Tag: Statelessness
Construindo Uma Liberdade Não Fixa
Escrito por Joel Williamson. Artigo original: Constructing an Unfixed Freedom de 21 de novembro de 2022. Traduzido por Gabriel Camargo Interesse Próprio Em toda interação e em toda estrutura social, os seres humanos exercem um instinto psicológico inevitável conhecido como interesse próprio. Trata-se de um fator motivacional profundo que é inseparável de nossa subjetividade. Quer…
Dengelenmemiş, Gerçek Bir Özgürlüğün İnşası
Joel Williamson, Constructing an Unfixed Freedom. Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale öncelikle Mutualism Co-Op sayfasında yayınlanmış, 21 Kasım 2022 tarihinde C4SS’de yer bulmuş ve Efsa tarafından Türkçe’ ye çevrilmiştir. Kişisel Çıkar İnsanlar her etkileşimde ve her sosyal yapıda, kişisel çıkar olarak bilinen kaçınılmaz bir psikolojik içgüdüye yönelmeye meyillidirler. Bu durum öznelliğimizden ayrılamayan derin bir motivasyon faktörüdür….
Construir una libertad inamovible
Por Joel Williamson. Artículo original publicado el 21 de noviembre de 2022 con título Constructing an Unfixed Freedom. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Publicado originalmente en Mutualism Co-Op. El interés propio En cada interacción y a través de cada estructura social, los seres humanos ejercen un instinto psicológico inevitable conocido como interés propio. Se…
Constructing an Unfixed Freedom
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Self Interest In every interaction and through every social structure, humans exercise an unavoidable psychological instinct known as self interest. It is a deep motivational factor that is inseparable from our subjectivity. Whether we are kind or cruel, it…
Cory Massimino Talks Anarchy, Political Authority, and Stateless Societies
Longtime C4SS Fellow, Mutual Exchange Coordinator, and contributor Cory Massimino was recently interviewed by Aaron Ross Powell on (Re)Imagining Liberty about anarchy, political authority, the viability of stateless societies, and the relationship between anarchism, liberalism, and modernity. Check out their interview below.
Anarkisme yang terus Berkembang
Oleh: Ryan Neugebauer. Teks aslinya berjudul “An Evolving Anarchism.” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Anarkisme, bagi saya, bukanlah tentang “hasil akhir” melainkan lebih tentang etika dan pandangan-pandangan tertentu. Ia haruslah menolak gagasan tentang “final” dan sebaliknya, menekankan pentingnya proses pencarian tanpa akhir untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik. Proses ini sangat bertentangan dengan Komunisme, yang telah…
The Enragés: The Monster That Exists with Jaimine
For the sixth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Jaimine to discuss his piece “Social Statism called Caste.“ Without fearing the consequences, Jaimine writes boldly on a variety of topics including culture, hindutva, and economics. Jaimine made a political splash after spray painting “Taxation is Theft” on public walls in Mumbai, India,…
Un Anarchismo in Evoluzione
Di Ryan Neugebauer. Originale pubblicato il 13 luglio 2017 con il titolo An Evolving Anarchism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Per me l’anarchismo riguarda più un’etica e un atteggiamento particolare che un “obiettivo finale”. Deve rigettare l’idea di uno stadio “finale” dell’esistenza, per evidenziare l’importanza di un processo di ricerca infinita volto alla produzione di un…
An Evolving Anarchism
Anarchism, for me, is less about “end goals” and more about a particular ethic and outlook. It should reject the idea of “final” states of existence altogether and instead emphasize the importance of a never-ending discovery process in producing a better world. This process is much to the contrary of Communism, which declares what the…
Assist the Refugees, Abolish the Borders on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Dylan Delikta‘s “Assist the Refugees, Abolish the Borders” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Nick Ford. We cannot let the tyranny of borders continue. It is apparent, especially with the current mass migration of Syrian refugees without shelter or safety in Europe or elsewhere, that borders are inhumane and need…
Assist the Refugees, Abolish the Borders
The Middle East is in great turmoil. It is plagued with war fought by factions of varied political, ethnic and religious tendencies. Some are fighting for liberation, some for nationalism, and others for religious fundamentalism. Whilst the carnage continues, two things have become certain: First, these wars are the result of decades (arguably centuries) of…
Political Governance and Natural Boundaries on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant Mincy‘s “Political Governance and Natural Boundaries” read by Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. What is imperiling the desert is human domination of the landscape. Planning, zoning and development ultimately seek economic growth. There are of course guidelines and restrictions, town hall meetings and financial statements, but at the end of…
Political Governance and Natural Boundaries
The vast Sonoran Desert of the American Southwest lies in the political territories of California and Arizona and reaches south into Mexico. Its arid landscape is home to human industry and a complex ecosystem full of unique flora and fauna, mesas, canyons, arched rocks and other processes of deep time. It is thus governed by two competing forces: Political…
Denuncia dei Redditi: Che Genere di “Civiltà” Stiamo Finanziando?
Il quindici aprile sembra diventata una sorta di festività per i progressisti, che ogni volta inevitabilmente tirano fuori la frase di Oliver Wendell Holmes, secondo cui le tasse sono “il prezzo che paghiamo per la civiltà”, e ci ricordano tutte le grandi cose – strade, scuole e altro – che le tasse producono. A ben…
“Tax Day: What Kind of ‘Civilization’ Are We Paying For?” on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “Tax Day: What Kind of “Civilization” Are We Paying For?” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Even if government did tax the plutocracy at 100% and give it back to the public in the form of some kind of guaranteed income, it would be utterly stupid. It would just be…
15 Aprile: Il Finanziamento dell’Impero
In America il 15 aprile, giorno della dichiarazione dei redditi, è una celebrazione. In questo giorno noi cittadini siamo orgogliosi di stare assieme in una società democratica e di prendere le decisioni cooperando tra noi. I frutti del nostro sudore, sotto l’occhio vigile della IRS (il fisco americano, ndt), sono distribuiti tra la società, edificano…
Tax Day: What Kind of “Civilization” Are We Paying For?
April 15 seems to be a holiday of sorts for progressives, who inevitably trot out Oliver Wendell Holmes’s quote about taxes being “the price we pay for civilization,” and reminding us of all the great stuff — roads, schools, etc. — that they pay for. But on closer examination, tax day really isn’t a very…
April 15: Funding the Empire
Tax day, April 15th, is a day of celebration in the United States. On this day we citizens of the great republic take pride in the fact that we can come together in a democratic society and make decisions cooperatively with one another. The fruits of our labor, beholden to the IRS, will now be…
Secessionists and Fireworks at the National Mall
Ross Kenyon experiences the July 4th, 2010 celebrations at the National Mall and reflects upon the monuments of Washington, DC.
Asking “Argentina Trabaja Para Cuando?” at the Bicentenario
Ross Kenyon’s experience at the Argentine Bicentenario and his reflections on post-secessionist “liberal” states.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory