Tag: anarcha-feminism
What’s In A Slogan? “KYLR” and Militant Anarcha-feminism
An anarchist walks out of a punk show to smoke. On her vest are anarchist patches with various standard slogans, “No Gods No Masters,” “Death To Transphobes,” “Kill Your Local Rapist,” “All Cops Are Bastards,” “Punch Nazis,” “From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free,” “Make Total Destroy,” “The Only Good Cop Is…
Gender Anarchism: Tearing Down the Gender Hierarchy
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] The Anarcha-Genderist Manifesto The gender hierarchy is a pervasive system of social control across times and cultures. Like other unjust hierarchies perpetuated by state and nation, this system of social control has dramatically restricted the acceptable range of human…
How the Bootleggers & Baptists Tale Shows TERFs’ True Colors
The Bootleggers & Baptists allegory is a helpful illustration for understanding the motivations of actors within a regulated industry. Popularized by economist Bruce Yandel, it helps to explain how two seemingly unaligned groups can come together to support the same policy prescription — when they both stand to benefit from the outcomes. It goes like…
I’m not hysterical. I’m livid. And you should be too.
Today in, “Um, what?” Six Women Claim a Seattle Man Posed as a Female Porn Recruiter in Order to Have Sex With Them. I don’t want to borrow trouble here, but I can just see it now. “What did these women expect? Porn is a dirty business filled with scumbags.” Or, “Of course these women…
Equal Access to the Draft is Equality Not Worth Having
The New York Times recently reported that the Senate has voted to require women to register for the draft, with few Senators in opposition. This bill comes as no surprise given the military has been increasingly opening its doors to women. This culminated in last December when “…Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said in December…
Lego and the Building Blocks of Patriarchy
The Lego corporation, popular producer of interlocking miniature toy bricks, has recently been making increased efforts to market its toys to girls. Some of these efforts have met with criticism from feminists, who worry about toys that are stereotypically “girly” in a way that reinforces traditional gender roles. In a recent piece titled “Un-PC Lego…
Our Present Attitude on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Voltairine de Cleyre‘s  “Our Present Attitude,” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. I wish a sharp distinction made between the legal institution of property, and property in the sense that what a man definitely produces by his own labor is his own. It is the legal institution of…
TERF Hurts
Controversy and the Australian second‑wave feminist Germaine Greer have unfailingly gone hand-in-hand over these last few decades, with much of this attributable to her vocal, yet divisive, opinions about transgender people (mainly trans women in particular). The latest chapter in Greer’s fraught dealings with the transgender community concerned a recent invitation by Cardiff University for…
Tony Dreher Interviews Kelly Vee
C4SS’s Tony Dreher (Senior Fellow & Audio/Visual Coordinator) and Kelly Vee (Advisor & Intern) recently sat down for a discussion surrounding Vee’s intellectual roots and her metamorphosis into a vegan, individualist anarcha-feminist. The audio clip is a little over 20 minutes.
Will the Real Feminists Please Stand Up on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kelly Vee‘s “Will the Real Feminists Please Stand Up” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Nick Ford. Amnesty International understands what Lena Dunham apparently doesn’t: women own their own bodies. Outlawing sex work is just another way in which the State exerts its control over women’s bodies (as most sex…
Will the Real Feminists Please Stand Up?
Amnesty International has drafted a proposal calling for sex work to be legalized worldwide. The proposal “reflects a growing body of research from UN agencies, human rights organisations, and social science which indicates that criminalisation, in its varying forms, exposes sex workers to increased risk of human rights abuses.” According to Amnesty, the policy is…
Rihanna’s New Video Demonstrates the Need for Anarcha-Feminism
Hanging upside-down, swinging like a pendulum and naked, the grimacing face of the female victim from Rihanna’s new (NSFW) “Bitch Better Have My Money” music video seems to be the face that has launched a thousand think-pieces. In seven disturbing minutes, Rihanna takes revenge on her dodgy (white) accountant by kidnapping his (white) wife, stripping her,…
Sex Slavery Revisited on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kelly Vee‘s “Sex Slavery Revisited” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. “When de Cleyre used the phrase ‘sex slavery,’ she was referring to laws that existed at the time permitting men to rape their wives as well as cultural expectations regarding the way women should dress, behave, and generally carry…
Sex Slavery Revisited
In 1890, anarchist feminist Voltairine de Cleyre published Sex Slavery, a short speech in defense of Moses Harman, a women’s rights supporter who was prosecuted under Comstock law for publishing allegedly obscene material. De Cleyre argued that in her society, women were viewed as the property of their husbands, and had little power over their…
All Power to the Imagination
Various. Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader (AK Press/Dark Star 2002) The people involved with Dark Star Collective sought to provide an introductory anthology to the ideas of anarcha-feminism after numerous visitors to their bookstand wondered if they had anything on the subject. Anarcha-feminism is the radical synthesis of feminism and anarchism, or the idea that destroying…
Libertarian Socialist Rants: My Thoughts on Feminism
Via the Association of Libertarian Feminists discussion group (natch) I found this video by up-and-coming YouTube star Cameron Watt (on Facebook anyway), from his channel Libertarian Socialist Rants (LSR). His title is “My Thoughts on Feminism”, but as my Tweet on it explains, it’s really about why the hierarchy analysis of anarchism necessitates feminism. The embed…
Why I’m an Anarcha-Feminist: A Moral System Explained
I’m not, in any way, a Noam Chomsky fan. However, I couldn’t help be struck by his description of anarchism in a recent interview. Primarily it is a tendency that is suspicious and skeptical of domination, authority, and hierarchy. It seeks structures of hierarchy and domination in human life over the whole range, extending from,…
Why Queer and Trans* Activists Should Support Anarchist Revolution
Last Wednesday I gave a talk titled “Which Way Forward for the LGBTQ Movement” in which I argued that LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) rights are undermined by the state and capitalism, and that anarchism is the solution. Topics discussed include the Stonewall Riots, police violence, prisons, HRC, Jane Marquardt, Israeli pinkwashing,…
Support C4SS with Voltairine de Cleyre’s “They Who Marry Do Ill”
For every copy of Voltairine de Cleyre’s “They Who Marry Do Ill” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Support C4SS with Roderick Long and Charles Johnson’s “Libertarian Feminism”
For every copy of Roderick Long and Charles Johnson’s “Libertarian Feminism” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory