Tag: elections
Elezioni e Ideologia Tecnocratica
Chi vota per politici come il candidato alla presidenza brasiliana Aecio Neves, così come molti dei simpatizzanti del suo partito (Partito Socialdemocratico Brasiliano, Psdb), spesso va in confusione quando scopre che idee come “efficienza” nel settore pubblico, “cura choc”, e “professionalità” di governo non attirano larghe fette della popolazione. Si tratta di un’idea moderatamente diffusa,…
Elections and the Technocratic Ideology
People who vote for politicians such as Brazilian presidential candidate Aecio Neves, as well as many of his party’s supporters (the Social Democracy Brazilian Party, PSDB), are often dumbfounded when they find out how unappealing ideas of “efficiency” in the public sector, “management shock,” and “professionalization” in government are to a large sector of the population. It’s…
Dear Conservative America
It’s best that you forget both conservatism and elections altogether. Your core values are best advanced by converting to and promoting anarchism, thereby situating yourself as a part of the radical left.
The Electoral Suspension of Disbelief
There exists in the country now – and there has existed for some time – an appreciable readiness to, if you will, suspend disbelief when it comes to the claims of politicians.
Obama, Let’s Try This Again
Easing the Transition to an Alternative Economy
Уважаемым сторонникам Обамы: послание от анархиста
Теперь, когда Обама благополучно сел на второй срок, мне есть о чём с вами поговорить.
Knapp: A mandate!
Caros Partidários de Obama: carta de um anarquista
Agora que Obama obteve segundo mandato, vocês e eu precisamos ter uma conversa.
Kära Obama-Supporters: Ett brev från en anarkist
Grattis. Kandidaten ni föredrog vann en andra mandatperiod som president.
Queridos partidarios de Obama: carta de un anarquista
Ahora que Obama ha obtenido un segundo mandato, tú y yo necesitamos tener una conversación.
Dear Obama Supporters: a letter from an anarchist
Now that Obama has got himself a second term, you and I need to have a chat.
Cue the Permanent Campaign
Knapp: Barring the increasingly usual “hanging chad” dramas, the 2012 elections are over. Heave a sigh of relief, take stock of any likely minor changes, and get on with our lives, right? Wrong.
Venezuelan Anarchists on Chavez’s Electoral Victory
El Libertario reflects on Chávez’s victory in yesterday’s election.
¿Fraude electoral? ¡Pero si todas las elecciones lo son!
Thomas L. Knapp dice que los típicos alegatos de fraude electoral no llegan a la raíz del problema.
What Does Democracy Look Like, Actually?
Darian Worden: If “the people” actually means everybody, then the most democratic society is the society that anarchists champion.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory