How Much “Civilization” Does Your Tax Money Buy?
Carson: The state, by its very nature, is the executive committee of a ruling class. It’s the mechanism by which landlords, usurers, bureaucrats and rentiers extract wealth from the majority of the population.
Bitcoin: Roller Coaster of Love
Knapp: Is Bitcoin the end of political government? No, but it’s part of the beginning of the end of political government.
Just Enough Workplace Democracy To Soothe A Liberal’s Conscience
Hummels: Hey, John Mackey isn’t holding a gun to your head, buddy!
Hope Amid Death and Destruction in La Plata, Argentina
Furth: More than people directing their anger at the right target, what was truly remarkable was the spontaneous eruption of solidarity they showed toward each other, in sharp contrast with the clumsy and slow governmental response.
Human Rights Groups Against Human Rights
Goodman: Human rights organizations shouldn’t be in the business of handing out awards, accolades and executive positions to human rights abusers.
Ignorance is Strength: Kim Jong Un Edition
Carson: The U.S. government is a state. And lying — deliberately, shamelessly — whenever it serves their interests is what states do. Don’t let millions die for a lie.
I’m Already Against the Next War and You Should Be Too
Knapp: The state …. has perpetuated, and continually worked to perfect, wholesale murder for four centuries now. Not just Kim’s state, but all of them.
Prescription for Competition
D’Amato: As much as I hate to spoil the ending, neither Democrats nor Republicans are interested in anything like a real free market.
Charles Koch Has No Power to Coerce Anybody; That’s Why He Needs Government
Carson: The corporate Pharisees of our day strain at a gnat using “free market” rhetoric to attack welfare for the poor, but swallow a camel when it comes to welfare for corporations.
SpamHaus v. CyberBunker: More Than Meets the Eye
Knapp: Spamhaus looks, well, dangerous to a free and open Internet. And as we dig into the details of its dust-up with Cyberbunker, even more so.
“Cyber Security”: Hacks vs. “Hackers” (and vs. You)
Knapp: Monopolists don’t like living in the real world, and politicians traffic in telling them they don’t have to.
Prisons Can’t Stop Rape Culture, Grassroots Intervention Can
Goodman: Future Steubenvilles can be prevented by creating a culture where people stand up for each other’s basic rights and take issues of consent seriously.
Hey Iraqis: How’s that “Liberation” Stuff Workin’ Out For Ya?
Carson: Just what “liberation” meant to Rummy, Dummy and Scummy can be seen from the agenda Paul Bremer implemented as head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq.
Authority: If It’s Good, Why Does It Make Us Feel So Bad?
Carson: Dealing with other human beings — all other human beings — as equals, confident and unafraid, is the right way to live. It’s the only right way to live.
From Coffin Ships to Coyotes: A Saint Patrick’s Day Reflection
Hummels: Open borders for people, not just product.
Patent “Trolls” are Bad. Patents are Worse.
Hultner: The solution to the problem of patent trolling is not to “regulate” it with faulty measures and half-steps in the “right direction.”
Fifteen Benefits of the War on Drugs
Carson: The Drug War is a failure only if the state exists to serve you.
The Will Of The People Doesn’t Mean Jack To Drug Warriors
Hummels: Today’s political class views federalism as archaic.
Health Care: When Krugman is Right …
Knapp: “Privatization” is one of those Humpty Dumpty words that means just what the political class chooses it to mean, neither more nor less.
The Strategic Defeat of Labor: Your Government at Work
Kevin Carson: If labor stopped playing by the bosses’ rules and adopted a strategy of full-blown guerrilla warfare, the bosses would be begging us to sign a contract.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory