Tag: police state
A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control
Kevin Carson: From its beginnings the state has been an executive committee of the economic ruling class. … I can’t imagine why anyone would expect the state’s gun control policies to display any less of a class character.
Fear, Violence and the Absurd
Hultner: The “debate” between CNN host Piers Morgan and talk radio host Alex Jones on Monday may have been entertaining political theatre, but they — and the rest of us — are missing a larger point.
Acabem com a Guerra Dentro do País, Acabem com a Guerra no Exterior
Goodman: Eric Hill foi atacado pela polícia não por ser suspeito de cometer violência agressora, mas por ser suspeito de recusar-se a cometer violência agressora.
End War at Home, End War Abroad
Goodman: Eric Hill was attacked by police not because he was suspected of committing aggressive violence, but because he was suspected of refusing to commit aggressive violence.
Riots in Argentina: Nicolás Morás Reporting from the Ground
Argentine libertarian activist and C4SS contributor Nicolás Morás wrote a blog post at Orden Voluntario describing his first-hand experience of a recent wave of riots and looting at his hometown, San Carlos de Bariloche.
No Justice, No Peace: Attacking the Gun Culture at Its Source
Kevin Carson: Want social peace? Disarm the cops and soldiers. Take away the power of bloodsucking CEOs — created by the same state that would regulate guns — over our very right to exist on the earth.
Los Zetas vs. “Tu” Gobierno: La Muy Temida Comparación
A Los Zetas en realidad no les interesa dirigir tu vida diaria. Si no te metes con ellos, probablemente no se meterán contigo. Trata de pedirles a “tu” municipalidad, “tu” legislatura nacional o a “tu” amigable burócrata de seguridad en “tu” aeropuerto que te dejen en paz, a ver qué tal te va.
They Saw It Coming: The 19th-Century Libertarian Critique of Fascism
To speak of a 19th-century libertarian critique of fascism might seem anachronistic, since fascism is generally understood as a 20th-century phenomenon. But it did not spring from nothing, and the libertarians of the 19th century saw it in the making.
Los Zetas vs. “Your” Government: The Dreaded Comparison
Los Zetas really isn’t very interested in running your life on a day-to-day basis. If you leave them alone, they’ll probably leave you alone. Try getting “your” local city council, “your” national legislature, or “your” friendly Transportation Security Administration affiliated sexual assailant to butt out of your business and see how far you get.
Hillary Clinton Deixa o Gato Escapar do Saco
A Guerra Contra as Drogas, em uma palavra, é onde está o dinheiro todo.
Primitive Accumulation in the News
Kevin Carson: Why are they doing it? Because they’re afraid of us.
Vídeo Amador: A Comissão da Polícia do Povo
Aos Tenentes Pikes do mundo: Estamos de olho em vocês.
A Instituição Peculiar dos Estados Unidos
Os seres humanos querem ser livres. A informação quer ser livre. Todas as leis em contrário no final fracassarão.
Anonymous Releases NYPD’s Occupy Raid Footage
They tried to remove all the journalists, but now “all your tapes are belong to us.”
Matar-nos com Gentileza
Essas balas progressistas ferem tão menos, não ferem?
Capangas da Classe Criminosa Organizada
A anarquia não é falta de lei, e sim ausência de estado.
“Война это мир, свобода это рабство”, а самозащита – это агрессия?
Американское восприятие «самозащиты» и «агрессии» также искажено, как у нацистской Германии.
Put Not Your Faith in Princes: Democratic Edition
Carson: With all the resources wasted on trying to influence a rigged system we could far more easily build the kind of society we want, here and now, without waiting to elect a government to give us permission.
Meet the New Baas, Same as the Old Baas
Carson: So long as power and hierarchy exist, they will be used by those at the top to live off the sweat and blood of those at the bottom.
The Security State: An Ever Bigger and Dumber Dinosaur
Kevin Carson: It’s like Brazil (the movie, not the country).
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory