Tag: Feminism
Por Jason Lee Byas. Original: What Is “Left-Libertarianism?” de 2 de noviembre 2020. Traducido por Diego Avila. ¿Qué es el “libertarismo de izquierda”? El término (como se usa aquí) apunta a una amplia tradición de corrientes intelectuales que son simultáneamente radicalmente libertarias y radicalmente izquierdistas. Incluye algunos de los elementos más radicales del liberalismo inglés (como Thomas Hodgskin y…
What Is “Left-Libertarianism?”, de Jason Lee Byas. Traduzido para o Português por Gabriel Serpa. O que é Libertarianismo de Esquerda? O termo (como está sendo empregado aqui) aponta para uma vasta tradição de correntes intelectuais que são radicalmente libertárias e esquerdistas, simultaneamente, incluindo alguns dos elementos mais radicais do liberalismo inglês (tais como Thomas Hodgskin…
Two women recently described my grandfather in the following stark language: “He was a monster.” My mother drapes herself in a denial she thinks is wisdom. My mother told me to see the good–see the full person. Well I see the whole person. And I see the man who shook my aunt until she dropped…
Just what is “left-libertarianism?” The term (as it’s being used here) points to a broad tradition of intellectual undercurrents that are simultaneously radically libertarian and radically leftist. It includes some of the most radical elements of English liberalism (such as Thomas Hodgskin and the earlier writings of Herbert Spencer), nineteenth-century individualist anarchism, the 1960s alliance…
A common idea on some parts of the internet is this idea of “redpilling,” and that if you take the “red pill,” you awaken to a new way of thinking. This darkly ironic appropriation of a term coined by trans women, the Wachowskis, usually includes becoming a TERF and anti-feminist, (although it may also include…
В прошлое воскресенье проходил Международный женский день, посвященный чествованию и празднованию экономических, культурных, научных и политических достижений женщин, а также просто женский день. В этот день уделяется особое внимание вопросам, которые касаются женщин. Существуют две таких проблемы: принудительная секс-работа и торговля людьми. Хотя это не единственные преступления по отношению к женщинам, они являются одними из…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 10 febbraio 2020 con il titolo Why I don’t Support the Women’s March. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il ventuno gennaio 2017 scesi in piazza a Washington assieme a migliaia di altre donne per quella che avrebbe dovuto essere una manifestazione di unione e solidarietà a sostegno dei diritti…
On January 21, 2017, I took to the streets of DC alongside thousands of other women supposedly joined in unity and solidarity with the rights of all women, but what I experienced said otherwise. Even in the weeks leading up to the march there were issues between white organizers and organizers of color as well…
The Bootleggers & Baptists allegory is a helpful illustration for understanding the motivations of actors within a regulated industry. Popularized by economist Bruce Yandel, it helps to explain how two seemingly unaligned groups can come together to support the same policy prescription — when they both stand to benefit from the outcomes. It goes like…
Generally, people on the ‘right’ of the political spectrum are more vocally against abortion. If they do agree with it, it’s usually only in some limited capacity (such as when an unplanned pregnancy is the result of rape or incest). On the other hand, the political left tends to be far more vocally supportive.
It is no secret that many within libertarian, anarchist, radical socialist, feminist, and queer liberationist circles are critical of the institution of marriage at best. It’s roots as a patriarchal ceremony based on, among other things, a warped view of property rights, its historical ties with the authoritarianism of the church and state in deciding…
Today in, “Um, what?” Six Women Claim a Seattle Man Posed as a Female Porn Recruiter in Order to Have Sex With Them. I don’t want to borrow trouble here, but I can just see it now. “What did these women expect? Porn is a dirty business filled with scumbags.” Or, “Of course these women…
The New York Times recently reported that the Senate has voted to require women to register for the draft, with few Senators in opposition. This bill comes as no surprise given the military has been increasingly opening its doors to women. This culminated in last December when “…Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said in December…
(CW: This article will include discussions of rape and sexual assault) On January 18th, 2015, Brock Turner was discovered on top of an unconscious woman. The woman had her underwear removed and her dress pulled up and Brock was making sexual advances on her. Brock had been discovered by two students at Stanford, where Turner…
Conor Friedersdorf discusses civilain dead from drone strikes. Dan Sanchez discusses peace and liberty. Daniel Larison discusses the U.S. backed Saudi war on Yemen. Sheldon Richman discusses Trump’s nationalism. Ted Galen Carptenter discusses civil liberties and liberty during wartime. Yves Engeler discusses the myth of Canadian govt opposition to the Vietnam War. Thomas Harrington discusses…
“You are not lady like.” — Mexican Marxist and former employer. “YOU YOU YOU YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT FEMININE!” — Canadian former child star, drunk, trying to navigate a stick shift while … drunk. “Why do you work here if you hate men?” — Shit bag and strip club general manager. “BITCH..BITCH..BITCH” — former…
Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women di Victoria Law Quando si parla di prigioni solitamente si pensa a detenuti uomini. Comprensibile, perché i detenuti sono in gran parte uomini. Secondo Victoria Law, però, la popolazione carceraria femminile cresce a ritmi allarmanti. Tra il 1990 e il 2000 le detenute sono aumentate del 108%,…
Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women by Victoria Law Conversations about prison typically focus on male prisoners. This is understandable, given that the vast majority of prisoners are men. But according to Victoria Law, the population of women in prison has been growing at an alarming rate. The number of women incarcerated grew…
Controversy and the Australian second‑wave feminist Germaine Greer have unfailingly gone hand-in-hand over these last few decades, with much of this attributable to her vocal, yet divisive, opinions about transgender people (mainly trans women in particular). The latest chapter in Greer’s fraught dealings with the transgender community concerned a recent invitation by Cardiff University for…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kelly Vee‘s “Will the Real Feminists Please Stand Up” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Nick Ford. Amnesty International understands what Lena Dunham apparently doesn’t: women own their own bodies. Outlawing sex work is just another way in which the State exerts its control over women’s bodies (as most sex…