Tag: school
Kontrol Senjata: Siapa yang Mengontrol?
Oleh: Darian Warden. Teks aslinya berjudul “Gun Control: Who Gets Control?” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Mendukung aturan kontrol senjata berarti memberikan kontrol kepada pemerintah lebih dari seharusnya. Pemerintahan merupakan institusi yang dijalankan oleh orang-orang dengan berbagai personalitas dan kepentingan. Apakah mereka benar-benar lebih pintar, lebih kompeten, atau lebih mampu mencegah eskalasi…
Insegnare la Libertà: Guida Anarchica alla Didattica
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 31 luglio 2017 con il titolo Teaching Freedom. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Persone di quasi tutti gli orientamenti politici potrebbero concordare sul fatto che l’attuale sistema scolastico americano non è l’ideale. La sinistra teme perlopiù che la scuola pubblica sia sotto attacco da parte delle aziende private e…
Teaching Freedom: An Anarchist Guide to Education
Nearly everyone from across the political spectrum can agree that our current public education system in america is not ideal. Those on the statist left tend to fear that public education is under attack by private corporations and is completely underfunded. More progressive leftists go so far as to not only advocate for more funding…
Gun Control: Who Gets Control? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Darian Worden’s “Gun Control: Who Gets Control?” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. While we make society more compassionate — which cannot be done without cultivating respect for liberty and autonomy — we should respect the gun rights of all responsible individuals. It is amazing that an 18-year-old can…
“School Choice” is a Stopgap Measure for the Ruling Class
So, January 25-31 is “National School Choice Week.” Break out the bubbly! The event, put on annually by a coalition of lobbying groups, advertises itself as “an unprecedented opportunity, every January, to shine a positive spotlight on the need for effective education options for all children.” I’m sure most “school choice” advocates firmly and honestly support that goal. Unfortunately, their…
È Ora di Liberare l’Istruzione Online
Dan Friedman (“The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t,” TechCrunch, 11 settembre) esprime non poco disappunto sul fatto che i corsi online dei college deludono le aspettative create qualche anno fa. In termini di completamento dei corsi e di frequenza delle lezioni, dice, “la rivoluzione ha fallito”. Ma se ha fallito una ragione c’è. Il modello predominante…
Time to Jailbreak Online Education
Dan Friedman (“The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t,” TechCrunch, September 11),  expresses no little disappointment over the way online college courses measure up to initial hopes over the past few years. In terms of course completion and even viewing entire lectures, he says, “that revolution fizzled.” But it fizzled for good reason. The predominant online course model has…
Thought Crimes, School Shootings and the State
In our attempts to stop the monsters terrorizing our children, we have ourselves become monsters. We never notice when the transformation occurs. We don’t even fully realize it until years into our rampage. But one day, we wake up and look into the mirror, and the face peering back at us is unrecognizable. On Friday,…
Cultivating Academic Culture
Imagine you make your living as a university professor  –  you have a low salary, no health benefits and no retirement benefits. Now imagine that at the end of this semester your career will be suddenly terminated with no due process or severance pay. Now imagine this circumstance is not unique – because it’s not. This circumstance is experienced…
Controle de Armas de Fogo: Quem Obtém Controle?
Apoiar leis de controle de armas de fogo significa dar ao governo mais crédito do que ele merece.
Wapenverbod: vrijbrief voor geweldsmonopolie
Terwijl wij streven naar een samenleving van de menselijke maat – die niet bereikt kan worden zonder het cultiveren van respect voor vrijheid en autonomie – zouden wij ook respect moeten hebben voor wapenbezit voor alle verantwoordelijke individuen.
Gun Control: Who Gets Control?
Darian Worden: Strengthen liberty and autonomy, not government.
Free Schools, Free People, Fewer Victims
Darian Worden: Neither the NRA nor those protesting against it strike the root of school violence.
Chris Christie Won’t Solve Public Education
Darian Worden: Conservatives just want government education to be a cheaper problem.
Government: Secretly Watching Students Not a Crime
Darian Worden on the government’s response to e-peeping bureaucrats.
PA School Encourages Sexual Assault
Darian Worden examines an outrage.
Is Learning How to Flex Your Rights Inappropriate for School?
Teachers are suspended for teaching about police encounters.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory