Tag: elections
Devleti Ele Geçirerek Küçültmek İsteyen Liberterlere Karşı
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Alex Aragona tarafından kaleme alınmış ’ye çevrilmiştir. 28 Ekim 2020 tarihinde “Against Libertarians Who Want to Shrink the State by Capturing It” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Kendini liberter olarak tanımlayan pek çok kişi arasında, bir dereceye kadar saygı duysam da yanıltıcı ve tamamen elverişsiz olarak gördüğüm bir düşünce hâkim. Şöyle bir şey:…
The #RedPearl of Africa is a Bleeding City
Youth from Uganda and across the diaspora have united forces to help build Global solidarity with the Youth in Uganda fighting to remove their dictator. Whether possible or not, global solidarity is needed as they continue to be under surveillance with the implementation of social media tax and social media blockages. Ugandan social media activists…
Contra os Libertários Que Desejam Capturar o Estado Para Diminuí-lo
Alex Aragona. Título original: Against Libertarians Who Want to Shrink the State by Capturing It, 28 de outubro 2020. Traduzido por Gabriel Serpa. Existe um sentimento, entre muitos autointitulados libertários, com o qual eu simpatizo até certo ponto, mas que vejo como errôneo e, no final das contas, contraproducente. Ele é mais ou menos assim:…
Against Libertarians Who Want to Shrink the State by Capturing It
There is a sentiment among many self-described libertarians that I sympathize with to some degree, but ultimately view as misguided and completely unfavorable. It goes something like this: If we are to have a state, the lesser evil solution is to have only certain groups of people vote.   Net taxpayers are a popular go-to example….
Mutual Exchange Radio: Two Episodes!
Please pardon our absence! As you can probably guess, the pandemic and related stresses led to a bump in our production schedule. But now, we’re back on track — and have two fresh episodes to boot… First, check out our interview with Libertarian Party presidential hopeful Vermin Supreme. You might know Vermin as the candidate…
No, Bernie Will Not Save Us
It shouldn’t have to be repeated so often, but Bernie Sanders is not anti-capitalist, a socialist, nor even much of a solid leftist. Sure, he’s much further to the left than your average Democrat. Social democrats are in general slightly more to the left than traditional Democrats. However just because he’s more to the left…
Contro il Voto
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato il 20 novembre 2018 con il titolo The Case Against Voting. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un’altra elezione è passata, con gli inevitabili socialisti libertari come Chomsky che sgridano noi anarchici perché non votiamo. Detto francamente, che il risultato delle elezioni conti è vero. A meno che non crediate in un…
The Case Against Voting
So we’ve survived another election cycle and the inevitable surge of libertarian socialists like Chomsky lecturing anarchists about our abstention from voting. I want to be clear: it is certainly true that the results of elections can matter. Unless you’re gonna roll the very long odds on a type of accelerationism, a bumbling centrist would…
No, la “Politica Identitaria” non ha Eletto Trump
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 14 novembre 2016 con il titolo No, “Identity Politics” Didn’t Elect Trump. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Tra stime dei danni e accuse post-elezioni, un argomento che ho sentito fin troppe volte è che la vittoria di Trump sarebbe una reazione al “politicamente corretto”….
Owl of Athena
The Owl of Athena awakes from her slumber to view a sea of ominous clouds stretching bleakly across the horizon. As dusk falls she contemplates the current era of human civilization. Her thoughts are tragic, questions abound. Who are the masters of humankind?  Who owns the Earth and all her wildness, order, breath, and water?…
The Anarchist’s Dilemma
Last week, the New York Times published their endorsement for President. Unsurprisingly, the “Paper of Record” endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Republican nominee Donald Trump. It is almost impossible to imagine a world where the New York Times – a paper with liberal values and a history of endorsing liberals – would endorse Trump….
Don’t Change the Players, Change the Game
Senator Bernie Sanders describes his campaign for president as a “political revolution.” His appeal comes from his unpolished outsider status, the challenge he presents to the political establishment, and his critique of an economy rigged in favor of well-connected corporate interests. Senator Sanders has in some instances admirably opposed corporate welfare. For example, for years…
The Anti-Politician Politician
The good news about the presidential election season is that so many voters seem disgusted with career politicians. The bad news is that these voters are naively opting for “outsiders” who in reality are just politicians in another form. They are anti-politician politicians. This, I submit, is not progress. It is certainly a hopeful sign…
The Problem with Electoral Politics
On April 29th, the US Supreme Court ruled that states could “prohibit judges and judicial candidates from personally soliciting funds for their campaigns”, in the case of, in the case of Williams-Yulee v. Florida Bar. Much has been made of Chief Justice John Roberts remarks: Politicians are expected to be appropriately responsive to the preferences…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 57
Laurence M. Vance discusses why he could never be elected to office. Noam Chomsky discusses how the U.S. is the world’s leading terrorist state. Ivan Eland discusses whether Obama is the worst president in American history. John Glaser discusses a book on government led humanitarian action. Justin Raimondo discusses electoral politics and foreign policy. Ted…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons and the Myth of Democratic Legitimacy
It’s election day in the USA. The mass incarceration nation is deciding which political opportunists will rule. On the state and local level, citizens are casting their votes on ballot initiatives that will determine the structure, specifics, or application of state coercion. Some of these ballot initiatives probably deserve support from prison abolitionists, specifically initiatives…
Elections and the Technocratic Ideology on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Erick Vasconcelos‘ “Elections and the Technocratic Ideology” read by Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. It’s not about being governed or not, it’s about who is going to do the governing. Who would we want to sit on the Iron Throne if not a “specialist?” Someone who wouldn’t be driven by politico-ideological…
The Slavish Partisanship of Brazil’s Socialists
The second campaign round of Brazil’s presidential election between Worker’s Party (PT) candidate and president Dilma Rousseff and Brazilian Social Democratic Party candidate Aecio Neves has started and a large portion of the electorate and the politicians connected to leftist parties have decided to take a stance. The Liberty and Socialism Party (PSOL), for instance, drafted…
Sinistra Punitiva e Criminalizzazione dell’Omofobia
Nell’ormai classico articolo “A esquerda punitiva” (“La Sinistra Punitiva”), Maria Lucia Karam critica la sinistra brasiliana aver abbandonato i propri principi profondi sul cambiamento sociale e per essersi unita a chi vorrebbe un inasprimento della legislazione come strumento per risolvere i conflitti della società e garantire la pace sociale. Secondo la Karam, la sinistra dimentica…
The Punitive Left and the Criminalization of Homophobia
In the now classic article “A esquerda punitiva” (“The Punitive Left”), Maria Lucia Karam criticizes the Brazilian left for forsaking their deeply held beliefs on social change and uniting with those who wish to strengthen criminal law as the principal means of solving society’s conflicts and guarantee social peace. Karam notes that the left seems to have forgotten that…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory