Tag: unions
Se Dobbiamo Legalizzare il Lavoro Minorile…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Articolo originale pubblicato il 24 giugno 2024 con il titolo Maybe We Should Legalize Child Labor After All. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In questi ultimi tempi si è diffusa in molti stati la paura per la legalizzazione del lavoro minorile. Ma legalizzare è positivo? Dopotutto, i movimenti sindacali si sono battuti…
Maybe We Should Legalize Child Labor After All
Recently there has been much fear surrounding the legalization of child labor in many states, but could legalizing child labor actually be a good thing? After all, the labor movement fought long and hard to ban child labor to protect children from exploitation. But some youth liberationists are challenging this perspective. According to NPR: In…
Perpustakaan Menawarkan Model Ekonomi Berbagi
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah dan Boggy MS Ketika istilah “ekonomi berbagi” menjadi populer saat ini, seringkali yang muncul adalah pemikiran mengenai aplikasi seperti Uber, Lyft, atau AirBNB, tetapi aplikasi semacam itu tidak lebih dari upaya untuk menopang merek ekonomi berbagi…
Bibliotecas Ofrecen un Modelo para la Economía Colaborativa
Autor: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Fuente: Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy del 15 de noviembre 2021. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Cuando el término «economía colaborativa» se escucha hoy en día, a menudo evoca pensamientos sobre aplicaciones como Uber, Lyft o AirBNB, pero estas aplicaciones son poco más que intentos de apropiarse…
La Biblioteca, un Esempio per l’economia della Condivisione
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale dal titolo Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy, pubblicato il 15 novembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’espressione “economia della condivisione” è spesso associata ad applicazioni come Uber, Lyft o AirBNB, che sono poco più di un tentativo di cooptare il marchio dell’economia della condivisione senza seguirne i…
Libraries Offer a Model for the Sharing Economy
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] When the term “sharing economy” is heard nowadays, it often conjures up thoughts of apps such as Uber, Lyft, or AirBNB, but such apps are little more than attempts at coopting the branding of the sharing economy while not…
Um Lembrete sobre o Sindicalismo
De Kevin Carson. Artígo original: A Reminder on Unionism, 6 de agosto 2021. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Um Lembrete sobre o Sindicalismo para os Analfabetos em Economia e História Recentemente, o ex-candidato presidencial do Partido Libertário, Vermin Supreme, postou no Facebook um apoio à greve da Pepsico. E recebeu o tipo de…
Un Recordatorio sobre el Sindicalismo
De Kevin Carson. Título original: A Reminder on Unionism, de 6 de agosto de 2020. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Un recordatorio sobre el sindicalismo, para los analfabetos económicos e históricos Recientemente, el ex-aspirante a la presidencia del Partido Libertario, Vermin Supreme, publicó en Facebook un mensaje de apoyo a la huelga de PepsiCo….
A Reminder on Unionism
A Reminder on Unionism, for the Economically and Historically Illiterate  Recently, former Libertarian Party presidential contender Vermin Supreme posted in support of the Pepsico strike on Facebook. It got the sort of response I expected, given the prevailing culture in the Libertarian Party. Some right-winger commented in the replies:    Being able to strike IS a…
Sindicatos, empresas y competencia en el trabajo
De Andrew Kemle. Artículo original: Unions, Firms, and Competition Within the Workplace, 7 de enero de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. I. Negociación centralizada, control de tarjetas y una alternativa ¿Existe una forma de facilitar a los trabajadores la afiliación a un sindicato? Y en el proceso de facilitar que los empleados se…
Unions, Firms, and Competition Within the Workplace
I. Centralized Bargaining, Card Checking, and an Alternative  Is there a way to make joining a union easier for employees? And in the process of making it easier for employees to join a union, is there a way to maximize a person’s freedom to associate (or not associate) without weakening the support structures that workers…
The Failures of Fight for $15
“The Fight for $15 started with just a few hundred fast food workers in New York City, striking for $15 an hour and union rights. Today, [they]’re an international movement in over 300 cities on six continents of fast-food workers, home health aides, child care teachers, airport workers, adjunct professors, retail employees – and underpaid…
Trump Can’t Kill Labor Struggle
As you might have predicted, the incoming Trump regime is hostile to labor unions. In fact Raymond Hogler, professor of management at Colorado State University, predicts that Trump’s policies — including packing the National Labor Relations Board, appointing anti-union Supreme Court justices, and encouraging right-to-work laws — will be a “fatal blow” to organized labor…
Unions as an Alternative to State Licensing
In this day and age under the United States government, it’s nearly impossible to legally get a skilled job without a professional license. According to Matt Miller of the Texas Institute for Justice, the issue of over-licensing has become so rampant that “[a]bout one in three people now need the government’s permission to work.” It…
Union Workers Stand Against Corporatist AFL-CIO & LIUNA
Turtle Island (or as the illegal immigrants renamed it, North America) has a long and storied history of labor activism. After the Civil War, the nation saw a rise in union activity. With the fight for the eight hour workday, libertarians, socialists, communists, and anarchists alike joined together to fight for working class liberation. Eventually…
Detroit Teachers Sick of the State’s Misspending
Recently more than 15,000 teachers with the Detroit Federation of Teachers (DFT) did not show up for work, instead calling in sick and effectively shutting down 94 of the Detroit district’s 97 schools and leaving over 45,000 students on an unexpected holiday for two whole days. This mass sick-out was called for in an email…
At Reason War is Peace … and TPP is “Free Trade” on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “At Reason War is Peace … and TPP is “Free Trade” read and edited by Tony Dreher. Did you know President Obama’s “core legacy” is free trade — and the centerpiece of this alleged “free trade” policy is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Neither did I. But that’s what Shikha…
Does the Union Make Uber Strong?
With its recent 9-0 vote, Seattle’s City Council decided to extend collective bargaining rights to Uber and Lyft drivers. The App-Based Drivers Association (ABDA) lobbied for the outcome in collaboration with a local Teamsters union. Reactions to the decision have been split along the usual, predictable lines. Lyft claimed in an official statement that the ordinance threatens…
Mutual Markets vs. Corporate Capitalism: A Formulation
So, going through the final rounds of work on Markets Not Capitalism with Gary Chartier and the rest of the Collective has really been reminding me that I’ve accumulated a lot of occasional and fragmentary writing — papers, paragraphs, notes, etc. — that I really ought to have been collecting for this blog and sharing more…
At Reason, War is Peace … and TPP is “Free Trade”
Did you know President Obama’s “core legacy” is free trade — and the centerpiece of this alleged “free trade” policy is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Neither did I. But that’s what Shikha Dalmia says, writing at the leading right-wing libertarian periodical Reason (“Why Is Hillary Throwing Obama’s Core Legacy on Free Trade Under the Bus?”…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory