I Should Know — I’m the Sheriff
Carson: As anarchist Rudolf Rocker pointed out, civil liberties aren’t granted by governments; where governments recognize them, they do so because the people forced them to.
Coloring “Competition”
D’Amato: [The state] intercedes in economic affairs not to aid ordinary, working people … but to restrict their opportunities and options so that dominant corporate actors (today’s feudal lords) may prey upon them.
The New Political Asymmetry: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Knapp: The global political class, like it or not (and they don’t, not one bit), is faced with the inverse transparency David Brin predicted in 1998’s The Transparent Society.
“Anti-war” Liberals: No More Excuses
Trevor Hultner: “Congressional control” is exactly the opposite of what we want. The military drone program, among other things, needs to be completely dismantled, not “regulated.”
A License to Kill
David D’Amato: If you weren’t already terrified by the power that the Obama White House has arrogated to itself and future administrations, this memo ought to do the trick.
Bring on the Drones!
Kevin Carson: In every conceivable way — agility, resilience, feedback/reaction loop — the emerging networked successor society runs circles around the old hierarchical corporate and state dinosaurs it’s replacing.
Our Adjustment to Conquest
David D’Amato: War is thus inseparable in practice from what we have come to identify as “terrorism,” both designating unjustifiable, invasive hostility against innocents.
Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power
Kevin Carson: Too many libertarians on the political and cultural Right instinctively identify with employers, landlords, and service providers on this issue. They are fundamentally wrong-headed to do so.
The Corruption of Cooperation
Christiaan Elderhorst: “We thus arrive at the worrying conclusion that the concept of cooperation has been entirely corrupted by viewing the delegation of authority as a prerequisite for its existence.”
Review: Dirty Wars
Nathan Goodman reviews the new film from Richard Rowley and Jeremy Scahill.
Gun Control: Who Gets Control?
Darian Worden: Strengthen liberty and autonomy, not government.
A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control
Kevin Carson: From its beginnings the state has been an executive committee of the economic ruling class. … I can’t imagine why anyone would expect the state’s gun control policies to display any less of a class character.
“Gun Control for the Children?” Sorry, No Sale.
Knapp: In Barack Obama’s world, events like the Newtown massacre are a small price to pay for the uncontested ability to do wholesale what Adam Lanza did retail.
On the Utter Senselessness of Aaron Swartz’s Death
Carson: The people who hounded Aaron Swartz to his death did so, not even in the realistic hope of victory, but out of the same vindictive impulse that drives a defeated invader to inflict one more indignity on the violated country on its way out.
Aaron Swartz and Intellectual Property’s Bitter-Enders
Knapp: The old media companies’ only chance of survival is to give up their failed state-created monopolies and protection rackets, and figure out how to generate profits through voluntary trade instead.
Bad DREAM: Immigration “Reform” is an Unworthy and Unrealistic Goal
Knapp: Shiny badges and expensive offices notwithstanding, ICE is no less a criminal enterprise than Los Zetas or the Gambino family, and its abduction of Andiola’s family no less a crime.
Fear, Violence and the Absurd
Hultner: The “debate” between CNN host Piers Morgan and talk radio host Alex Jones on Monday may have been entertaining political theatre, but they — and the rest of us — are missing a larger point.
Authority is the Enemy of Rationality
Kevin Carson: Authority enables one actor to maximize her personal utility, while making socially suboptimal choices, by imposing the negative consequences of her choices on other actors with less authority.
End War at Home, End War Abroad
Goodman: Eric Hill was attacked by police not because he was suspected of committing aggressive violence, but because he was suspected of refusing to commit aggressive violence.
2012: Maybe the Mayans Were Right
Knapp: The stateless society isn’t just looking more and more theoretically viable, it is openly emerging as the paradigm of the next long historical cycle.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory