Tag: left-libertarian
“Kapitalizm” Terimini Kullanmayı Bırakmalıyız
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Gary Chartier tarafından kaleme alınmış ve Efsa tarafından Türkçe ’ye çevrilmiştir. 23 Kasım 2013 tarihinde “We Should Abandon the Term ‘Capitalism’” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Özgürlüğü savunmak, barışçıl ve gönüllü alışverişi kısıtlamaya gelen baskılara karşı çıkmak anlamına gelir. Ancak bundan barışçıl ve gönüllü alışveriş sistemini “kapitalizm” olarak adlandırmamız gerektiği çıkarılmamalıdır. Elbette bazı insanlar, bunun…
The Weekly Abolitionist: ¿Bien público o mal público?
De Nathan Goodman. Artículo original: The Weekly Abolitionist: Public Good or Public Bad?, del 17 de junio de 2016. Traducido al español por Luis Vera. Si le pides a un economista que te diga sectores en donde el Estado debe involucrarse, su respuesta probablemente sea que los Estados deben proveer “bienes públicos”. Un bien público…
Anarko Kapitalisme Menurut Benjamin Tucker
Oleh: Charles Johnson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Benjamin Tucker on Anarcho-Capitalism” dan diterbitkan di Rad Geek People’s Daily, pada 1 Desember 2007. Teks ini diterbitkan ulang di C4SS lalu diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah Sebenarnya, Jelas Benjamin Tucker tidak memiliki pendapat langsung mengenai “anarko kapitalisme”, karena istilah tersebut tidak diciptakan bertahun-tahun setelah kematiannya,…
The Enragés: Investigating Israel and Palestine with Sheldon Richman
In this eleventh episode of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson meets with prolific writer Sheldon Richman to discuss Zionism, the state of Israel, and whether or not there is hope for Palestinian freedom. Sheldon Richman is a writer, editor, pipe smoker, free thinker, libertarian market anarchist, grouser, and flosser. Author of six books, including “What…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Gary Chartier & Charles Johnson on “Markets Not Capitalism” 10 Years On
For the 10-year anniversary of what many would consider our foundational book, C4SS Mutual Exchange Coordinator Cory Massimino interviewed Markets Not Capitalism editors Charles Johnson and Gary Chartier. They discuss the legacy and impact of MNC ten years on! If you’ve not read it, you can find the free .pdf and audiobook at: c4ss.org/content/12802 Plus,…
Anarko-“Kapitalizm” İmkansızdır
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Anna Morgenstern tarafından kaleme alınmış. 19 Eylül 2010 Tarihinde Anarcho-“Capitalism” is Impossible başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Çeşitli çizgilerden birçok anarşist, anarko-kapitalistlerin gerçekten anarşist olmadıklarını, çünkü anarşizmin anti-kapitalizmi gerektirdiğini iddia etti. Bunun aslında diğer taraftan doğru olduğunu düşünüyorum. Devleti gerçekten ortadan kaldırmak istiyorlarsa, anarşistlerdir, ancak ne kadar öyle olduklarını iddia ederlerse etsinler gerçekten…
The Enragés: To Build a Better Future with Darian Worden
For the tenth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Darian Worden to discuss their article titled “Go Forward to Freedom” that was published as the Center for a Stateless Society on May 24th, 2021. Darian Worden is a News Analyst, libertarian mutualist, writer and historian whose website can be found at DarianWorden.com….
Green Market Agorist Episode 17: What is C4SS? (feat. C4SS)
Don’t let the title fool you. Even if you’ve been a C4SS supporter for years, Logan Marie Glitterbomb’s deep dive into the center’s history and mission is a good listen for fellow travelers of all stripes. You might be surprised to learn that not everything you read on Twitter is true… —————————————————————————————— Donate to Logan’s…
The Enragés: Libertarian Anticapitalism with Rad Geek
For the ninth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Rad Geek to discuss his left-libertarian classic article titled “Libertarian Anticapitalism.”  Rad Geek (Charles Johnson) is an individualist anarchist technologist and “sometimes writer”, living in the Deep South. He researches topics in the history and theory of radical individualism, left-libertarianism, and market anarchism,…
The Enragés: Libertarians for Redistribution with Gary Chartier
For the eighth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Gary Chartier to discuss Gary’s left-libertarian classic, “Libertarians for Redistribution.“ Gary Chartier is Distinguished Professor of Law and Business Ethics at La Sierra University, a senior fellow of the Center for a Stateless Society, and is the author, editor, or co-editor of fourteen…
Green Market Agorist Episode 13: Exploring the Hadal Quadrants (feat. Leslee Petersen)
In this episode of Green Market Agorist, Logan Glitterbomb interviews recent addition to the C4SS podcast team, Leslee Petersen. Leslee joined the team to host The Hadal Quadrants, a new show on the C4SS podcast network. You can find the first episode here. We’ll also soon be migrating Green Market Agorist to the same hosting…
Izquierda Libertaria: Anticapitalismo de Libre Mercado, el Ideal Desconocido
De Sheldon Richman. Título original: Libertarian Left: Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal, de 6 de enero 2013. Traducido en español por Kathiana Thomas. La Campaña Presidencial de Ron Paul en 2008 dio a conocer la palabra «libertario» a muchas personas. Ya que Paul es un Republicano y los Republicanos, tal como los libertarios, usan la…
The Hadal Quadrants, Episode 1: Sex Work is Work
In this episode of The Hadal Quadrants, host Leslee Petersen speaks to activists Kitty Stryker and Cathy Reisenwitz about sex work, decriminalization, and the bills FOSTA/SESTA and its impact on sex work and internet culture. Kitty Stryker has been working on defining and creating consent culture for over 10 years through her writing, workshops, and…
Широкое и узкое либертарианство1
Charles Johnson. Оригинал Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin. Перевод – Александр Гомер Mk. II. Редакция – Екатерина Андреевна Бушкова. В какой степени либертарианцы должны быть заинтересованы социальными течениями, практиками, проектами и движениями в поиске социальных результатов за пределами стандартной либертарианской обязанности расширять границы свободы за пределы государственного принуждения? Очевидно, что последовательный и принципиальный либертарианец не…
Lima Bentuk Penindasan Negara
Oleh: Kelly Vee. Teks aslinya berjudul: Five Faces of State Oppression. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo & Alvin Born to Burn Young, I. M. (1990). Five Faces of Oppression. (E. Hackett, & S. Haslanger, Eds. ) Theorizing Feminisms, hlm. 3-16. Dalam “Five Faces of Oppression”, Iris M. Young (1990) mencoba membuat kriteria objektif…
Либертарианский анархизм: ответы на 10 возражений
19 августа 2004 года, Родерик Лонг.  (Libertarian Anarchism: Responses to Ten Objections). Переведено усилиями активистов Лиги Индивидуального Анархизма, группы Альянса Либертарных Левых в России. Я хочу поговорить о некоторых из основных возражений, выдвигавшихся против либертарного анархизма, и моих попытках ответить на них. Но прежде чем я начну приводить эти возражения и отвечать на них, скажу вот о…
Somos todos mutualistas?
De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Are We All Mutualists? de 8 de novembro 2015. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Cabe a mim, nesta saudação de abertura de um simpósio sobre a possessão da terra por ocupação e uso, também conhecida como propriedade usufrutória, escrever uma defesa dela. Seus defensores teóricos remontam, de alguma…
Libertari di Sinistra: Anticapitalismo di Libero Mercato, l’ideale Sconosciuto
Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato il 3 febbraio 2011 su The American Conservative. Ripubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 6 gennaio 2013 con il titolo Libertarian Left: Free Market Anti-Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La campagna presidenziale di Ron Paul del 2008 ha popolarizzato il termine “libertario”. Visto che lui…
Osservatorio del Libertarismo Volgare
Prima parte Di Kevin Carson. Articolo pubblicato originariamente su Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism, 11 gennaio 2005. Pubblicato su C4SS il 17 dicembre 2012 con il titolo Vulgar Libertarianism Watch. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Non appena ho pensato di aprire un blog, mi è venuta l’idea di scrivere una rubrica chiamata “Osservatorio del Libertarismo Volgare”,…
“Left & Right” di Rothbard
Di James C. Wilson. Originale pubblicato il 9 gennaio 2018 con il titolo Rothbard’s “Left & Right”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Rothbard, Murray, ed. Left & Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought. Auburn. Alabama Ludwig Von Mises Institute. 2007 Il periodo attorno alla metà degli anni Sessanta rappresenta un’epoca unica nella storia del movimento libertario…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory