Tag: May Day
Hari Buruh Pertama – Pengantar
Teks aslinya berjudul “The First Mayday – Introduction”. Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Catatan: Sebuah pengantar untuk pengantar selanjutnya Paul Avrich merupakan dan masih akan terus menjadi sejarawan anarkisme yang terkenal dengan alasan yang baik. Pertama dimulai dengan penelitiannya mengenai Rusia pada era Uni Soviet, ia menjadi terpesona dengan mereka yang menentang…
4 Temmuz (ABD Bağımsızlık Günü) ve Anarşist Bayramlar Üzerine Düşünceler
Yazar: Nick Manley. Orijinal makale: Thoughts on The Fourth of July And Anarchist Holidays. Yayınlanma Tarihi: Tercüman: Zagreides. Charles Johnson’ın söylediği gibi, 4 Temmuz zalim bir sömürge yönetiminin kovulmasının yıldönümüdür. Bu sebepten dolayı anarşistler, 4 Temmuz’u hoş bir ironiyle kendi bayramları olarak sahiplenebilirler. Hadi ABD ulus devletinin kurulmasını değil lakin İngiliz sömürge yönetiminin kovulmasını kutlayalım…
sin titulo
Por V Rose. Título original: sin título, del 27 de mayo de 2019. Traducción al español por Diego Avila. Podría hacer una carta de colores Para las melodías que cantamos Pero estoy seguro de que no hay obra de arte Para el consuelo que traes La armonía y la pasión podrían matar a un rey…
Fruta al alcance de la mano
Por Nikki Cooper. Artículo original: Low hanging fruit, publicado el 31 de mayo de 2019. Traducido al español por Camila Avila. Lo que sigue forma parte del artículo de May Poetry Feature de 2019 en el C4SS. ​Nací desafiante desde el principio, la religión un breve indulto y luego para mi sorpresa el infierno para…
Non Cedere di un Millimetro! La Lotta per la Dignità ai Tempi del Virus
Di Alex McHugh. Originale: Don’t Give a Single Inch Back! The Fight for Human Dignity Amid COVID-19 del primo maggio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Credo di non aver mai provato un senso di coscienza di classe – quello strano insieme di ansia, rabbia, amore e determinazione – forte come quello che provo ora. Posso solo immaginare…
Don’t Give a Single Inch Back! The Fight for Human Dignity Amid COVID-19
Personally, I’ve never felt a stronger sense of class consciousness — that strange mixture of anxiety, rage, love, and resolve — than right now. I can only imagine that many workers feel similarly. Everywhere you turn there are people waking up to the importance of solidarity and considering far more radical steps than they have…
Low hanging fruit
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS.  I was born defiant from the beginning, religion a brief reprieve and then to my surprise hell for eternity. I saw death, strife, war, disease and power as my enemies, no god ever answered. A Calamity. An early note of peace ran through…
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS. I could make a color chart For the melodies we sing But I’m sure there’s no piece of art For the comfort which you bring Harmony and passion could kill a king Tearing down these walls they built And arriving as this being…
god hates your economic machine, your war machine, and your actual machines
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS.   pick ply plumb lungs from empty attic static attack addicts on half racked grief from thief in their solace state has haphazard lack luster map maker she hits finished slits across concrete constables and rips a thick lap victory vein in her golden hair stains…
May Day Poetry Feature
First off, I want to thank everyone who answered the call and submitted poems for our first ever May poetry feature! I’ll admit I was a little scared about going off the beaten path here, but you all delivered, and it’s been a real pleasure to review the poems we’ve received. I also want to…
Celebrate Labor Day by Supporting Incarcerated Laborers!
Most of us in the radical labor movement are well aware of the historical bait-and-switch pulled with May Day and the modern American holiday established by the state known as Labor Day. Despite this many anarchists still take Labor Day as an opportunity to spread the message of worker liberation and freedom from capitalism. In…
Portland Must Be Done with The Oregonian
Last Friday, The Oregonian published a staff editorial that responded to the police brutality unleashed on May Day protesters by labeling all anarchists as “punk fascists.” This editorial — published by the conservative newspaper that used to be a daily powerhouse in the Northwest — has been roundly denounced in many circles for its political ignorance.
May Day: Festival of Labor
Just a quick blog post on May Day. Today is not about state communism, big government or a nationalist takeover of the “democratic” system. Today is a day to celebrate worker solidarity movements that have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor. Today is every bit as much about labor as “Labor Day.” The…
Thoughts on The Fourth of July And Anarchist Holidays
As Charles Johnson has noted, July 4th is the anniversary of the death of an existing tyrannical government. Anarchists can therefore ironically appropriate the holiday for their own purposes. Let us celebrate the death of British colonial rule rather than the creation of a new nation-state. Both British imperialism and American nationalism deserve to be criticized….
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 29
Steven Reisner discusses a letter to Obama about ending torture once and for all. Ralph Nader discusses a potential left-right alliance. Vincent Navarro discusses the Mondragon worker cooperatives in Spain. James Peron discusses how people who hate gays also hate capitalists in the context of the businesses refusing to discriminate against them. Qatryk interviews Roderick…
How Getúlio Vargas Seized the Brazilian Labor Day
May Day, also called Labor Day, is a Brazilian national holiday. Since the Second International adopted May 1st as Labor Day, in support of Chicago’s labor unions struggle for the 8 hour day in 1886, the day had become a sensitive topic for many western governments by the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century – agitation and labor activism built…
May Day: An American — And Libertarian! — Holiday
Americans have been conditioned to think of May Day as a “commie holiday,” one associated until recently with military parades in Red Square and leaders of Marxist-Leninist regimes exchanging “fraternal greetings” in the names of their respective peoples. They might be surprised to learn it was originally an American holiday, created by Chicago workers in…
The Defiance of August Spies
In the final speech Avrich collected in The First Mayday, Voltairine explains why August Spies and the martyrs all alike held the traits of the common-man and why this is an admirable trait. She goes at length admitting many so-called “faults” of the common-man but then reversing the dialogue and conversation and showing it as…
November Eleventh, Twenty Years Ago
Throughout most of this speech Voltairine recounts a recent article on the subject of the Haymarket Affair and both gives it limited amounts of praise and a lot more harsh critique where she thinks it deserves it. She points out that she didn’t believe Lingg’s lover at the time gave him the bomb and it’s…
OU S4SS Hosts May Day Lecture On Direct Action (Audio)
The University of Oklahoma chapter of Students for a Stateless Society hosted a lecture on direct action by OU Philosophy Professor Stephen Ellis on May 1. The lecture begins at about 2:15. http://youtu.be/wkysvpKvKMY
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory