism) as resistance to imperialism, racism, misogyny, genders, heteronormativity, ableism, classism etc.
  • animal liberation in an indigenous and anti colonialist/decolonialisation context
  • teaching animal liberation in an interdisciplinary context (e.g., through a combination of science and art)
  • making animal liberation relevant in specific subjects (e.g., Food Technology; Critical Food Studies; Media Studies; International Relations; Gender Studies; Disability Studies etc.
  • introducing veganism into non-animal-centered movements (e.g., doing vegan outreach in some form or another within feminism, queer communities, Antifa, BLM, occupy, environmentalism etc.)
  • being a vegan pedagogue in a context that is hostile towards vegans
  • teaching animal liberation under government repression (i.e., anti-terror laws, military regime, etc.)
  • teaching animal liberation from a marginalized position

Please outline your proposed work in 500 words and add a few lines about yourself to the proposal email. Contributions will be chosen in January and the final pieces should have a word count between 2500 and 7000 (please include a roughly estimated word count in your outline).

Preference will be given to essays that critique the predominantly Eurocentric neoliberal, white, masculinist approach to (teaching) animal liberation, and/or to essays that present or imagine alternatives to dominant approaches in animal liberation in an educational context.

The English used in the essays should be as accessible as possible. Personal accounts, letters, diary entries, are welcome as are critical and academic analyses, however when theory and/or jargon is used it should be explained in the text itself or a glossary. If footnotes are used, please include them on the page they refer to.

If that sounds interesting to you, please email Dr. Agnes Trzak ( with your outline and biography by December 31, 2016.

Finally, if you like all the other stuff everyone else is doing or has done, I have a way for you to help them out.

Donate! It’s how we get paid!

C4SS is an official non-profit, recognized by the State and the IRS, so that means you can give us your money and you get to pay the state less in taxes at the end of the year. This helps us out AND it helps you out! No, but seriously – we have a lot of great writers in our stable right now and we like being able to pay them for their effort. We do that with your help each month. Head on over to the Support page to learn more!

The Delegitimization of Democracy

There’s a number of folk celebrating the collapse of the legitimacy of US civil institutions in this election, but regrettably it’s not so simple as de-legitimize the state and presto anarchism. Liberal democracy is an incoherent, ultimately unstable and unsustainable system, but there are many more stable configurations of society and a lot of them are far more dystopian.

Our strongest critique against liberalism is not that its founded upon horrific, unnecessary and intolerable violence — although it is — but that it is insecure against slow rolls or sudden descents towards greater authoritarianism and fractious civil war.

When the civic religion of a country withers and the treaty of liberal democracy is revealed as nothing more than paper, what is most often released is the mass of fascistic predators who have grown fat slowly nibbling the democracy’s flesh from within. The state survives on top of a much broader ecosystem of sociopathic power-seeking that it encourages. It powers itself on the fuel of constructed tensions and contestants for power, forces that can burst out of its control explosively. The collapse of a democracy is most usually a reconfiguration of power, hardly ever its abolition.

That is not remotely to suggest that anarchists stop or show timidity in our efforts to delegitimize our current state, but rather that we must stay steely-eyed about the incredibly hard work to prepare for such a collapse and survive it, much less guide it.

When one morning in 1936 the president of the Second Spanish Republic called his ministers, his assistants and secretaries and found that they had all abandoned their posts — his government de facto dissolved like a silly dream — the people of Spain were already building barricades and raiding the armories. Either for the fascists or for the anarchists.

We lost that war.

In part because we did not get to choose its outset. And were not ready for its vicissitudes.

There are presently far far far more Trump brownshirts in this country than there are anarchists. An insurrection by white supremacists and populist authoritarians against a thoroughly corrupt and totalitarian establishment looking for any excuse to suppress all dissent is a conflict we are ill-prepared to leverage to our advantage. This is a plain and uncontestable truth.

Obviously our state must fall. Democracy must be revealed as illegitimate. But these goals must happen on our terms. And they are nowhere near sufficient conditions for anarchy to flourish. When they are brought about on someone else’s timetable we should be concerned.

Media Coordinator Weekly Update, October 16, 2016

Howdy, folks. It’s Sunday, which means I’m in a rental car hurtling toward Austin, Texas and not really in a position to do a full-blown media coordinator update, but I love y’all so I have a couple of points of business we can attend to anyway!

The Week in Commentary, Features, Blogs…

Luckily (for me), this week we didn’t do much in terms of publishing commentaries. Logan Glitterbomb published her “Revolution Through Art” piece on Monday, and Sheldon Richman got his piece on the Donald’s warmongering, “Donald Trump, Hawk,” out on Friday.

Between then and now we got a couple of anniversary blog posts and features up from myself and C4SS Coordinating Director William “Globalist” Gillis (he asked me to refer to him as such from now on). Gillis’ blog post in particular is very good. Also, part two of that bananas interview with Robert Anton Wilson went live! Check that out. 

Past that? It was a very quiet week here at the Center.

Anarchy Elsewhere

Since this has been such a quiet week, I’d like to take us back to the end of last month/beginning of this month (so long ago, I know). I wrote a little polemic piece in reaction to the extrajudicial killing of Tulsa resident Terence Crutcher. Like all of our commentary pieces, this one (eventually) got sent out to the various newspapers and websites we distribute to.

One of our former recipient publications took… hmm, umbrage with the piece. Now, they insisted (publicly) that we not mention them by name in this space, so I will respect that request. However, I feel that some of the content of their rebuttal to my piece deserves discussing.

“I do not like the national discourse about police right now. I don’t like that people have to die, and I don’t like that police are targeted within minutes of a tragedy for being out of control. I don’t like anarchists who seek political (and funding) gain by trying to capitalize on tragedy, and I don’t like media who will swarm to the scene of a tragedy, only to pack up their vans and head to the next tragedy because the ratings suggest they do so,” the paper’s editor writes.

“I can’t say anything to solve the concerns of millions of Americans through a column in a small newspaper like ours, and I have no intention of doing so. But what I do know is that dismantling a police department, or having our officers all turn in their badges and guns is the worst form of solution because it is not one.”

For just a moment, I’d like to turn your attention to that noted anarchist rag, The Washington Post, with a local-section column from October 4 titled, “Policing doesn’t need reforming. It needs to be abolished and created anew.

The column was written by raucous rabblerouser and longtime Washington Post metro reporter Courtland Milloy. Honestly the whole thing is so good, so I recommend giving it a read, but I want to highlight this big ol’ chunk:

An organization called Communities United for Police Reform offers a model for re-creating the concept of policing. The group treats violence as a public health issue. Every human resource a community can muster — including ex-offenders and former gang members — takes on the role of a physician tasked with stopping the spread of an epidemic.

The organizers encourage residents to take more responsibility for policing themselves. No repressive “stop and frisk” police tactics are required. They advocate putting an end to the deadly practice of having armed cops stop motorists because of minor traffic issues, such as a busted taillight.

Why not limit police to investigating major crimes?

Instead of having cops respond to every 911 call, have a list of other service providers to draw on — social workers, ministers, psychiatrists, for instance.

Such changes would certainly meet resistance. Not just from police but from those in wealthier and majority-white neighborhoods for whom police operate as advertised: “to serve and protect.” For those in poor and minority communities, the slogan might as well read: to confine and control.

“Cop culture, historically rooted deeper in racism than in justice, simply cannot be ‘reformed.’ It must be abolished; the institution where it festers must be dismantled and created anew,” Milloy writes.

Uproot that bush.



As mentioned last week, I’ll be in Austin for the week. Work will still get done around here, but I’ll probably be even less active on Twitter than I am currently, so that’s nice.

The essay contest is in full swing! Three writers will have a chance to get published and get $25 a piece if they turn in a standout essay on elections by Nov 1! Email me at for more information and to submit your work.

More information has yet to be released, but this week Students For Liberty announced that I’ll be speaking on a panel with co-discussants and fellow C4SS folks William Gillis, James Tuttle and Kelly Vee at “Exploring Anarchism,” the 2016 SFL Oklahoma Regional Conference!

I went to last year’s regional conference at the University of Oklahoma, and it was a blast. This year, Gary Chartier, Edward Peter Stringham and Angela Keaton from will be speaking, so honestly I wouldn’t miss this for the world.

If you think you can make it, go ahead and register while you still can! And come say hi! I’ll also be tabling, which is rad.

All of this is made possible in one way. You guessed it –

Donate! It’s how we get paid!

Y’all know the drill. C4SS is an official non-profit, recognized by the State and the IRS, so that means you can give us your money and you get to pay the state less in taxes at the end of the year. This helps us out AND it helps you out! No, but seriously – we have a lot of great writers in our stable right now and we like being able to pay them for their effort. We do that with your help each month. Head on over to the Support page to learn more!

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 142

Lucy Steigerwald discusses U.S. nuclear policy.

Stephen Kinzer discusses the danger of American primacy.

Khaled Diab discusses Israel’s war on peaceful activism.

Uri Avnery discusses Abbas and Israel-Palestine.

Nadia Naser-Najjab discusses Shimon Peres.

Radley Balko discusses police brutality.

Karen J. Greenberg discusses what actually keeps us safe.

Ivan Eland discusses how the first debate shows both presidential candidates that they stink on foreign policy.

Nicolas J. Davies discusses U.S. foreign policy.

Daniel L. Davis discusses why the America as world policeman analogy fails.

Greg Grandin discusses how Human Rights Watch impacted the Colombian peace process in a negative way.

Jeremy Schahill discusses the murder of an American priest in Honduras.

Bill Bigelow discusses Colombus and the abuse of Native Americans.

Nozomi Hayase discusses Wikileaks.

Ali Gharib discusses Tim Kaine’s comments on the Iran nuclear deal in the recent vice presidential debate.

Daniel Lazare discusses Saudi complicity in 9-11.

Alli McCracken discusses the U.S.-Saudi relationship.

Ted Galen Carpetner discusses why the U.S. should end its alliance with the Filipino govt.

Steve Chapman discusses the Afghan war.\

James J. Zogby discusses U.S. support for Israel.

Lucy Steigerwald discusses Obama and the drone warfare program.

Justin Raimondo discusses the Saudis, Yemen, the Clintons.

Daniel Larison discusses the U.S. backed Saudi war on Yemen.

David D. S’Amato discusses liberalism, equality, and the modern corporation.

George H. Smith discusses belief and doubt.

Radley Balko discusses drug war raids.

Richard M. Ebeling discusses the economics of the Middle Ages.

Dilip Hiro discusses the increasingly multipolar character of the world.

Medea Benjamin discusses the U.S. backed Saudi war in Yemen.

Tom Cooper discusses the misinformation surrounding the war in Yemen.

Help Us Develop Even Lower Circles Of Hell!

Yesterday we celebrated our tenth anniversary since the founding of the Center for a Stateless Society. At the same time a self-proclaimed “libertarian” organization released a video of a talk wherein Walter Block, a founder of “Libertarians for Trump” and apologist for eminent domain[1], declared that we deserved “an even lower ring of hell” and the “race realist” Hans Hermann Hoppe proclaimed us to their audience as, “Our biggest enemies.”[2]

We deserve such virulent condemnation and focus, they argued, because of our apostasy, because we had the gall to read their holy books and still find them wanting, to continue the investigations of certain historical figures beyond where they stopped. Such ire is hardly new, but has rained constantly upon us over the last decade from reactionary elements in both the tribes of libertarianism and the left.

We think more is needed to cultivate and undergird a freed society than a simplistic checklist of obvious property violations. We think compassion and intolerance for all modes of exploitation or domination obliges solutions coherent with those values, never through the guns of the state. We believe in markets not out of some elaborate self-delusion that the privileges and norms of our economy would continue and be strengthened without the subsidy of the state’s systemic violence, but because the entire promise of markets is their unparalleled capacity to satiate and fulfill all. We believe in egalitarian relations not out of some leveling collectivism that would discard and ridicule individual liberty in the interest of simplistic abstract conflicts and their would-be managers, but precisely because we recognize the interdependence of our freedom with that of others.

We are apostates, loudly denounced as corruptors and entryists by all sides. And yet we are winning.

In 2003, while locked down to a bridge protesting the invasion of Iraq, I took the time to engage with a nutty counter-protester from the Free State Project wearing a sandwich board. While the cops endlessly circled preparing to bust heads the two of us argued into the wee hours of the morning. While he was wrong on many issues, I engaged with him in good faith and ultimately came away unsettled by some of his points. I thought myself a good leftist, a good anarcho-communist, but I was infected by a need to turn into the uncomfortable, to hold my beliefs to the flames of contrary perspectives, even those of the most absurd out-group. And so when I got home I stayed awake the whole night reading the texts of the Out Group. And suddenly I was reading Hayek and Mises and Coase and Ostrom and Rothbard and Friedman and Konkin and so on. Hungering to find new hard questions to ask myself from every angle. When I finally emerged from that crucible I found myself without a home. If few on either side had taken it upon ourselves to sneak across ideological borders and trade ideas with The Enemy, fewer still had survived the patrols, the immigration police, and the wall-builders.

In the years since I’ve watched a handful of solitary exiled voices marooned in the wilderness find each other and then become a community of dozens and then a broader milieu of thousands.

The Center for a Stateless Society has become the flagship of this renegade fleet, a symbolic capitol for our polycentric stateless society.

On average we take in no more than a few hundred dollars each month from small donations. But we spend that money producing nearly fifty features and editorials a month. We’ve built contacts, respect, and a streamlined system that gets our editorials published in newspapers in countries around the world. We do translations into 15 other languages and publish regular original commentary in Portuguese and Spanish. Markets Not Capitalism was published five years ago and in the time since has had a significant impact upon radical political discourse; today we have nearly half a dozen other books in production. We publish lengthy detailed studies and facilitate symposiums. We mass produce zines and booklets for distribution and table at activist and academic events around America. We give talks and serve on panels at countless conferences.

We do all this on next to nothing.

Imagine what we could do with more.

Political discourse right now is hopelessly tribal. Good ideas get locked up in protective fortresses and echo chambers, suspicious and hostile to anything that smacks of The Other. We have one of the most astonishing track records in the world at tearing down these walls and in their remains cultivating the best insights from either tradition, growing a sprawling garden toward liberty.

Every month we scrimp and cut corners, our core staff sometimes paying what they can out of their own cobwebbed pockets to keep the ship afloat. We’re not going anywhere. But every dollar donated allows us to go that much further. We’re working hard to get central texts translated into dozens of languages where left market anarchism or even anarchism have no real presence. We’re working to get our books into libraries around the world. And we’re working to pull in more diverse or international contributors and facilitate conferences and seminars. There are different ways you can volunteer or contribute, but many of these undertakings fundamentally require money.

Please help us get a head start on our next decade by donating here.

William Gillis,
Coordinating Director

Media Coordinator Weekly Update, October 9, 2016

Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update. Sometimes stuff comes up and you gotta re-prioritize your day. Also, I totally just had the thing happen where a word – “prioritize” – looks wrong even when it’s spelled correctly. Weird feeling.

This is gonna be a super short update on the commentary side, since we’ve only posted two commentaries since last week. Luckily, our features section has been pumping out that quality content in the op-ed section’s stead.

The Week in Commentaries

Two pickups this week, both at the Augusta Free Press: My post on voting and Italian translator Enrico Sanna’s article on compulsory education in Italy.

This is actually Enrico’s first English-language commentary for C4SS, and I wanted to point it out specifically because it’s so good y’all:

Recently, the Guardian reported a grim story about a pupil in an elementary public school in the city of Milan, Italy. At lunchtime, the school principal took the pupil from the cafeteria and forced her to eat her lunch in the classroom, alone and away from her mates. Why? Because she had been caught red-handed. She had brought to school a homemade sandwich instead of relying on the daily lunch served by Milan’s public school system.

Anna Scavuzzo, in charge of the city’s school food policy, said it’s a matter of food safety. Her spokeswoman claimed to be worried by the effects of unhealthy food on children, wondering aloud, “If you permit everyone to bring their own food, how can you be sure that something won’t happen?”

You can bet this has nothing to do with food safety, and everything to do with browbeating and brainwashing children into deference to authority. Authority being the state, of which teachers and school administrators are a proxy.

I mean, damn good.

The Week in Features

Features got a heavy dose of love this week, so buckle up.

“If you consider yourself a centrist, you’re being played.” The week begins with Kevin Carson addressing regular folks who think they’re “adults in the room,” a category of cretin he profiled back in September. His message is pretty simple: the reason you think you’re a centrist is because you’ve been conditioned by the same media manipulation tactics the PR industry has used forever – splashed with a little dose of military grade psychological warfare. Quote:

This counter-insurgency or psy-ops approach of treating the public as an enemy is, in fact, quite common in industry. At a fracking industry conference in 2011, one industry executive recommended his colleagues download the military’s counter-insurgency manual (Eamon Javers, “Oil Executive: Military-Style ‘Psy Ops’ Experience Applied,” CNBC, November 8, 2011). And it’s not much of a stretch of the imagination to suppose that a similar approach is being taken to managing public perceptions of the Dakota Access Pipeline standoff. In fact, for those of the generation that still gets its news primarily from TV and newswire stories in their local paper, there really is no public perception.

To see how successful this approach is on a broader, society-wide level, you need only look at the framing of issues by self-described “Progressives” in the mainstream of the Democratic Party. You can’t hang out in such circles on social media without repeatedly seeing bullet-pointed Internet memes on the lines of “Liberals don’t hate big business, we just… Liberals don’t hate the rich, we just…,” and so on, basically calling for a world that’s dominated by the same exact corporate and military institutions as at present, but with a little tweaking around the edges.

The so-called “moderates” are the textbook example of Duchin’s “Realists,” because a “moderate” position by its very nature defines itself by the minor extent of its structural deviations from the status quo. By definition, a moderate is the same as Duchin’s Realist, in that the “reforms” she envisions are entirely compatible with continued domination by the institutions that currently dominate, and can be implemented by the kinds of people currently running those institutions.

Spooky, right?

Up next, Tommy Raskin brings up some pretty good points on the types of people left-libertarians become:

It would be easy enough for left-libertarians to abandon this uneasy position by blending into mainstream leftism or libertarianism. But because they do not believe that either interpersonal aggression or natural aggression alone circumscribes liberty, left-libertarians proudly occupy the middle. They understand, as libertarians do, that the coercive subordination of one human being to another obstructs the victim’s flourishing. They also understand, as leftists do, that freedom is a vacuous concept if ostensibly “free” people lack the food, clothing, shelter, and medicine necessary to stave off aggression from nature. Although these positions are bound to provoke accusations of inconsistency, left-libertarianism actually seems to be one of the most consistent political dispositions. It is consistent, that is, with a comprehensive definition of human freedom in real-world settings.

Gaetano Venezia III’s first article for C4SS is a sober look at homonationalism’s rise following the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando earlier this summer. As a queer anarchist myself, this piece resonated with me to a pretty high degree. It can be hard to fight, as Gaetano puts it, “Such favorable association of LGBTQ+ culture, community, movements, and tragedy with nationalistic ideals, institutions, and projects.” Here’s a quote:

Whether intentional or not, homonationalism entrenches the idea of the state as protector and minimizes the very real claims that the LGBTQ+ community and other marginalized communities have against state abuse. If one cares about those communities that have suffered from state oppression, one needs to become aware of and counteract homonationalism.


The call for more police “protection” of the LGBTQ+ community is short-sighted, as it ignores the history of police abuse of LGBTQ+ people and perpetuates the image of the police as protectors of all—and so ignores a history of actual abuses. A recent article about police presence during Pride events sums up these sentiments well: “Since when do we accept celebrating ourselves, our lives and the fight for LGBTQ liberation under the eyes of a violent police state that continues to be a large part of violence against queer and transgender people, especially queer and transgender people of color? …The very idea that we are protected by the police is a result of homonationalism and, often, one’s own privilege — especially considering Pride events now are largely dominated by upper-class, white, cisgender, gay white men and women,” a demographic that does not face as much abuse as LGBTQ+ people of color.

So yeah, more of this plz.

I honestly don’t know how he does it, but Kevin Carson was able to bang out another feature in less than two days. The second of the set revolves around the authoritarian right’s love of cops and hatred of groups like Black Lives Matter.

The same people who talk about “unintended consequences” and irrationality in the context of government policy in general, just assume that cops have absolute epistemological certainty about who’s guilty, rather than being fallible.They never seem to wonder how it’s possible for somebody to “just know” something they have no objective, concrete evidence for, or consider that cops’ “gut instincts” might be biased by unexamined prejudices.

And besides trusting the cognitive abilities of police and assuming they can’t be sincerely wrong about guilt, they also see cops as exceptional in terms of personal ethics and trustworthiness — they just assume that cops will never lie to convict somebody they know is innocent, either out of personal motives or because of political pressure from above to punish some higher-ups political enemies. For that matter, they assume that cops who lie to convict a “criminal” won’t also lie to the public to cover up their mistakes if they turn out to be wrong — as with, for example, the cop who was recorded shooting an unarmed man in the back and then planting a drop gun on the corpse.

Their very notion of “crime” is incoherent. Prisons are commonly described as “colleges of crime.” But insofar as law enforcement culture instructs and encourages officers behind the scenes in committing the illegal acts Ami recounted from Law & Order, police forces are colleges of crime on a scale that would put any prison to shame. If the idea of “the law” means anything at all, in the sense of a universally applicable body of constitutional, statute and case law, then the police and prosecutors on Law & Order (and the real-life cops and prosecutors who do the same things every day, all over America) are criminals, every bit as much — if not more so — as the people they shred the law to railroad into jail.

So what we’re left with is the implicit belief, on the part of authoritarian “small government” conservatives, that (to paraphrase Nixon) “it’s not a crime if someone in authority does it.”

The coup de grace of the week was Chad Nelson’s finally-finished transcript of an interview with Robert Anton Wilson by Charlie Hayden of Pacifica Radio.

According to Chad, “At some point in the late fifties or early sixties, Pacifica Radio’s Charlie Hayden interviewed the inimitable Robert Anton Wilson on all things anarchism. Wilson waxes poetic on anarchism’s foundations and answers some challenging questions from a presumable skeptic in Hayden. While the exact date of the interview is unknown, the early to mid-sixties appear to have been Wilson’s most overtly anarchist period. […]

“I purchased access to an audio version of this interview upon finding it in Pacifica’s archives, and with the help of Wilson scholar Nick Helweg-Larsen, have transcribed Part 1 below. Part 2 of the interview will appear at C4SS in the coming days. Enjoy.

I will absolutely enjoy this, Chad. Thanks for the sweet gift!

If you enjoy the content we put out, especially things like Chad’s found interview with Robert Anton Wilson, consider supporting us? How can you do that?


Consider donating! It’s how we get paid!

Y’all know the drill. C4SS is an official non-profit, recognized by the State and the IRS, so that means you can give us your money and you get to pay the state less in taxes at the end of the year. This helps us out AND it helps you out! No, but seriously – we have a lot of great writers in our stable right now and we like being able to pay them for their effort. We do that with your help each month. Head on over to the Support page to learn more!

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 141

Franklin Lamb discusses the plight of people from Palestine in Lebanon.

Daniel Larison discusses how being obssessed with American leadership produces faulty foreign policy analysis.

Daniel Larison discusses laudable opposition to the Saudi led war in Yemen.

Charles Davis discusses U.S. airstikes in Syria and civilian dead.

Daniel Larison discusses how Hilary Clinton will be hawkish as president.

Nick Turse discusses the win/loss/draw record of the U.S. military.

Peter Kornbluh discusses the use declassified records as a tool of statecraft by the Obama admin.

Ali Beydoun discusses why Michael Townley should be extradited to Chile.

Ramzy Baroud discusses the last U.N. General Sectarary and Israel-Palestine.

Juan Cole discusses the new U.S. troop presence in Iraq.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses Paul Krugman’s recent attack on libertarianism.

Richard M. Ebeling discusses Aristotle’s ideas on economics.

Sharon Presely discusses how we need anti-authoritartianism in all our relationships.

Adam Bates discusses the lack of due process in gun control proposals by Trump and Clinton.

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos discusses whether torture will return.

Rebecca Vilkomerson discusses Jewish Voices for Peace.

Joseph Stromberg discusses praxeology and hostile action.

Kris Boyd interviews Andrew Cockburn on the U.S. backing of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

Daniel Lazare discusses Hilary Clinton’s new plan to combat ISIS.

Ryan Miller discusses American exceptionalism.

Dan Sanchez discusses Ludwig Von Mises.

Matthew Harwood discusses the dark side of early progressive reformers.

Daniel L. Davis discusses the problems with current U.S. foreign policy.

Robert Fisk discusses the recently deceased Shimon Peres.

Justin Raimondo discusses libertarianism and war.

Shane Ryan discusses the reintroduction of troops into Iraq.

Thomas L. Knapp discusses U.S. military aid to the Thai military regime and torture.

George H. Smith discusses whether we have a moral obligation to makind to be rational.

Jim Naureckas discusses U.S. intervention in Syria and the NYT’s reporting.

Media Coordinator Weekly Update, Oct. 2, 2016

Howdy, folks! It’s Sunday, which means I’m going to try and tear myself away from watching Marvel’s Luke Cage for like an hour and tell you a thing about the Center for a Stateless Society’s mark on the media world over the past week. That’s right, it’s your Media Coordinator Weekly Update. 

The Week In Commentary

We’ve got some catching up to do, starting with pickups. We had some stragglers from September: Logan Glitterbomb’s “Of Flags and Football” got picked up by the Augusta, GA Free Press and my post, “Dismantle the Police,” was republished by CopBlock with added commentary.

More recent articles published in our Commentary slot are Chad Nelson’s piece on Angela Davis in defense of her veganism (published in the Augusta Free Press and Counterpunch), a piece on whether voting is a good idea, and Kevin’s article on the first veto override of President Obama’s career.

The Week Everywhere Else

Our writers have been busy elsewhere, too. In the last week we’ve published four new features, including Kevin Carson’s takedown of a “Libertarian” Dakota Access Pipeline shill:

You’d almost get the idea that the pipeline wasn’t being built almost entirely on stolen land. Shughart denies claims that First Nations weren’t consulted by the Army Corps of Engineers before construction, but the fact that the project was even considered in the first place, let alone treated as a matter of debate, is a gross injustice. The sacred land and burial sites on the pipeline’s route are already protected by treaty. The pipeline route comes within a half mile of a Hunkpapa reservation, and actually occupies land which itself was stolen from its indigenous inhabitants. By any standard of justice, the ACE’s jurisdiction for private land giveaways should be considered null and void.

Sheldon Richman’s denial of the claim that we must choose between democracy or elitism:

Need I point out that it is astonishing for a libertarian to cite licensing in defense of his plan for an unequal distribution of voting power? Formally, licensing is the state’s way of determining who may and may not engage in occupations supposedly in the interest of consumers. Actually, licensing is how incumbent practitioners of occupations exclude competition and hamper innovation in order to support the monopolistic incomes to which they have become accustomed. It’s a system of privilege. Why hitch political reform to it?

Logan Glitterbomb arguing for a more working-class libertarianism:

But since then, libertarianism in America is more commonly associated with capitalist business interests and vulgar “free”-marketers. Some, like Konkin, have tried to correct this by reinserting a class analysis into libertarianism and was successful in creating a philosophy re-uniting market libertarianism with the class struggle and feminism. His philosophy has even crossed over into mutualist libertarian circles with ideas of anti-capitalist agorism, similar in many ways to Proudhon’s strategy of dual power. So with Ron Paul and Gary Johnson inspiring more and more people to discover less class-based libertarian ideas, how can those truly concerned about classism bring these new members into the fold and combat a seemingly predominate form of vulgar libertarianism? How can we prove to the left that libertarianism and class struggle can co-exist?

And finally, Sheldon Richman’s send-off to the founder of Israel, Shimon Peres, who died last week:

Lebanon and Qana, as we see were not the jihadis’ only grievances against the United States, but Peres’s war was one more count in a long bill of indictment against the United States, whose government has underwritten the Israeli military to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Peres would have had no way of knowing that five years later his war would produce such a dramatic act of revenge against the American people. But that should not lessen our condemnation of him. His mission in life — Zionism — required the degradation and destruction of the indigenous people who did not fit into his vision. It was inevitable that some kind of vengeful backlash would result. As usual, the victims were innocent bystanders. Perpetrators like Peres get to die of old age.


Just a couple of things before I wrap this lil shindig up:

  1. I will not be posting a Weekly Update on Sunday, Oct. 16, because I’ll be traveling to Austin, Texas for work. On a related note, if I have any friends in Austin you should hit me up that Sunday, because while I’ll be insanely busy through the week I’m likely gonna have n o t h i n g to do for an entire afternoon, and I’ve never been to Austin before.
  2. Our 10th Anniversary Essay Contest is in full swing! check out this post for more details and send your submissions to before Oct. 25!
  3. That’s literally all I have.

Thank y’all for your continued support, and since I don’t have a clever segue:

Donate! It’s how we get paid!

The Center for a Stateless Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its rotating cast of Fellows and volunteers work tirelessly to bring market anarchist content to all corners of the world. The work we do – writing, translating, setting up discussion fora, tabling at events like the upcoming Students For Liberty Regional Conferences all over the United States, and more – is paid for by your contributions. We’ve just started a new month, which means you have plenty of time to help us out!

Visit our support page for more info on how you can do that.

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 140

Sheldon Richman discusses trade as a labor saving device.

Paul Buhle discusses the Vietnam War.

Renee Parsons discusses justice for the victims of 9-11 vs U.S. support for Saudi Arabia.

Peter Van Buren discusses the world his daughter will inherit.

Ann Wright discusses the environmental destruction wrought by the U.S. military.

Robert Fantina discusses Bibi, ethnic cleansing, and Palestine.

Ron Jacobs discusses U.S. war resisters who fled to Canada.

Ann Garrison discusses a U.S. backed genocide.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses U.S. support for military rule.

Glenn Greenwald discusses the Washington Post’s editorial team’s switch on Snowden.

Anthony Romero discusses why Obama should pardon Snowden.

Paul R. Pillar discusses how our hardliners are helping Iran’s hardliners.

Barton Gellman discusses a report on Edward Snowden.

Peter Maass discusses why Obama should pardon Snowden, Manning, and other leakers.

Ramzy Baroud discusses ending the war in Syria.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses interventionism in the Middle East and the consequences.

Richard M. Ebeling discusses the ancient Greeks and economics.

Rev. William Alberts discusses the 21st century’s worst war crime.

Kevin Carson discusses deprogramming from the cult of national unity.

W.T. Whitney discusses the U.S. govt and Colombian paramiliarties.

David D. S’Amato discusses Adam Smith, class analysis, and the left-right divide.

Jeremy R. Hammond discusses his top ten reasons why anti=Palestine libertarians piss him off.

Eric Schuler discusses why both Trump and Clinton’s proposals for dealing with terrorism fail.

Tom Engelhardt discusses American foreign policy woes.

Robert Koehler discusses why stop the killing is the path to peace in Syria.

Doug Bandow discusses NATO expansion.

Paul R. Pillar discusses why the U.S. shouldn’t emulate Russia in Syria.

Uri Avnery discusses Shimon Peres.

Christopher A. Preble discusses American politics and fear.

Peter Van Buren discusses the failure to catch terrorists and a solution.

Media Coordinator Monthly Update: September, 2016

Dear Supporters,

The mission of the Center for a Stateless Society is to introduce left market anarchism to the broader public through education and commentary on the issues of the day. That mission is ongoing, but I am happy to report that in the month of September (8/26-9/25), our writers and Fellows helped further the work along.

As Media Coordinator, I am vested with the responsibility to send commentaries out to newspapers, magazines and Internet publishers, and track our influence in those various spaces.

The following is rough data compiled up to the time of this report’s publication. This information is subject to revision at a later time.

September MVP: Logan Glitterbomb

It’s hard to put more content out per month than Kevin Carson, but in September, Logan Glitterbomb got it done. Her range of work extends from op-eds on anti-fascist graffiti in Germany to examinations of anarcho-syndicalism, agorism and illegalism in her contributions to this month’s Mutual Exchange. As of today, Logan published a grand total of six articles and was picked up 7 times by various publications and online outlets.

Outlets we love: Augusta Free Press

We gave the Augusta, GA Free Press a shout-out in an earlier weekly update, but it cannot be overstated: this local independent paper serving the city and county of Augusta has consistently published our work, and for that we’re thankful.

Another notable outlet in recent weeks has been the Gilmer, Texas Mirror, which has been republishing pieces by our writers with increased gusto.

The Month in Pickups

So, how did C4SS do in terms of commentary publications and pickups? I would say it was a fairly solid month for us. From August 26 to September 23, we put out 15 commentaries – that’s a commentary every other day. While much of the coverage was aimed toward events in the United States, we did have a smattering of coverage of goings-on in the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany from Logan Glitterbomb and Billy Christmas.

Some notable pickups for our articles published in September include:

  • Logan Glitterbomb – “Indigenous Property Rights and the Dakota Access Pipeline,” Counterpunch.
  • Trevor Hultner – “Colin Kaepernick’s Bold Stand,” Antiwar Blog.
  • Meg Arnold – “Responsibility and Freedom: A Defense of Safe Spaces,” Students for Liberty Blog.
  • Kevin Carson – “Why Are the ‘Adults in the Room’ So Awful?” The Libertarian Alliance.
  • Kevin Carson – “Time to Deprogram From the Cult of National Unity,” Counterpunch.

10th Anniversary Essay Contest

C4SS turns 10 years old this October! This is a momentous occasion for us.

Ten years is an immensely long time for any anarchist project to exist, period. Ten years on the Internet? An eternity. We couldn’t have done it without your support, and we’ll be talking more about that in a later Media Coordinator Special Report, but right now, we want to announce something special to celebrate.

If you have ever wanted to write for the Center for a Stateless Society, here is your chance!

Starting today, Sept. 25, we are opening up our article submissions process to all prospective writers who have something to say about anarchism and current affairs in the first-ever C4SS Essay Contest. The desired topic is elections, but you can write about whatever you like.

We will pick three writers to publish as new C4SS contributors starting on October 26. Their essays will be judged on four criteria; clarity, style, relevance and anarchist commitment:

  • Can the writer get their point across clearly?
  • Does the writer have a distinct writing “voice?”
  • Is the writer’s topic timely, relevant or newsworthy?
  • Can the writer explicate their point in an anarchist context?

The winners will be notified by November 6, and their essays will be published as C4SS commentaries through the month of November. Additionally, at the end of our fiscal month for November the winners will receive $25 each and the opportunity to continue writing for C4SS moving forward.

Submissions are open today. Kindly send all essay submissions of 500 to 750 words, comments and queries to

Donate! It’s how we get paid – and it’s how we pay others

The Center for a Stateless Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its rotating cast of Fellows and volunteers work tirelessly to bring market anarchist content to all corners of the world. The work we do – writing, translating, setting up discussion fora, tabling at events like the upcoming Students For Liberty Regional Conferences all over the United States, and more – is paid for by your contributions. For the past decade, you have supported us in the act of spreading anarchy and working toward a better world. We look forward to the next ten years.

Click here for more ways you can support C4SS.

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 139

Richard Ebeling discusses the events of 9-11 and the aftermath.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the pre 9-11 evil that contributed to the attacks.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the dominant paradigm and libertarian challenges to it.

Glenn Greenwald discusses how Facebook will work with the Israeli govt in censorship efforts.

Alon Ben-Mier discusses Bibi’s land grab approach.

Aisha Maniar discusses a former Gitmo prisoner.

Lew Rockwell discusses the truth about war and state.

Paul R. Pillar discusses the legacy of 9-11.

Ivan Eland discusses whether we are safer 15 years after 9-11.

Lawrence Wittner discusses how it is time to ban nuclear weapons.

Nicola Perugini and Neve Gordon discuss Bibi’s claims about the alleged human rights of Israeli setllers.

Arnold August discusses Obama’s selective memory about 9-11 and the Chilean coup.

Avia Chomsky discusses race, deportation, and immigration in the U.S.

Laurence M. Vance discusses ticket scapling.

Stephen Kinzer discusses frustrating the war party.

Noam Rotem discusses the ethnic cleansing of Arab villages in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

Stanley L. Cohen discusses how Palestine will suffer no matter who is elected.

Mary L. Dudziak discusses how war lost its politics.

George H. Smith discusses the ethics of belief.

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity discusses how the U.S. media has ignored the CIA cover up of the torture report.

Mina Al-Oraibi discusses the occupation of Palestine.

Richard Hardigan discusses how people in Palestine with disabilities aren’t immune to Israeli violence.

Yves Engler discusses Canada in the Congo.

David Swanson discusses the killing of native peoples.

Ramzy Baroud discusses the parallels between the treatment of people in Palestine and Native Americans in the U.S.

Lucy Steigerwald discusses the religious fervor of nationalistic rituals in the U.S.

Uri Avnery discusses why peace can happen between Israel-Palestine.

Zaid Jilani discusses how Bibi has added new settlements while getting a massive aid package from the U.S. govt.

Laurence M. Vance discusses what libertarians want from government.

David R. Henderson discusses why foreign airlines should be allowed to fly between U.S. cities.

Media Coordinator Weekly Update, Sept. 18, 2016

Howdy, folks! Another Sunday is in progress, which means it’s time for me to rub another Media Coordinator Weekly Update in your eyes. Don’t worry, I don’t think it stings.

Of course I didn’t try it on myself first, are you serious?

The Week in Commentary

We started the week off strong with Logan Glitterbomb’s article on antifascist graffiti artists reclaiming walls in Germany from neo-Nazis. “Fight Hate, Paint Back!” was picked up all over the place – including, as y’all might expect at this point, our 2016 MVP: the Augusta Free Press.  Her piece was also picked up in the Gilmer, TX Mirror and the Buffalo Network, which seems to be an online news service that caters to a few counties in Wyoming. Neat!

Kevin Carson’s piece, “Why Are the ‘Adults in the Room’ So Awful?” made its way not just to the Augusta Free Press‘s commentary repository, not only to the Gilmer Mirror‘s pages, but also to the Libertarian Alliance blog. Thanks for publishing, y’all!

As always, all pickups are added to a list at the bottom of each article, and those lists are edited over time as more pickups come in.

There were a couple more commentaries released this week that don’t yet have enough pickup information (or in the case of Kevin’s second Op-ed of the week, hasn’t been sent out yet) to pull through, but you should check them out anyway, because they’re stellar.

  1. Billy Christmas wrote a fantastic examination of the British left’s relationship with gentrification.
  2. Logan Glitterbomb wrote about the ongoing prison strike, and how the majority of organized labor abandoned prison workers.
  3. Kevin Carson skewered nationalism with his piece on the ramifications of Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem.

I’m sure we’ll be revisiting these pieces next week, especially that last one (since I haven’t even sent it out yet…).

How’d the Mutual Exchange end? Let’s find out

I mean, I couldn’t just leave the Mutual Exchange hanging. Let’s see how everything finished.

Here’s the rundown. For everything prior to Monday, check out my last update.

  1. C4SS Senior Editor Chris Shaw starts things off on Monday with an examination of markets where agorism can thrive; namely, energy and small manufacturing.
  2. C4SS contributor and freelance reporter Derrick Broze draws the line and separates agorism from anarcho-capitalism.
  3. As if Broze’s piece wasn’t spicy enough for you, C4SS Research Scholar Nathan Goodman comes in hot with a piece on the benefits and pitfalls of agorism, syndicalism and other anarchist pursuits.
  4. C4SS Senior Fellow Nick Ford responds with the question: “Does agorism require intent?” and “Can Agora-Syndicalism and Libertarianism get along?”
  5. Derrick Broze jumps back in with a reply to both Ford and Goodman arguing that there is a “Need For A Self-Aware, Intentional Agorist Movement.
  6. Finally, C4SS Fellow Logan Glitterbomb also addresses Ford and Goodman, arguing further that agorism, syndicalism and illegalism are definitely compatible.

I would say that this month’s Mutual Exchange was a success! I’m already looking forward to the next one.

Odds + Ends

Sheldon Richman’s new Feature, “Trade Is a Labor-Saving ‘Device’,” is up. Excerpt:

Outside politics life is rather different. Our actions have a reasonable chance of making a difference to ourselves and those we care about; the costs of our actions fall largely on ourselves; and acquiring information in order to act more intelligently is thus worthwhile. As a result, those who try to sell us goods and services have an incentive to behave responsively and responsibly, unlike candidates for political office.

Kevin Carson has a book review out, covering Nicholas Hildyard’s new book, “Licensed Larceny: Infrastructure, financial extraction and the Global South.” Excerpt (from the review, not the book, duh):

To be sure Hildyard is not, so far as I know, an anarchist. But while remaining open to state reformist measures as part of a total agenda package for fighting neoliberalism, he expresses considerable skepticism towards a strategy focused on such measures. For example the traditional social democratic remedies of progressive taxation and redistribution, he writes, “arguably threaten to become a regressive end-of-pipe ‘solution’ that perpetuates the violence of capital while retrospectively compensating a few of those from whom capital has looted…” And he takes a similarly reserved view of a global justice focused on “persuading ‘policy makers’ in powerful institutions (the World Bank, the G8, the G20, national governments, corporations and the like) to do the right thing.”

And finally, over at our wonderful blog, Natasha Petrova has compiled yet another monster list of links to libertarian and other writers who have written good stuff recently.


This is more of an administrative note than an update with what C4SS is doing, but I did want to use just a smidge of space to let y’all know that I’ve finally gotten my email set up. If you are a member of the media and you have inquiries about any of the work we do, you can now reach me directly at Also I’ve set up a Twitter. I’m @trevor_c4ss.

Anyway, how can you help keep this roller coaster going? I’ll tell you. But first I have to start a new paragraph, change the header size to Heading 2, and shout…

Donate! It’s how we get paid!

That’s right, folks. C4SS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that you can send your tax deductible donations to. That money goes to funding projects, keeping the site up and – arguably most importantly – paying our writers. To quote our support page directly:

The Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) functions on the enthusiasm of writers and volunteers, but it is the continued donations of supporters that keeps us going and growing. We have big plans and even bigger dreams for C4SS and we need your help.

Fundraising is not begging or charity. It is a barometer of success, support and professionalism. It is about offering an opportunity to participate in the project, the task at hand. So we ask you, dear supporters, let us know how we are doing and play a crucial part in our success by giving to C4SS.

So yeah. I think that’s as good a place as any to wrap up. See you next week!

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 138

Lawrence Davidson discusses moral idiocy among the powerful.

Branko Marcetic discusses COINTELPRO.

Ramzy Baroud discusses Israeli efforts to divide people living in Palestine.

John Cavanagh discusses the man who put advoacy for Laotians on the map.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether U.S. soldiers fight for our freedom or not.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses statist school indoctrination.

Kathy Kelly discusses a good beginning toward the end of US empire.

Tom Engelhardt discusses 15 years of American air war.

Zaid Jilani, Alex Emmons, and Naomi LaChance discusses Hilary Clinton’s national security advisors.

Cory Massimino discusses Gary Johnson’s recent gaffe.

Shawn Regan discusses 5 ways govt keeps Native Americans in poverty.

Julie Leininger Pycior discusses Mexcian-Americans and LBJ.

Julian Brave NoiseCat and Anne Spice discusses resistance to expansionism on Native American land.

Jesse Walker discusses anarchy, swamp, and utopia.

Ben Norton discusses people who got basic facts about the Syrian conflict wrong.

Charles Hughes discusses govt regulation of volunteer efforts.

David S. D’Amato discusses why libertarians can be pro-environment.

Robert Fantina discusses newspeak and Israel=Palestine.

Yoav Litvin discusses Israel-Palestine.

John Knefel discusses the forever war.

Missy Ryan discusses U.S. bombing across the globe.

Wendy McElroy discusses the revolution of rising expectations.

Sanford Ikeda discusses the refusal of a 49er to stand for the national anthem and the left-right divide.

Zaid Jilani and Alex Emmons discuss Wolf Blitzer’s fear of defense contractors losing business.

Alex Emmons discusses the neverending post-911 war.

Scott Beauchamp discusses why Hilary Clinton’s apology about her Iraq vote isn’t enough.

Jonathan Cook discusses whether the Israeli govt will face war crimes charges brought by the ICC.

Marjorie Cohn discusses 15 years after 9-11.

Wilson Dizard discusses how Trump and Hilary will repeat the foreign policy mistakes of the past.

Ted Galen Carpenter discusses the idea that the U.S. can do no wrong in foreign affairs.

Media Coordinator Weekly Update, Sept. 11, 2016

Howdy, folks! Another Sunday has arrived, which means it’s time to talk about what C4SS is doing, where we’ve been and what we’ve got coming down the pike. It’s your Media Coordinator Weekly Update.

An Agora Around Agorism

God, I love alliterative puns.

Anyway, every month C4SS picks a theme, and a selection of our Fellows square off against thinkers from other organizations and fields in a friendly debate/symposium on that theme. We call this program Mutual Exchange

This month, we’ve centered the discussion around the countereconomic theory of agorism. Here’s a very brief rundown of what we’ve published so far in the series:

  1. C4SS Senior Fellow Nick Ford set the stage with an essay discussing what, exactly, agorism and countereconomics are.
  2. C4SS Fellow Jason Lee Byas contends that agorism is a way to bring libertarian politics out of the realm of electoral politics or state policy.
  3. C4SS contributor H.B. Dillon Williams IV (dang, what a name) brings both historical context and an argument that agorism and illegalism go hand in hand.
  4. C4SS Senior Editor Chris Shaw conceptualizes how new technologies can help further agorist goals.
  5. Nick Ford is back with a piece on combining countereconomics with classic anarchist/syndicalist tactics like the General Strike.
  6. Freelance journalist Derrick Broze assesses where the agorist movement is at in the project of moving from statism to freedom.
  7. C4SS Fellow Logan Glitterbomb calls for an agorist-syndicalist alliance.
  8. C4SS Lysander Spooner Research Scholar Nathan Goodman discusses the promising synthesis between agorism and feminism.
  9. Logan Glitterbomb comes back with a one-two punch on the similarities between agorism and illegalism, and how agorism is different from ethical consumerism.

We’ve got plenty more coming down the pike, so keep your eye on the Feature Articles section for daily updates to the series.

The Week In Commentary

We had a bit of a busy week this week on the commentary front.

First, major shoutouts must go to the Augusta, GA Free Press – y’all publish so much of our stuff it’s crazy. Kevin Carson got both of his op-eds from this week posted there. So did Meg Arnold with their piece on safe spaces. Thanks y’all!

Last week’s late submissions were Kevin Carson’s piece on capitalism not making us richer, and my piece on Colin Kaepernick. Kevin’s piece was picked up by the Augusta, GA Free Press. My piece was picked up by, the Augusta, GA Free Press and the Michigan Standard.

All in all, everyone had a pretty good week when it came to pickups.

Steal This Review

James C. Wilson has a great review of Abbie Hoffman’s seminal rebel’s cookbook, Steal This Book, up in our review section now. Steal This Book holds a lot of significance for me, since once upon a time I was a member of a forum dedicated to bringing it to the internet in a wiki format. Here are some choice excerpts for the review:

If you are looking for an in-depth collection of arguments about the evils of the current system, this is not the book you are looking for. In fact it assumes in the intro that readers have already reached their ideological conclusions and are prepared to act on them.


This book is a fun read, and provides a heavy dose of late 1960’s radicalism.  While many of the tips and tricks it offers are obsolete, it remains an entertaining work that boldly displays the spirit of the era that created it. In the years following its release, the US government discontinued drafting people to fight in Vietnam, taking away one of the New Left’s unifying issues. Also, a series of financial downturns took a heavy toll on much of the free-wheeling spirit of the sixties. Despite this, the influence of  anti-authoritarianism, as well as its opposition to racism, sexism and imperialist adventurism are still strongly felt today. It is quite a book, and I’m glad I stole it.


Honestly, this week at C4SS was a really good one. Everyone has been bringing their A-games lately, and while we’re not churning out op-eds daily the ones that are coming out are golden. And there’s a way you can help. Want to know how?

Come closer.

Lemme whisper it in yr ear…

DONATE! It’s how we get paid!

Yes, that’s right. The Center for a Stateless Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that funds all of its projects – from commentaries to Mutual Exchanges and everything in between – with y’all’s support. We are able to continue doing the work we do because you’re helping us move the work along. Head on over to our support page to learn more.

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 137

Daniel Larison discusses Hilary Clinton’s recent speech on American exceptionalism.

Franklin Lamb discusses Syrian refugee children and their plight.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses Obama’s own version of Operation Condor.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether individual states in the U.S. should control their borders.

Laurence M. Vance discusses what conservatives don’t get about the War on Drugs.

Robert Higgs discusses turning intellectuals into cult figures.

Peter Boettke discusses Mise’s book Socialism.

Medea Benjamin discusses Hilary Clinton, the Podesta group, and Saudi Arabia.

Paul Pillar discusses Israeli-Arab relations.

Uri Avnery discusses a possible Israeli civil war.

Jonathan Marshall discusses the Saudi war in Yemen and growing opposition to it.

Jeff Jacoby discusses why aid to Israel is a bad idea ~ I don’t endorse his pro-Israel stance, but I do agree with the notion of cutting aid to the Israeli govt.

Wendy McElroy discusses war and libertarianism.

Taleed J. Brown discusses how govt created the three worst terrorist groups in the world.

Jeffrey Tucker discusses friendship and political differences.

Charles Johnson discusses why there isn’t a taco truck on every corner.

Deirdre McCloskey discusses liberty, equality, and justice.

Trevor Hultner discusses the brave stand of a 49er.

Daniel Lazare discusses Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump, and American exceptionalism.

Ben Norton discusses the U.S. backed Saudi war on Yemen.

Todd Gitlin discusses the non-nuclear option.

Glenn Greenwald discusses the push to shield Hilary Clinton from criticsm.

Ivan Eland discusses U.S. interventionism in Syria.

Nick Turse discusses U.S. special ops in Africa.

Peter Van Buren discusses the denial of entry to the U.S. of Craig Murray.

Peter Hitchens discusses how the Cold War is over.

Jacob G. Hornberger discusses American exceptionalism.

Richard M. Ebeling discusses the relevance of Mises’s Human Action.
Markus Kompa interviews an author on Allen Dulles.

Ted Rall discusses Uzbekistan and American support for the govt there.

Media Coordinator Weekly Update, Sept. 4, 2016

Howdy, folks! It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for an update on what the Center for a Stateless Society has been doing and where we’ve been. I’m Trevor Hultner, your new Media Coordinator, and from here on out I’ll be keeping you abreast of where our writers are getting published, where C4SS is being mentioned and what we’re up to for the upcoming week.


Erick Vasconcelos stepped down from the Media Coordinator position earlier this week. Erick took over from me when I left the Center back in August 2015, and over the past year he has done amazing work reorganizing everything from who gets our article submissions to how those pickups get counted. I’ll be continuing his work behind the scenes.

A Week In Commentary

The last week of August/first week of September was a relatively quiet week for C4SS, with regard to commentaries. Toward the tail-end of last week, Logan Glitterbomb posted their piece on indigenous resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. We submitted the piece for pickups on Monday, and the piece was grabbed by CounterPunch, a regular disseminator of our work; from there, their piece was picked up by the Canadian Centre for Globalisation Research.

Logan also published a report on the goings-on of the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist union CNT – Confederación Nacional del Trabajo – including word that they would be reforming the International Workers Association.

I posted a hot take on Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the National Anthem, and Kevin Carson has posted a piece on how capitalism is not making us richer. Both of these articles are in the queue for submissions, and we’ll have their stats – and more! – in next week’s blog post.

Anarchy in the Gray Lady

Chad Nelson got into the New York Times! Okay, not exactly, but it’s really, really close, and really, really exciting. Here’s the breakdown:

Back in April, Chad published an article on activists protesting cluster bomb manufacturer Textron in Rhode Island. It was picked up by an Augusta, GA news outlet, a Long Island news vertical, and RI Future, a “progressive political blog that strives to speak truth to power, stick up for the oppressed and ignored and tell interesting and entertaining stories about the Ocean State.”

RI Future is where Sewell Chan, a reporter for the New York Times, found Chad’s piece and used it as a contextual link in the online version of their story, “Report Finds Ban Hasn’t Halted Use of Cluster Bombs in Syria or Yemen,” published on Friday, Sept. 2.

Here’s the paragraph from Chan’s article that Chad’s link was hanging out in:

“In April, activists began regular protests outside the Providence, R.I., headquarters of Textron, a maker of cluster munitions. In May, the Pentagon stopped delivering cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia. And in June, a provision to ban the transfer of such munitions to Saudi Arabia was nearly adopted by the House of Representatives, losing on a vote of 216 to 204.”

This is legitimately a momentous occasion. Being linked to in an article published in the New York Times shows the kind of impact our writers – and our ideas – can have, even months down the line. This is why it’s important to…

Donate! It’s how we get paid!

The Center for a Stateless Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations to the Center help pay our writers so they can continue to do great work that may one day end up in the New York Times; it also helps us fund projects that move us toward realizing the dream of a free world. 

The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 136

Joseph Cozza discusses the conflict in Yemen and how to resolve it.

Ramzy Baroud discusses the repression of civil society groups opposed to Israeli policy.

Stephen Zunes discusses the bellicose rhetoric of both major party platforms on Iran.

Medea Benjamin discusses the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia and their use in Yemen.

Glenn Greenwald discusses the donation of money by repressive Middle Eastern regimes to the Clinton foundation.

Jacob Sullum discusses the Philipine’s war on drugs.

Ivan Eland discusses whether the American Department of Defense is providing much ssecurity.

Ted Galen Carpenter discusses U.S. policy in the Baltic region.

Jim Miles discusses a book on Israel and the Arab world.

Steve Chapman discusses paranoia about safety in the U.S.

Cesar Chelala discusses Gitmo.

Ashley Smith discusses anti-imperialism and the Syrian revolution.

K. Lloyd Billingsey discusses the use of armed agents to enforce ever more laws.

Andrew Mitrovica discusses the BDS movement in Canada.

Doug Bandow discusses the peril of excessive alliances.

Ann Wright discusses boats sailing to the Gaza Strip.

Richard M. Ebeling discusses John Locke and American individualism.

Doug Bandow discusses why Washington is addicted to perptual war.

Marjorie Cohn discusses the poster child for Bush era torture.

Charles V. Pena discusses why South Korea should defend itself.

Andrew Cornell discusses anarchists and the welfare state.

Richard M. Ebeling discusses Austrian economics.

Belen Fernandez discusses disappearances in Latin America.

James J. Sheehan discusses two books on U.S. foreign policy.

Neve Gordon and Nicola Perguini discuss human shields and international law.

Alice Bach discusses a book on Palestine.

Jim Miles discusses a book on Palestine.

Radley Balko discusses a DEA atrocity.

Lucy Steigerwald discusses bipartisan warmongering.

Justin Raimondo discusses Hilary’s speech to the American Legion.

Media Coordinator Report, July 2016

These are my belated comments on our media presence in July:

This is my last report as media coordinator. It was great serving at this Center’s media helm for over a year, and I thank everyone at the Center for the opportunity, but I feel it’s time to go. I want to concentrate on my own writing and other personal projects. I will be sticking around, though, so if you pay attention, you’ll be able to spot my articles around the home page every once in a while.

I’m handing over the keys to Trevor Hultner, who’s already had a stint as C4SS media coordinator, so the position is in good hands.

If you want to support our work, you can choose one of the several channels available on our donation page or just cut to the chase and click the PayPal button below:

Erick Vasconcelos
Now Former Media Coordinator

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory