Tag: boss
Por Claire Wolf. Artículo original: Dark Satanic Cubicles — It’s time to smash the job culture! del 20 de septiembre de 2012. Traducido por Vince Cerberus. Dark Satanic Cubicles se publicó originalmente en 2005 en Loompanics Unlimited , escrito por Claire Wolfe. Cargas dieciséis toneladas, ¿y qué obtienes? Otro día más viejo y más profundo en deuda. San…
Nicolai J. Foss and Peter G. Klein. Why Managers Matter: The Perils of the Bossless Company (New York: Hachette Group, 2022). Why Managers Matter is a response to the excessive and sometimes gush celebration of flattened hierarchies among management faddists like 90s management fad Tom Peters and his successors. Ironically, this book reminds me of…
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Roderick T. Long tarafından kaleme alınmış ve ilk olarak Austro-Athenian Empire’de 16 Ekim 2006 tarihinde yayınlanmıştır. 1 Mart 2013 tarihinde ise C4SS’de yayınlanmış. Devletçi baskıya karşı liberter mücadelenin ataerkillik, ırkçılık, patronizm gibi çeşitli devlet dışı baskı türlerine karşı geleneksel sol mücadelelerle bütünleştirilmesi (ya da yeniden bütünleştirilmesi) gerektiğini daha önce de savundum….
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Against All Bosses: Government AND Corporate” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. “My hatred of bosses is at the root of my identification, not only as a libertarian — but as a Leftist. My instinctive affinity for the “you’re not the boss of me” sentiment, which Masciotra dismisses…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Roderick Long‘s “Worshipping the Boss” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. “Judging from what he writes and where he writes it, I reckon Masciotra fancies himself a man of the left. There was a time when “Dump the Bosses Off Your Back” was a popular leftist slogan. But the idea…
In an anti-libertarian rant titled “You’re Not the Boss of Me! Why Libertarianism Is a Childish Sham,” David Masciotra charges that libertarianism amounts to the petulant selfishness of a child who resents all restrictions on his or her behavior. Masciotra conveniently focuses on libertarians’ saying “you have no right to impose stuff on us,” while…
I keep resolving not to comment on any more of Alternet‘s by-the-numbers anti-libertarian puff pieces, but a recent one from David Masciotra (“You’re Not the Boss of Me: Why Libertarianism is a Childish Sham,” February 26) is in its own category of wretchedness. Masciotra’s commentary includes two seemingly contradictory lines of argument. In the first,…
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “The Gnosticism of Power” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Those in power regularly reveal themselves to be oblivious to conditions in the real world, and to material constraints on transforming their commands into reality. There’s good reason for this: Their power insulates them from direct experience of the material…
Those in power regularly reveal themselves to be oblivious to conditions in the real world, and to material constraints on transforming their commands into reality. There’s good reason for this: Their power insulates them from direct experience of the material world, and from direct experience of the constraints offered by material reality. For example, earlier…
Roderick T. Long: The libertarian struggle against statist oppression needs to be integrated (or re-integrated) with traditionally left-wing struggles against various sorts of non-state oppression.
La falta de confianza forjada en las relaciones de autoridad, esencialmente, hace inservible el capital humano.
Os professores Horwitz e Shapiro suscitam, ambos, perguntas oportunas e bem pensadas acerca da persistência da hierarquia numa sociedade sem estado.
Gary Chartier responds: Professors Horwitz and Shapiro both raise helpful, thoughtful questions about the persistence of hierarchy in a stateless society.
Daniel Shapiro offers another essay critical of left libertarianism from the Bleeding Heart Libertarian Symposium.
Numa comunidade humana saudável, os empregos nem são necessários nem desejáveis.
Carson: Hierarchical institutions are machines for telling naked Emperors how great their clothes look, and those at the top of such hierarchies live in almost entirely imaginary worlds.
Carson: The average member of the producing classes should rest secure in the knowledge that he would be able to support himself in the future, without depending on the whims of an employer.
Claire Wolfe: We Need Jobs Like We Need Cancer