Tag: police state
Naomi Wolf is taking a lot of flak this week from supporters of alleged NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for her suggestion (via Facebook post) that Snowden may “not be who he purports to be” and that his “emphases seem to serve an intelligence/police state objective, rather than to challenge them.” The upshot, of course, being…
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Trevor Hultner. Parece que a reação padronizada da mídia ao surgirem denunciantes em nossos dias é distorcer-lhes a imagem de tal maneira que nunca ninguém possa vê-los como pessoas simpáticas. Assim aconteceu com Daniel Ellsberg. Aconteceu com o segundo cabo B. Manning. E, agora,…
We at the Center for a Stateless Society stand in solidarity with you, the Turkish protestors in your struggle that began with resistance to a particular instance of government cronyism but has widened into a revolt against police-state tactics, religious intolerance, and corporate privilege generally. Thank you for heroic and inspiring efforts! The Center for a Stateless…
It’s important, when listening to the official shapers of opinion in the media, to ask ourselves what they really mean by the words they use. As Orwell pointed out in “Politics and the English Language,” those in power use language to obscure meaning more often than to convey it. A good example is the recurrence…
C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for liberation. For every copy of Lysander Spooner’s “NO TREASON” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage. Support C4SS with Lysander Spooner’s “NO TREASON”. $2.00 for the first copy. $1.50 for every…
It seems that the standard media response when whistleblowers come out these days is to twist their images in such a way that no one could ever find them sympathetic figures. It happened to Daniel Ellsberg. It happened to Pfc. B. Manning. And now, it ‘s former Booz Allen Hamilton system administrator Edward Snowden’s turn…
Financial commerce, the exchange of money and currency, is indistinguishable from speech. Therefore, it deserves the exact same respect and “freedom of speech” protections afforded to the utterances of the street-corner preacher, the independent journalist, the newspaper publisher, the internet blogger and so on. Financial commerce is speech, and should be free. Despite all of the “freedom…
The US government has declared war on us. By “us,” I mean the many thousands of people who work as journalists in this country, myself included. This war extends a larger, more subtle war on whistleblowers that the government, and the Obama administration more specifically, has waged for several years. Last week, the first overt…
On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, anarchist lawyer and activist Gerald “Jerry” Koch was taken into custody in New York City for refusing to testify before a grand jury regarding the 2008 Times Square Military Recruitment Center bombing. This is the second time Koch has been subpoenaed, after the government informed his lawyers that it was…
It seems official, the United States is a permanent wartime state. Senior Obama Administration officials have stated that the War on Terror, in its “limitless form,” will carry on for another decade, possibly two. Given our role in the world, as an economic and military super-power, and given the economic, social and environmental crisis we…
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Kevin Carson. Com os níveis de uso de drogas nos Estados Unidos essencialmente os mesmos que — e os níveis de violência relacionada com drogas iguais ou mais baixos (*) que — os daqueles em países, como a Holanda, com leis liberais relativas a…
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Anthony Gregory. O artigo a seguir foi escrito por Anthony Gregory e publicado por O Estandarte Libertário, 18 de abril de 2013. Há algo com abril. De Columbine à Virginia Tech, de Oklahoma City a Boston, meado a fim de abril ocasiona alguns dos mais execráveis massacres em…
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “I Should Know – I’m the Sheriff“, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “The real reason killing people extrajudicially with drones is (in the words of Obama’s CIA pick John Brennan) “legal, ethical and wise” is that constitutional restraints on executive power are qualified by the clause…
Jay: The term excessive use of force underplays the issue. Assault and battery is a crime. It’s not simply a matter for an internal disciplinary process.
Hummels: It is no secret that there is a vanguard of sorts in policing which celebrates the fascist tendencies of the occupation.
Sheldon Richman on “The Absurdity of Universal Background Checks,” gun control, the legal, rational and moral arguments for the right to self defense, the immorality of the income tax, practical anarchy and much more.
Gregory: Twenty years ago, Waco showed Americans the truth about law enforcement, the U.S. government, and the state itself.
Knapp: Lockdowns are no longer just a prison thing. They’re a school thing, an area, neighborhood, city thing. Google News reports more than 50,000 uses of the word “lockdown” in the news media in the last 30 days.
Balko: “…constantly telling cops how dangerous their jobs are is affecting their mindset. It reinforces the soldier mentality already relentlessly drummed into cops’ heads by politicians’ habit of declaring ‘war’ on things.”
Goodman: Human rights organizations shouldn’t be in the business of handing out awards, accolades and executive positions to human rights abusers.