Tag: homophobia
Que é isso: livre mercado, ou estado de bem-estar social de ideias?
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Free Marketplace of Ideas — or Welfare State? de 20 de junho 2024. Traduzido para o português por Pedro H.S. Primo. Há um certo tipo de guerreiro cultural de direita – dentre os quais há um número desproporcional de autoproclamados “libertários” – que parece confuso sobre o que um “livre…
Free Marketplace of Ideas — or Welfare State?
There’s a certain kind of right-wing culture warrior — a disproportionate number of whom call themselves “libertarians” — who seems to be confused about what an actual “free marketplace of ideas” is. Self-described “free speech absolutists” of this sort never stop avowing their fondness for John Stuart Mill, and proclaiming their belief that “the cure…
An Orientalist History of Transmisogyny
The latest success in trans publishing is Jules Gill-Peterson’s A Short History of Trans Misogyny. Released at a time of global backlash to trans rights in a coalition bringing together figures as varied as J.K. Rowling and Javier Milei, it purports to analyze the origins of a world in which hatred of transfemininity has become…
No, You Leave Those Kids Alone!
Transphobic protestors and commentators have recently taken to the slogan, “Leave our kids alone.” It’s part of an attempt to brand educators, librarians, authors, artists — whoever works with kids and supports trans children’s right to self-identify however they wish — as “groomers,” threats to the safety of kids via insidious brainwashing. In reality, reactionaries…
Welcome to the Culture Wars: Pride Month Edition!
The Woke Nightmare That Doesn’t End! It’s in commercials! It’s on storefronts! It’s on social media, on television shows and streaming platforms! We may not be able to define what “woke” is, but, dammit! Like any obscenity, we know it when we see it! They’re ramming it down our throats and shoving it up our…
Defending Das Institut: The Stakes of U.S. Anti-LGBT Violence
All over the U.S. imperial core, the trumpets of war are being sounded against queer communities. More than that: reactionary forces are, to put it as bluntly as possible, planning to exterminate us. Consider the following: More than 300 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been filed in 2023 alone. It’s only March. Some of these bills include…
Petition: Marsha P. Johnson > Christopher Columbus
This article is best started by briefly outlining two historical figures: Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) and Marsha P. Johnson (1945-1992). Christopher Columbus is believed to have been born in Genoa, Italy and most famously, as the rhyme goes, “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” in order to find a route to Asia under the patronage of…
Obbligo Scolastico, Omofobia e Transfobia: Stessa “Logica”
Di Vishal Wilde. Originale pubblicato il 5 giugno con il titolo The Common ‘Logic’ of Compulsory Education, Homophobia, and Transphobia. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. A chiunque contesti l’obbligo scolastico capita prima o poi di ricevere (una variante di) questa obiezione: “un giovanissimo non ha la possibilità di sapere cosa è bene per lui, cosa serve…
The Common ‘Logic’ of Compulsory Education, Homophobia, and Transphobia
Anyone arguing against compulsory education will inevitably encounter (a variant of) this objection: “but a child cannot possibly know what is good for them and what they need to function well in society, we need some basic standards that everyone can conform to.”
La Libertà di Parola È Giustizia Sociale
Secondo un recente sondaggio del Pew Research, il 40% degli americani tra i diciotto e i 34 anni ritiene che lo stato debba limitare la libertà di parola quando questa offende le minoranze. I più anziani sono meno favorevoli all’idea, mentre i democratici favorevoli sono il doppio dei repubblicani. Da membro dell’ala libertaria della sinistra…
Free Speech is Social Justice
A recent Pew Research Survey found 40% of Americans from ages 18 to 34 support the notion that the government should limit speech that is offensive to minorities. Older Americans were less favorable to the idea, while Democratic voters were twice as likely to support the idea than Republicans. As a member of the American Left’s libertarian…
Non Glorificare Ronald Reagan, California
Dal ventidue di giugno scorso, la camera dei deputati della California ospita una statua da 2,4 metri e 362 chili dell’ex governatore della California e ex presidente americano Ronald Reagan. Reagan era l’unico presidente a non essere immortalato con una statua nella sede della camera del suo stato di origine. La statua è stata finanziata…
$135,000 is too Much for Refusing to Bake a Cake
As Americans celebrated Independence Day, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled that the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, A Portland area bakery, owes $135,000 in damages for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. This is insanity! There is absolutely no justification for the claimants in this matter to be awarded almost three…
Dear California, Don’t Glorify Ronald Reagan
As of June 22nd, the California state capital is home to an 800 pound, 8 foot tall replica of former US president and California governor Ronald Reagan. Until now, Reagan was the only president not to be immortalized with a statue in the state house of his home state. The statue was funded by private…
Sinistra Punitiva e Criminalizzazione dell’Omofobia
Nell’ormai classico articolo “A esquerda punitiva” (“La Sinistra Punitiva”), Maria Lucia Karam critica la sinistra brasiliana aver abbandonato i propri principi profondi sul cambiamento sociale e per essersi unita a chi vorrebbe un inasprimento della legislazione come strumento per risolvere i conflitti della società e garantire la pace sociale. Secondo la Karam, la sinistra dimentica…
The Punitive Left and the Criminalization of Homophobia
In the now classic article “A esquerda punitiva” (“The Punitive Left”), Maria Lucia Karam criticizes the Brazilian left for forsaking their deeply held beliefs on social change and uniting with those who wish to strengthen criminal law as the principal means of solving society’s conflicts and guarantee social peace. Karam notes that the left seems to have forgotten that…
Thoughts On The Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was ended a few years ago. Its repeal was celebrated by many mainstream liberals, but the radical leftist, Against Equality Collective, had a more critical take. There is merit on both sides of the argumentative aisle. As long as government militaries exist; the freedom of gay individuals who serve to reveal…
Tom Woods’ Confusion On Thick Libertarianism
In the wake of the Duck Dynasty controversy, Tom Woods recently made a post connecting the matter to his grievances surrounding “thick libertarianism.” Woods defines the distinction between “thin” and “thick” libertarians as follows: Some libertarians say the traditional libertarian principle of nonaggression is insufficient. That is merely “thin” libertarianism, they say. We also need…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory