Tag: nationalism
Bapak “Kemandirian”: Nasionalis Korea yang Menjadi Anarkis Visioner, Sin Chae-Ho
Oleh Rob York. Teks aslinya berjudul: The Father of “Self-Reliance”: Korea’s Nationalist Turned Anarchist Visionary, Sin Chae-ho. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Korea Utara dan Selatan tidak memiliki banyak kesamaan pada saat ini, setelah puluhan tahun dihabiskan dalam sistem politik dan ekonomi yang sangat berbeda. Namun, ada satu hal yang diwariskan oleh kedua…
The Father of “Self-Reliance”: Korea’s Nationalist Turned Anarchist Visionary, Sin Chae-ho
North and South Korea don’t have much in common today, after decades spent in very different political and economic systems. However, there is one thing both sides of the DMZ have inherited: the concept of minjok, a word that translates as “people” but can refer, more broadly, to both the Korean nation and the Korean…
Some Social Challenges That Won’t Magically Go Away With a Biden Presidency
2020 will be remembered for a lot, and one of the obvious low points is the start of a global pandemic. However, for many this will be offset (at least partly) by an incredible high point: The election that unseated Donald Trump. At least symbolically, this was (and still is) celebrated as a sizable blow…
yr highness
what if yours is a revolutionary song that represents these thousand flowers blooming and we can look up at you all christ-eyed, skeletal with a green-screen or maybe a thorned god with ashen hooves? it’s mad that there could be a generation that finally sees all nation-states as bastard children. it’s mad that there could…
Daugters of the American Revolution
Two women recently described my grandfather in the following stark language: “He was a monster.” My mother drapes herself in a denial she thinks is wisdom. My mother told me to see the good–see the full person. Well I see the whole person. And I see the man who shook my aunt until she dropped…
Liberal Patriotism and the Trust Crisis That Isn’t
Pete Buttigieg is a fascinating figure. This isn’t to say that his policies or beliefs are unique, but his popularity among Democrats is something I’ve had a passive awareness of for the past year. This intrigues me, because I see very few things in Mayor Pete that make him stand out among other reformist liberals;…
The Beauty of Nationalism
We all have biases, and for many people nationalism (even the smallest degree of it) is one of them. However, if your goal is to understand the world, nationalist sentiments won’t give you the sturdiest foundation to do so. Nationalism shortcuts our thinking about the world. It awards a disproportionate amount of virtue points to…
Anarco-comunismo Volgare: Conciliare l’antistato
Di Spooky. Originale pubblicato il 28 giugno 2020 con il titolo Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: Pacifying Anti-Statism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. È difficile far passare proposte estreme. Le reazioni sono per certi versi scontate quando, invece di limitarsi a riforme e a “soluzioni condivise”, si propone una diversa organizzazione della società. Alcuni, forse troppi, hanno cercato di…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Akiva Malamet on Nationalism and Identity Formation
Akiva Malamet is completing his BA in Government at the  Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC) in Israel. He is an incoming MA student in Philosophy and a member of the interdisciplinary program in Political and Legal Thought (PLT) at Queen’s University, Kingston, and Frédéric Bastiat Fellow in political economy and public policy with the Mercatus Center…
Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: Pacifying Anti-Statism
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Radical positions are always a hard sell. To some extent, this is an inherent aspect of advocating any alternative system of social organization, instead of just proposing reform and “bipartisan solutions.” Some, perhaps too many, have attempted to dull…
Virus e Teoria Critica: Convivere nella Pandemia
Di Austin Reddy. Originale pubblicato il 28 marzo 2020 con il titolo Coronavirus & Critical Theory; or, How to Come Together in a Pandemic. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nel bene o nel male, il coronavirus ha unito il mondo. La gente è spaventata, preoccupata, molti non si fidano più degli spazi sociali che prima apparivano…
Coronavirus & Critical Theory; or, How to Come Together in a Pandemic
For better or worse, the coronavirus has brought the world together. People are scared and worried and many no longer feel confident navigating social spaces they previously took for granted. Questions regarding the hygiene of the Other are now at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Governments and other public institutions are advocating for “social distancing”…
Goodbye, Cascadia: A Retrospective on a Political Mistake
Cascadia, Cascadia. What is there to say about this complicated movement? I suppose I should start by explaining what it is, and what it isn’t. After all, there are quite a lot misconceptions out there. Bioregionalism is not, on paper, nationalism in a green hat. Cascadia was originally largely an anarchist project, coming out of…
You Are Not Alone!: Stigmergic Parity and Revolt
Burn the Black Flag In nearly every major city and most small towns, there are anarchists, or people with unlabeled anarchist values, plotting ways to create space for our radical projects promoting positive freedom. In most cities, our efforts are duly encumbered with the toil of filling in the abyss of gaps in state services:…
The Continuing Obfuscation of Nationalism
In their call for nuance on the issue of indigenous nationalism, Emmi ends up writing in ways I find quite dangerous, The nationalism that we oppose is Westphalian. It is neoliberal. It is authoritarian communist. It is anti-cosmopolitan. Its roots are in the sociopathic protection of geographic kin at the expense of those deemed “other”…
Settler Anarchists Should Tread Lightly Around Indigenous Nationalism
To be an anarchist is to be anti-nationalist. It is no coincidence that national-anarchists have so often turned out to be white supremacists — the movement itself is crypto-fascist. However, our critique of nationalism and related critiques of things like in-group preferences must deeply understand the differing strategies behind largely distinct forms of nationalism if…
Our Burden: Disability as a Lens Towards Anarchism
I am disabled. According to the conventional world and medical world, I am highly disabled. I am a C6 incomplete quadriplegic. I feel nothing from the chest down. My right side has tricep, bicep, wrist function, and limited hand function (as I type this with one finger); my left side has bicep, a sliver of…
Frontiere Aperte Nostra Unica Speranza
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 6 settembre 2017 con il titolo Open Borders are Our Only Hope. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Immagine d’apertura: il muro che separa Nogales, Arizona, Stati Uniti, da Nogales, Sonora, Messico. Tribalismi e Frontiere Nazionali Tra i tanti pericoli degli stati nazione con le loro frontiere ci sono due paradigmi,…
No Borders is Our Only Hope
In-group Preference and National Borders Fundamental to the danger of nation-states and borders are the paradigms of nationalism and in-group preference that exploit human quirks to justify violence. In-group preference is best understood in terms of the creation of teams through the dehumanization of an ‘other.’ In-group preference is mentally categorizing someone who is somehow…
We Will Defeat the Authoritarian Nationalists
Human liberty has been won in hard fights against powerful interests and systems, but the progress of liberty can be set back. The rise of authoritarian nationalism is a serious threat to the liberty of people around the world. It is a threat that must be defeated. In authoritarian nationalism, a select group will rule…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory