Tag: freedom
The Reconstitution of Society
Infamous British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher espoused a fusionist ideology which sought to weld pseudo-individualism to the traditionalist collectivism of the nuclear family and the nation state in a manner not unlike her American counterpart Ronald Reagan. Unsurprisingly, this ideological chimera led to an incoherent world view that rhetorically championed the freedom of the individual,…
Questioni di Interesse
Di Anon. Originale: A Story of Interest, del 31 gennaio 2024. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Prima di spiegare la mia vicenda, voglio precisare inequivocabilmente una cosa: oggi i governi occidentali favoriscono, fino alla complicità, l’eccidio dei palestinesi da parte di un governo israeliano estremista con intenzioni espressamente genocide. Quello che posso fare al riguardo…
A Story of Interest
Before I share my story, let me make something unequivocally clear: Western governments are currently aiding and abetting the mass murder of Palestinians by an extremist Israeli government expressing clear genocidal intent. I have very little leverage in this world, but it would be a moral failure to ignore this reality and not do everything…
El llamado a la acción de la generación perdida
De Keith Taylor. Artículo original: The Lost Generation’s Call To Action, del 20 de enero de 2012. Traducción al español de Vince Cerberus. Estados Unidos es un país de individualismo rudo. — ¡Me gané mi dinero! — ¡La libre empresa es la base de la grandeza estadounidense! — No muevas el barco. – Sigue el juego. — No te quedes atrás. –…
Il Doppio Taglio delle Armi Personali
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale: The Duality of Private Gun Ownership, del 21 luglio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Voglio essere chiaro. Sono tra i sostenitori del possesso personale delle armi perché, da anarchico, credo che sia utile che la popolazione possa, all’occorrenza, opporsi al monopolio della forza statale. Ciononostante, sono molto critico verso la…
No, You Leave Those Kids Alone!
Transphobic protestors and commentators have recently taken to the slogan, “Leave our kids alone.” It’s part of an attempt to brand educators, librarians, authors, artists — whoever works with kids and supports trans children’s right to self-identify however they wish — as “groomers,” threats to the safety of kids via insidious brainwashing. In reality, reactionaries…
The Duality of Private Gun Ownership
I’ll keep this short. I count myself among the defenders of private gun ownership, because I am an anarchist and I see utility in having a population that can challenge the state monopoly on violence if needed. Despite this, I am highly critical of right wing gun culture and it’s simple manichean narratives that cast…
On “Positive” and “Negative” Freedom
Recently on Facebook, left-libertarian activist Brianna Coyle posted: Radical idea: The amount of freedom someone has in their life shouldn’t be dependent on how much money they have, or whether or not they own property. “Freedom of association” in the context of property rights is a privilege afforded only to those who own property. Freedom…
Las mutaciones de la libertad
Por Emmi Bevensee. Título original: The Mutations of Freedom, del 24 de enero de 2018. Traducción al español por Vince Cerberus. “Libertad” y “libertad” son las declaraciones pesadas y empolvadas de académicos, patriotas fascistas y dogmáticos manipuladores; o al menos pueden sentirse de esa manera. Pero detrás de todo ese bagaje cultural hay algo que profundiza en nuestra…
The Enragés: A Dialectical Left-Libertarian Perspective with Ryan Neugebauer
For the (very delayed) 23rd installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by Ryan Neugebauer to discuss Ryan’s article Market, State, and Anarchy: A Dialectical Left-Libertarian Perspective (https://c4ss.org/content/56583).  Ryan is a left-libertarian committed to the dialectical libertarian framework put forth by Chris Matthew Sciabarra, defending individual freedom & flourishing through the art…
Devleti Dikkate Almama Hakkı
James Tuttle (editor), The Right to Ignore the State. Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Herbert Spencer tarafından kaleme alınmış ve ilk olarak 1851 yılında Social Statics adlı dergide 19. bölümde yayımlanmıştır. 4 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde C4SS’de yer bulmuş. Eşit özgürlük yasasına bütün kurumların tâbi olması gerektiği kaziyesinin bir sonucu olarak, yurttaşın yasalara gönüllü olarak aykırı davranma…
The Enragés: Ethical Mutualism and the Will to Freedom with Joel Williamson
On a very special 22nd installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by former host of The Enragés Joel Williamson (@NalevoA3) to discuss his article Constructing an Unfixed Freedom; originally published at Mutualism Co-Op and now available at Center for a Stateless Society (https://c4ss.org/content/57640).  Joel Williamson is an individualist and mutualist anarchist from Texas…
On The Limits of Liberty
“The individual is increasingly deprived of the moral decisions as to how he should live his own life, and instead is ruled, fed, clothed, and educated as a social unit, accommodated in the appropriate housing unit, and amused in accordance to the standards that give pleasure and satisfaction to the masses.” -C.G. Jung, Civilization In…
Responsabilità e Libertà: In Difesa degli Spazi Sicuri
Di Meg Arnold. Originale pubblicato il 4 settembre 2016 con il titolo Responsibility and Freedom: A Defense of Safe Spaces. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. “Libertà non significa solo che l’individuo può e deve scegliere, ma anche che deve prendere su di sé le conseguenze delle sue azioni, per cui può essere biasimato o elogiato.” ~…
The Mutations of Freedom
“Freedom” and “liberty” are the stodgy, dust-covered utterances of academics, fascist patriots, and manipulative dogmatists; or at least they can feel that way. But behind all that cultural baggage is something that reaches deep into our experience and hopes and pulls out a fistful of primal energy and connectivity. This feeling is so intrinsic to…
Insegnare la Libertà: Guida Anarchica alla Didattica
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 31 luglio 2017 con il titolo Teaching Freedom. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Persone di quasi tutti gli orientamenti politici potrebbero concordare sul fatto che l’attuale sistema scolastico americano non è l’ideale. La sinistra teme perlopiù che la scuola pubblica sia sotto attacco da parte delle aziende private e…
Teaching Freedom: An Anarchist Guide to Education
Nearly everyone from across the political spectrum can agree that our current public education system in america is not ideal. Those on the statist left tend to fear that public education is under attack by private corporations and is completely underfunded. More progressive leftists go so far as to not only advocate for more funding…
Responsibility and Freedom: A Defense of Safe Spaces
“Liberty not only means that the individual has both the opportunity and the burden of choice; it also means that he must bear the consequences of his actions and will receive praise or blame for them.” F. A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, Responsibility and Freedom What does it mean for speech to be free?…
Money’s Perimeters of Freedom
To attribute to money a concept of bestowing freedom upon an individual owner may well exist as a theoretical possibility. Yet ownership is itself a contested concept. As is freedom. By bestowing freedom on the owner, it effectively prompts the dominance of certain types of power to come to the fore of monetary and economic…
Justice, Not Amnesty, for “Illegal” Immigrants
It speaks volumes that the dirtiest word in the Republican and conservative lexicon is amnesty. At a minimum, it exposes as a flagrant lie the claim that Republicans and conservatives want to expand liberty and limit government power. One cannot consistently praise the principle, central to the supposedly beloved Declaration of Independence, that “all men…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory