Dear C4SS supporters and friends,
First, let me extend an enormous thank you for all of your support throughout 2022! It’s admittedly been a difficult year here at C4SS (as I imagine it’s been for most of you as well), but here we are in January 2023, ready to take on more than ever before.
Staying on top of everything we want to achieve is a difficult task and it can be hard to quantify our impact with so many diverse projects and a horizontal organizational structure. But it’s clear we’re making waves in radical spaces around the world.
In October, we tabled at the international student for liberty conference, LibertyCon, distributing materials including four brand-new zines and engaging numerous curious college students. While we got some funny questions (including “what is a zine?”), the overall response was quite positive and we heard from a Brazilian SFL-er that our work had been key in resisting the rightward shift within the liberty movement there. We’re hoping to send some representatives to LibertyCon Europe this April as well.
On the classically anarchist side, we attended the NYC Anarchist Bookfair in September and received a warm welcome there as well. At both conferences, we were surprised to find many younger activists are not only familiar with left-wing market anarchism as a position, but the Center itself.

See more recent photos on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
This is, of course, thanks to the brilliant work our writers, fellows, chairs, translators, and coordinators do both at the center and on the side. In terms of related projects, there are two very exciting recent publications you should check out:
If you prefer to buy books from the C4SS Counter-Economic Store (we certainly appreciate it), the store will be back in action very soon and is being rehauled a bit for easier navigation. It’s been a struggle to keep the store running ever since our access to PayPal was first cut off in September 2021 but we’re very excited to start filling orders again soon and look forward to providing you with all the LWMA stickers, books, pins, and zines you might desire.
Continuing the trend from last year, our translators are shining especially bright. This year, Translation Coordinator Enrico Sanna translated Kevin Carson’s “Communal Property: A Libertarian Analysis” into Italian. It’s now available in English, Italian, Portuguese, and Turkish. Our Turkish translators deserve a special shout-out for their prolific translation efforts. We also got a Spanish version of “Hayek’s Fatal Conceit” courtesy of Venezuelan translator Kathiana Thomas.
Our two main podcasts have continued on as well. Unfortunately, Joel Williamson has moved on as host on The Enrages, but he’s been replaced by the very capable Eric Fleischmann and he came back for the most recent episode in December. Mutual Exchange Radio continues to evolve and I’m particularly proud of the episode we did with our Russian translator, Citizen Ilya, on war resistance within Russia.
We’ve also launched a brand-new livestream project called the Anti-Nazi Gaming League, which covers gaming and pop culture news from an LWMA angle while we live-play a thematically appropriate game. Check it out to watch me fail miserably at Lego Batman, or hear about the nerdy interests of C4SS scholars like Cory Massimino, Nathan Goodman, and Kevin Carson.
Finally, we’re once again co-hosting the Coup de Gras Mardi Gras festival and anarchist unconference in Slidell, LA. The festival runs from February 17th through the 23rd and will feature live performances, outings to Mardi Gras parades, unconference sessions, and a mutual aid project on Ash Wednesday. To learn more or request comped tickets, get in touch with us at
So, as we get started on another year of advocacy, investigation, and education, we need your help to keep the wheels rolling. We make a point of compensating all of the writers, translators, and coordinators who dedicate their time to make this work possible. This means we need your generous support as often as you can spare it.
The best way to support C4SS is to become a backer on Patreon, where you can pledge a monthly gift. This continual cash flow helps us smooth out compensation and plan for the future. If you’d instead like to make a one-time gift, please visit to do so. You can give via credit card using Stripe, donate on Venmo, mail us a check, or – to donate via cryptocurrency – please contact us at (Ethereum preferred).
Donate on Stripe
Donate on Venmo
Thanks for your time in reading this, and look out for another update this spring! We’re making an effort to stay in closer touch with our supporters and community, so these updates will now go out twice a year in spring and fall.
In love and solidarity,

Alex McHugh
C4SS Coordinating Director