Tag: police state
O Policial Será Seu Amigo — Enquanto Der
Carson: A máscara está caindo.
In Solidarity with the Raided and Subpoenaed
C4SS stands in solidarity with those targeted by state repression.
The Policeman’s Your Friend — As Long As He Can Afford to Be
Carson: The mask is coming off.
The President Versus Human Rights
Darian Worden: Evidence of the danger posed by Barack Obama and the US government continues to pile up.
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery … and Fighting Back is “Aggression”
Carson: “Mommy, he hit me back!”
Amateur Video: The People’s Police Commission
To the Lt. Pikes of the world: We’re watching you.
Killing Us With Kindness
Kevin Carson: Thank God it’s Democrats bashing our heads in for a change!
Thugs of the Organized Criminal Class
David S. D’Amato on living under the jackboot of the state’s monopoly on protective services.
What is a Post-9/11 World?
Darian Worden: As the events of ten years ago are remembered, it is also time to reflect on how to build a better world.
America’s Peculiar Institution
Kevin Carson on fake “property”, then and now.
Hillary Clinton Lets the Cat Out of the Bag
Kevin Carson analyzes Hillary Clinton’s remark that drugs can’t be legalized because there is “just too much money in it”.
Secure Persons and Privacy
Darian Worden: True security is founded on liberty at home and abroad.
Cops: Money Good, Neighborhood Bad.
Darian Worden on the invasive nature of the state.
A Trick and a Treat
Darian Worden: Government should be scarier than freedom.
You Are Not Permitted To Speak
Darian Worden on Alex Hundert’s draconian bail conditions.
No Pictures!
Darian Worden on George Donnelly’s arrest and watching the state.
The Mark of the Police State
Darian Worden doesn’t like the sound of “Your papers, please.”
Homeland Security Mission Creep: “Intellectual Property Crime”
Kevin Carson tackles the fanciful notion of file sharing being a cash cow for Al Qaeda.
Meet the New Boss, Part Two: Executive Power and Police Statism
Kevin Carson: “It’s been argued by more than one person that Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley, in part, because Coakley was such a lame and unappealing candidate. But there’s one point that hasn’t received much attention: her cynical role, as a district attorney, in preventing the release of a man who was almost certainly innocent of the crime he’d been convicted of.”
Meet the New Boss, Part One: Empire
Kevin Carson: “The politics of Empire and the National Security State were not an unfortunate deviation of the Bush years, and by no means something peculiar to conservative Republicans. The roots of American Empire go way back to the early 20th century.”
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory