Howdy folks! It’s late, late Sunday, which means it’s time for your scoop on everything the Center for a Stateless Society has been doing.
Not gonna lie, I have been running around Norman, OK with the rest of the C4SS crew for the 2016 Students for Liberty Regional Conference all weekend (starting Friday), so, I’m a lil’ tired. I know I usually lie when I say these are going to be short, but I really am gonna make this short this time you guys I need to sleep.
The Week(-ish) in Commentary
Kevin Carson’s latest piece, “Open Source Revolution Circumvents Capitalist Monopoly,” is super great and delves into the open source community’s fight to free MRIs and epipens from the corporate stranglehold. Go give it a read!
Chad Nelson wrote an article on the Animal Liberation Front’s campaign against Missoula, MT non-profit Garden City Harvest at the end of last month. Check that out here as well.
The Week Everywhere Else
Kevin Carson wrote a book review of Peter Frase’s book, Four Futures. Check it out here.
Carson also wrote a feature on the Dakota Access Pipeline protest outlining where he believes the protest can go. Check that out here.
Trevor Hultner (me, sorry) wrote a short blog post about keeping hope in the future, no matter how dark it is. Check it out here.
James C. Wilson wrote a book review of Nick Ford’s book, Abolish Work, which you can find here.
Finally, Roderick Long has announced the publication of the paperback and e-book version of his 2008 collection of essays with the late Tibor Machan, Anarchism/Minarchism: Is a Government Part of a Free Country? You can find that announcement here.
See? I can keep it short when I need to.
Anyway, the only thing I want to say is a huuuuuge* thank you to everyone who came out to the University of Oklahoma this weekend for the Oklahoma SFL Regional Conference, “Exploring Anarchism.” Thanks to Students for Liberty, the organization running the show, for inviting us, letting us table and even giving us a panel where I, Kelly Vee, Grant Mincy, James Tuttle and William Gillis held forth on our differing views of anarchism for nearly an hour. I’d also like to thank Angela Keaton from for being rad as hell and calling for the destruction of libertarianism as we know it, Maggie McNeill for an illuminating presentation on the hell sex workers face at the hands of the state, and Gary Chartier for showing us how we can remove crime from a stateless society.
I’m going to have a much more in-depth blog post later this week (probably Wednesday at the latest), but right now I have to sleeeeeep. Follow us on Twitter, @c4ssdotorg, and go here to support us. Bye!