Media Coordinator Report, June 2016
This is the last of the late media coordinator reports. Now you can enjoy C4SS knowing with certainty that we are chipping away at the state pickup by pickup. These are June’s numbers and comments: In an unusually quiet month, we published only 9 articles; 30 pickups (bringing up our average again to a gloriously-over-3 3,33…
Media Coordinator Report, May 2016
I’m back for more updates in the world of C4SS media coordinating. What follows are numbers and comments for our May 2016 media presence: 17 articles published (same number as April); 29 pickups (1,70 per article on average); Nathan Goodman’s “Father Daniel Berrigan’s Legacy of Resistance” was able to gather a respectable four pickups. Notably, the Michigan Standard thought it was interesting enough…
Media Coordinator Report, April 2016
I have been late on my reporting duties and I shall remedy that. These are the numbers and a few comments on our April 2016 media presence (I know, it feels like a century ago): 17 articles (a slight drop from the 21 in February); 36 pickups or citations (2,11 per article on average — down from…
Media Coordinator Report, February and March 2016
These are the numbers and a few interesting bits on our work in February and March: February 21 articles published. 53 pickups or citations (2,52 per article on average). The consistently excellent P2P Foundation has been republishing Kevin Carson’s work. They account for many of our pickups in February and March. Nick Ford managed to get…
Editor’s Report, March 2016
C4SS produced some hard-hitting material in March. But then again, that’s nothing new. We always aim to bring you the most radical commentary on world headlines. Here are just a few of last month’s publications: Nathan Goodman remarked on the cold-blooded manner in which Washington’s Killing Machine carries out its mayhem. James Wilson and Sheldon…
February 2016 Audio/Visual Coordinator Report
Article Uploads In January and February, I uploaded the following audio articles to the YouTube and the Jellycast feeds. Tarantino Vs. The Hateful State by Nick Ford Whatever’s Going On in Oregon, It’s Not Terrorism by Sheldon Richman Aaron Swartz is Dead – But Not His Work by Kevin Carson Why I am a Market…
Anarchy in DC!
Thanks to many generous radicals, the Center for a Stateless Society has raised enough money to sponsor the International Students For Liberty Conference this February. Students For Liberty, an international non-profit organization dedicated to empowering pro-liberty student leaders and training them to be agents of change in their communities, hosts the biggest, loudest gathering of liberty-minded individuals…
Portuguese Media Coordinator Update, January 2016
These are our numbers for January: Facebook: 4243 likes (+53) Twitter: 120 followers (+3) Tumblr: 31 followers (+0) We also published two translations: Kevin Carson’s “Inequality Isn’t Something That Just ‘Happens’” and “Mobility, Meritocracy and Other Myths“. The C4SS Portuguese social media operation had been my baby since I took over the duties of Media…
Media Coordinator Report, December 2015 and January 2016
Since I skipped last month’s report, here are our numbers and a few comments for both December and January. December 19 commentary articles published 72 pickups or citations (3.73 per article on average) We had an interesting back and forth sparked by Kevin Carson‘s piece “Libertarian-splaining to the Poor.” It was responded to by the…
Editor’s Report, January 2016
C4SS kicked off 2016 with a bang. In January, Gary Chartier produced several op-eds, including the left-libertarian masterpiece What’s Wrong With Inequality? It reached the front page of Real Clear Markets. Kevin Carson looked at the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, ripping into vulgar libertarian calls for more water “privatization” as the remedy. Sheldon Richman exposed Hillary Clinton’s long…
December 2015 C4SS Audio/Visual Coordinator Report
Article Uploads In December, I uploaded the following four readings from myself and John Moore to the YouTube and the Jellycast feeds: Aylan’s Shoes by Grant Mincy Cut Out the State, Free Entrepreneurship by Nick Ford Limiting Conditions and Local Desires by Shawn P. Wilbur Are We All Mutualists? by Kevin Carson Currently, I am…
The C4SS Q1 Tor Node Fundraiser
Essentially, the tragedy of past revolutions has been that, sooner or later, their doors closed, “at ten in the evening.” The most critical function of modern technology must be to keep the doors of the revolution open forever! –Murray Bookchin Part of the dissolutionary strategy advocated by C4SS is called Open Source Insurgency or embracing institutional,…
Editor’s Report, December 2015
Happy 2016 from C4SS! 2015 was a productive year for us, thanks not only to our incredible contributors, but also our dedicated readers. In December, Grant Mincy examined the systematic depletion of Earth’s species and natural resources by the state and its powerful economic allies. The article was picked up by Truthout. Christmas season also…
Media Coordinator Report, November 2015
These are our numbers and some comments on November: 17 op-eds published (+7 compared to October); 32 pickups (average of 1.9 per article, a disappointing dip compared to the previous month, when we got a 3.7 average); The Syrian refugee crisis has occupied the headlines in the last few months, and our most republished article…
Bring C4SS to ISFLC 2015!
It’s the most wonderful time of year yet again. No, not because it’s Christmas season. Because it’s ISFLC season. The International Students For Liberty Conference is the Christmas of libertarianism and the Center for a Stateless Society is trying to bring libertarian students from around the world the gift of left wing market anarchism. In…
Media Coordinator Report, October 2015
These are our numbers for October, 2015: 10 op-eds published. 37 pickups and citations (average of 3.7 per article, up from 2.8 last month). The most republished op-ed of the month was Jason Farrell’s “Why Libertarians are Failing at Politics,” which managed to get 9 pickups. Notably, it was run on both the online and…
Audio/Visual Coordinator Report – October 2015
What Has Been Done Article Uploads In October, I uploaded the following 6 readings to the YouTube and the Jellycast feeds: Kevin Carson’s At Reason, War is Peace … and TPP is “Free Trade” and Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?; Jason Farrell’s Why Libertarians are Failing at Politics and The Natural Right of Encryption; Joe Szymanski’s Autonomy for…
Editor’s Report, October 2015
C4SS was awfully busy in the month of October tackling important and wide-ranging issues. Roderick Long reported on racial bias in America’s judicial system — particularly how it affects criminal defendants and jury composition. Jason Farrell discussed the contradiction-in-terms that is “libertarian” politicians, and why they fail to achieve success. I wrote on a subject…
Media Coordinator Report, September 2015
Some numbers and interesting notes about C4SS media activities in September: 12 op-eds were published and sent to various media outlets; There were 34 pickups, totalling almost 3 per op-ed — an excellent average (in August, by comparison, our work was cited and picked up a paltry 10 times); Chad Nelson’s “Obama’s Legacy Will Not…
C4SS is Now on Patreon
We’re pleased to report we’re now on Patreon. Please visit our page and consider chipping in to our vital efforts on a monthly basis. Whatever amount you can give to C4SS is meaningful. There are already countless ways to give to C4SS. Whether you want to make a one time gift or recurring monthly donations,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory