Tag: sesta
The Hadal Quadrants, Episode 1: Sex Work is Work
In this episode of The Hadal Quadrants, host Leslee Petersen speaks to activists Kitty Stryker and Cathy Reisenwitz about sex work, decriminalization, and the bills FOSTA/SESTA and its impact on sex work and internet culture. Kitty Stryker has been working on defining and creating consent culture for over 10 years through her writing, workshops, and…
No, Bernie Will Not Save Us
It shouldn’t have to be repeated so often, but Bernie Sanders is not anti-capitalist, a socialist, nor even much of a solid leftist. Sure, he’s much further to the left than your average Democrat. Social democrats are in general slightly more to the left than traditional Democrats. However just because he’s more to the left…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory