Tag: discourse
Linç/İptal Kültürü Diye Bir Şey Yok Ki!
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Locusts and Wild Honey tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. 15 Ocak 2023 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmış. “Cancellandım, olamaz!” diye yakınıyor milyonerin teki, “şaka” adını verdiği ırkçı hakaretler içeren bir tweet attıktan sonraki altıncı (podcast bölümlerini de sayarsanız onuncu) TV röportajında. “İfade özgürlüğüne ne olacak bu gidişle!” diye bağırıyorlar sadece kendileri için tasarlanmış kamera(lar) ve…
Non Esiste una Cultura dell’ostracismo
Di Locusts and Wild Honey. Originale: There’s no Such Thing as Cancel Culture, pubblicato il 15 gennaio 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Alla sua sesta intervista in televisione (la decima contando i podcast), il milionario si lamenta: “Sono stato ostracizzato!” E questo per aver pubblicato su Twitter un insulto razzista “per scherzo”. “E la libertà…
​​There’s No Such Thing as Cancel Culture
“I’ve been canceled!” laments the millionaire in their sixth TV interview (tenth if you count podcast episodes) since tweeting a racial slur as “a joke.” “What about free speech!” they yell freely in front of the camera(s) and microphone(s) meant just for them. I mean really: how “canceled” can someone be if they still have…
On Discourse-Involved Rioting
On February 4th, 2022, the Republican National Committee wholeheartedly endorsed the congressional inquiry into the causes of the January 6th, 2021 insurrection that delayed the certification of Donald Trump’s failure to be re-elected for another term. Actually I’m kidding. They not only opposed it but in the process censured the only Republican members of congress…
Deconstructing the Supervillain Fallacy
When we think of post-capitalist societies, there’s often a nagging impulse to solve current social ills. Anti-statists are asked how they would deal with billionaires without taxation, anti-capitalists get grilled on how cities would get built without workplace hierarchy, and police abolitionists get asked how they would respond to high crime rates without prisons –…
Censura Privata: Importanza delle Differenze di Grado e di Genere
Di Alex Aragona. Originale: Different Kinds and Degrees of Private Censorship Matter, del 13 aprile 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Le libertà di pensiero, di credo, di opinione e di parola possono, in qualche modo, essere soggette a norme e controlli da parte di privati. In un mio articolo precedente, esprimevo alcune mie opinioni sulla…
Different Kinds and Degrees of Private Censorship Matter
Freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and speech can be controlled and regulated by private forces in certain ways. In a previous piece, I presented some thoughts on that, and how private power can tilt the marketplace of ideas. However, my primary focus wasn’t to differentiate between degrees of private censorship. As a complement to the…
Political Intellectuals Discouraging Political Intellect
Many intellectuals[1] lament the supposed apathy, stupidity, or ignorance of the average person. Some start from a charitable idea: e.g., people don’t care about issues of greater political implication for rational (economic) reasons. However, an end point for many is to conclude that it’s better if the idiots around them don’t engage in political activities…
I Limiti della Correttezza Imposta
Di Lynn James. Originale pubblicato il 27 novembre 2018 con il titolo On the Limits of “Just Being Polite”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Poche sono le cose più intrinseche all’essere umano della comunicazione. Attivismi, politica, filosofia riposano saldamente sulla nostra capacità di spiegarci. Jürgen Habermas, in Etica del Discorso, arriva a porre la capacità di…
On the Limits of “Just Being Polite”
There are few things more intrinsic to what we do as humans than communication. Activism, politics, and philosophy rest heavily on our ability to effectively engage in meaningful discourse. Jürgen Habermas even claims in Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action that communication is foundational to morality and freedom. All that philosophy jargon aside, the way we…
The Discourse Is Not the Territory
When evaluations of reality become seen entirely in terms of their utility as rhetorical weapons it ruins a group’s capacity to get an accurate lay of the land and efficiently strategize. Everything becomes about winning debates, not about ultimately winning ground. One of the main things the social media age has done is collapse divides…
How the Government, Businesses and Unions Blame You for Being Unemployed
Zygmunt Bauman, in Postmodernity and Its Discontents, writes that religion, in its traditional form, used to celebrate human insufficiency. With a path more or less outlined for her entire life, the individual found herself powerless to change the conditions she was inserted in. In contrast to what he considers the “postmodern” condition, of uncertainty, premodern…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory