Tag: police state
CITIZEN SAFETY ALERT: You Have The Right To Go Home To Your Family Too
At his blog Pro Libertate, William Norman Grigg recently weighed the pros and cons of resisting arrest. His somber conclusion: “Resistance may be dangerous, but submission is frequently fatal.” The topic of resisting arrest is familiar territory for Grigg. He regularly explores the legal evolution of resisting, as well as the reasons people may feel…
Kevin Carson Interviewed on Truthdig, Pacifica Radio
C4SS Senior Fellow Kevin Carson, Karl Hess Chair of Social Theory, was interviewed March 14th on the Truthdig radio program, Pacifica Radio, on his recent column “15 Benefits of the War on Drugs.”
15 Beneficios de la Guerra contra las Drogas
Carson: La guerra contra las drogas es un fracaso sólo si el estado existe para servirte.
From Coffin Ships to Coyotes: A Saint Patrick’s Day Reflection
Hummels: Open borders for people, not just product.
Democrats Demand Reinstatement of The Draft
Sebastian: The Draft, now with deluxe appeals to community service! Democrats have been pushing the Universal National Service Act since 2003 — it’s only a matter of time before you will need to burn your draft card.
Fifteen Benefits of the War on Drugs
Carson: The Drug War is a failure only if the state exists to serve you.
Christopher Dorner e o Caos Inerente ao Governo
Jason Lee Byas: Essas tragédias não foram eventos fortuitos. Foram resultado direto do governo político, de seu monopólio da violência “legítima,” e da psicologia do direito de cometê-la, atiçada por sua autoridade.
Control Your Local Police
While reflecting on recent episodes of police misconduct in my community and beyond, I began to think about how much law enforcement agencies resemble the Catholic Church. And no, this is not a pre-St. Patrick’s day Irish joke. Consider the following: The Church and police departments have both become safe havens for criminal abusers of authority….
Christopher Dorner and the Chaos Inherent to Government
Jason Lee Byas: These tragedies were not random flukes. They were a direct result of political government, its monopoly on “legitimate” violence, and the psychology of entitlement bred by its authority.
“A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control” by Kevin Carson on Feed 44
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson’s “A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
I Should Know — I’m the Sheriff
Carson: As anarchist Rudolf Rocker pointed out, civil liberties aren’t granted by governments; where governments recognize them, they do so because the people forced them to.
About the question of oversight…
Arthur Silber: Evil does not become less evil because people are “open” about it. It is not miraculously transformed into good through some mysterious process of alchemy. Evil becomes only worse, infinitely worse. …
The New Political Asymmetry: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Knapp: The global political class, like it or not (and they don’t, not one bit), is faced with the inverse transparency David Brin predicted in 1998’s The Transparent Society.
Sem Justiça Não Há Paz: Ataque à Cultura de Armas de Fogo na Fonte
Quer paz social? Desarme os policiais e os soldados. Tire o poder que têm os Dirigentes Executivos Principais – CEOs sanguessugas — criados pelo mesmo estado que quer regulamentar as armas de fogo — sobre nosso próprio direito de existir sobre a Terra.
Lo Vieron Venir: La Crítica Libertaria Decimonónica del Fascismo
Hablar de una crítica libertaria decimonónica del fascismo puede parecer anacrónico, ya que el fascismo es generalmente entendido como un fenómeno del siglo XX. Pero el fascismo no surgió de la nada, y los liberarios del siglo XIX lo vieron venir.
De (korte) volksgeschiedenis van het Amerikaans vuurwapenbezit
Kevin Carson: Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat iemand zou verwachten dat de vuurwapenregulering in de VS minder klassenspecifiek zou zijn dan die van andere beleidsterreinen.
Wapenverbod: vrijbrief voor geweldsmonopolie
Terwijl wij streven naar een samenleving van de menselijke maat – die niet bereikt kan worden zonder het cultiveren van respect voor vrijheid en autonomie – zouden wij ook respect moeten hebben voor wapenbezit voor alle verantwoordelijke individuen.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “What is it that Government has Built?”
For every copy of Anthony Gregory & Anna O. Morgenstern’s “What Is It That Government Has Built?” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
(Breve) História Popular do Controle de Armas de Fogo
Desde seu início o estado tem sido comissão executiva da classe dominante econômica e instrumento da força armada pelos donos dos meios de produção, habilitando-os a extrair excedente de trabalho do resto de nós.
Gun Control: Who Gets Control?
Darian Worden: Strengthen liberty and autonomy, not government.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory