Tag: Spanish
Aaron Swartz and Intellectual Property’s Bitter-Enders
Knapp: The old media companies’ only chance of survival is to give up their failed state-created monopolies and protection rackets, and figure out how to generate profits through voluntary trade instead.
Privilegio y pomposidad en la política
“los ricos ya han sido los sujetos de la caridad el tiempo suficiente”
Beyond Patriarchy: A Libertarian Model of the Family
Stressing the Hayekian strand within Austrian socioeconomic thought at the expense of the Kirznerian strand can lead to excessive passivity in the face of the omniscient, omnipotent forces of history.
Sobre la Producción de Seguridad
Existen dos maneras de considerar la sociedad.
La Socialdemocracia como “Socialismo” de Altos Costos Fijos
Kevin Carson: En otras palabras, como genuino libertario de libre mercado, soy — a diferencia de los socialdemócratas y “progresistas” — un verdadero socialista.
Spanish Blog Love (Slowly but Surely) Growing
This week I spotted a couple C4SS articles reproduced at a few blogs…
The Problem of Violent Revolution
Alan Furth: How to deal with violent action is a fundamental concept for anarchists, both in philosophical and practical terms.
Riots in Argentina: Nicolás Morás Reporting from the Ground
Argentine libertarian activist and C4SS contributor Nicolás Morás wrote a blog post at Orden Voluntario describing his first-hand experience of a recent wave of riots and looting at his hometown, San Carlos de Bariloche.
Social Democracy as High-Overhead “Socialism”
Kevin Carson: As a genuine free market libertarian, I want labor to receive the full value of its product, without paying tribute to big landlords and usurers or the holders of artificial “property” rights like patents, copyrights and licenses.
Consumerist Drones of the World, Unite!
The pervasiveness of consumerism in modern societies is often blamed on free markets, due to the brainwashing that corporate monsters affect through advertising campaigns.
“It’s Complicated,” or the Relationship of Market Anarchism with Taxes
Alan Furth: The market anarchist is adamant on the impossibility of reforming the state due to its fundamental incentive structure, of which taxes are a crucial element.
¿Es la Propiedad un Robo?
Less Antman: Anarquía no es un sistema. Es una actitud de respeto a los demás, y un rechazo de las relaciones amo-esclavo (sin exceptuar a los funcionarios estatales).
Subsidizing Apocalypse
Any economics textbook will tell you that monopolies are bad things.
Furth: Initiating a fist fight, robbery, fraud, and wars of conquest are all obvious forms of aggression, and they are obviously different from other forms of undesirable influence on others.
Sanidad Universal no es Sanidad Estatal (comentario)
Pero espero que te des cuenta de que no todo el mundo que está a favor de la sanidad universal apoya la sanidad estatal, y no todo el mundo que está en contra de la sanidad estatal se opone a la sanidad universal.
Universal Healthcare Does Not Mean Government Healthcare
I hope that you realize that not everyone who supports universal healthcare supports government healthcare, and not everyone who opposes government healthcare opposes universal healthcare.
Clarín Group vs. the Argentine Government: Failing to See the Forest for the Trees
Alan Furth: Conceptualizing the state as the enemy of corporations simply because of a quarrel between a particular government and a particular former crony, is a perfect instance of failing to see the forest for the trees.
El Gobierno Argentino Contra el Grupo Clarín: Cuando el Árbol Impide Ver el Bosque
Alan Furth: “Concebir al estado como el enemigo de las corporaciones simplemente por una pelea entre un gobierno particular y un ex-aliado particular es un ejemplo perfecto del árbol que impide ver el bosque.”
Por qué no podemos llevarnos bien: problemas del agente-principal y de conocimiento bajo la autoridad
La falta de confianza forjada en las relaciones de autoridad, esencialmente, hace inservible el capital humano.
Algunas Observaciones sobre el Debate del Control de la Tenencia de Armas
Los Estados Unidos tienen más violencia armada que otros países occidentales por la misma razón que tenemos una cultura de veneración a la bandera y de “apoyar a las tropas” sin paralelo en el hemisferio occidental.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory