Tag: Hayek
Le Problème de la Bande-Passante Économique
Par Håkan Geijer. Article original:  The Economic Bandwidth Problem. Traduction française par Leuk. Ces trois dernières décennies, on a assisté à un regain de popularité pour des approches de gauche, non-marchandes, de l’organisation économique. Ce renouveau est le résultat d’une convergence de facteurs, notamment le fait qu’avec la chute de l’union soviétique et l’omniprésence du…
Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation
View or download a PDF copy of Eric Fleischmann’s C4SS Study here: Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation Introduction One of the most famous theories forwarded by Karl Marx is that of historical materialism—although Marx himself apparently never used that exact term in his work [1]. To put it succinctly, Merriam-Webster defines historical…
Derretendo Montanhas de Gelo
Jason Lee Byas. Artígo original: Melting Mountains of Ice. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Uma Doutrina de Não-Governo para o Século XXI Hoje, quase todos aceitam pelo menos uma ideia utópica: de que a escravidão é tão moralmente inaceitável que tal prática deve ser erradicada onde quer que se encontre; e quaisquer instituições…
Derritiendo Montañas de Hielo
De Jason Lee Byas. Título original: Melting Mountains of Ice, de 14 de abril 2021. Traducido al español por Kathiana Thomas. Una Doctrina de No-Gobierno para el Siglo 21 En la actualidad, casi todos aceptan al menos una idea utópica: que la esclavitud es tan inaceptable desde la moral que esta práctica debe ser erradicada…
Melting Mountains of Ice
A No-Government Doctrine for the 21st Century Almost everyone today accepts at least one utopian idea: that slavery is so morally unacceptable that the practice must be stomped out wherever found, and any institution that depends upon it must immediately crumble. It’s probably even an understatement to just say people accept that idea. It’s the…
Coordinación económica descentralizada: Dejemos Cien Flores Florecer
De Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Decentralized Economic Coordination: Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom de 15 de junio de 2020. Traducido para el español por Kathiana Thomas. El problema del cálculo, tal como enunciado por Ludwig von Mises y Friedrich Hayek, ha sido central para la mayoría de argumentos libertarios en contra de formas coordinación económica…
Coordinamento Economico Decentrato: Sboccino Cento Fiori
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 15 giugno 2020 con il titolo Decentralized Economic Coordination: Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La questione del calcolo economico, così come impostata da Ludwig von Mises e Friedrich Hayek, viene usata spesso dai libertari per contrastare forme di coordinamento economico che non si basano sul…
Decentralized Economic Coordination: Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom
The calculation problem, as stated by Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, has been central to most libertarian arguments against non-market or non-price forms of economic coordination. The Misesian variant, argued in Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth and Socialism, is based on the role of factor input pricing in allocating inputs among competing uses….
L’ultimo Chiuda la Porta
Hayek nell’era informatica Di Jocheved Matt. Originale pubblicato il 26 giugno 2018 con il titolo The Last Person in the Room Must Close the Door. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Capita a volte che mentre si entra in classe per una lezione di informatica qualcuno dica: “L’ultimo chiuda la porta.” La frase, apparentemente sensata, è un…
Review: The People’s Republic of Walmart
Let me begin by saying that I’m glad this book exists. Phillips and Rozworski are upfront about their book not containing any radical new insights into questions of economic planning, but instead they compile arguments made by others in a highly readable format, something that those on the left who argue for economic planning have…
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
When it comes to economics, market anarchism has done a pretty good job at punching above its weight. While Austrians and Marxists tend to ignore us, when they do respond it’s with strawmen or lazy assertions of dogma that are easily dispatched. In serious debates in these realms, we hold our own, only falling short…
The Last Person in the Room Must Close the Door: Hayek in the Age of Computing
There is a common joke in computing circles to announce at the beginning of a course that “The last person in the room must close the door.” Though at first blush the request seems reasonable, this is an example of an uncomputable function. The last person to enter the room has no way of knowing…
La Questione dell’ampiezza di Banda Economica
Di Frank Miroslav. Originale pubblicato il 14 maggio 2018 con il titolo The Economic Bandwidth Problem. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In questi ultimi trent’anni a sinistra si è rinverdito l’interesse per organizzazioni economiche non di mercato. Alla base c’è una confluenza di fattori, uno dei quali è il fatto che, data l’ubiquità del capitalismo dopo…
The Economic Bandwidth Problem
In the last three decades, we’ve seen a resurgence in the popularity of left wing, non-market approaches to economic organizing. The rise results from a confluence of factors, one part of the story being that the economic left has largely been freed of material reality since the ubiquity of capitalism after the fall of the…
I Papà di Trump
Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato il 4 marzo 2016 con il titolo Trump’s Creators. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il fenomeno Donald Trump è certo una creatura dell’establishment repubblicano, ma non solo. I leader repubblicani (sostenitori dei privilegi corporativi e di un imperialismo costoso) per decenni hanno fatto leva su una base sciovinista, protezionista, nativista e…
Anarchist Ends, Market Means
Zine form can be found here! Markets are not my end goal. My end goal is anarchism which will always look like something just beyond the horizon of my knowledge. Markets unleash the creative complexity that make the dynamic testing of a wide range of liberatory strategies more meaningfully possible. This very same complexity makes…
Trump’s Creators
The Donald Trump phenomenon is indeed the creature of the Republican establishment, but there’s more to it than that. For decades the Republican leadership (committed to corporate privilege and costly empire) encouraged a base of jingoists, protectionists, nativists, and other “politically incorrect” types, whom it then largely took for granted. The leadership wanted their votes,…
I Bombi e i Tribunali in Concorrenza
Considerato che quel poco di libertà di cui ancora godiamo in occidente deriva in gran parte da istituzioni legali in concorrenza tra loro che operavano entro di giurisdizioni sovrapposte secoli fa, è curioso il fatto che tanti libertari pensino ancora che un tale ordine, caratteristica essenziale dell’anarchismo basato sul libero mercato o sul diritto naturale,…
Of Bumblebees and Competitive Courts
Considering that what liberty we continue to enjoy in the West is a product in large part of competing legal institutions operating within overlapping jurisdictions hundreds of years ago, it’s curious that so many libertarians still believe such an order — an essential feature of free-market, or natural-law, anarchism — would be inimical to liberty. Why wouldn’t…
Perché il Fallimento Politico dei Libertari
Jerry Taylor, del Niskanen Center, ha sganciato una bomba della verità sulla politica di Washington con un suo recente pezzo, scritto per Fox News, a proposito del declino di Rand Paul. Taylor nota come la presunta crescita del movimento libertario sulla scia della campagna elettorale di Ron Paul fosse in gran parte illusoria. I populisti…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory