Tag: Afl-cio
Kekuatan Tidak Menentukan Kebenaran…
Oleh: Trevor Hauge. Teks aslinya berjudul “Might Doesn’t Determine Right…”, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. …Tetapi Kekuatan Menentukan Rezim Kepemilikan Kita “Kalian bodoh! Jika kalian mengambil kekuatan, kebebasan akan datang dengan sendirinya.” – Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own Pada 12 Desember 2023, halaman Facebook AFL-CIO memposting sebuah meme yang berbunyi: “Elon Musk tidak membuat mobil,…
Might Doesn’t Determine Right…
…but It Did Determine Our Regime of Property “You fools! If you took might, freedom would come of itself.”- Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own On December 12th, 2023 the AFL-CIO Facebook page posted a meme that stated “Elon Musk doesn’t create cars, Jeff Bezos doesn’t deliver Amazon packages, Howard Shultz doesn’t make Starbucks…
Trump Can’t Kill Labor Struggle
As you might have predicted, the incoming Trump regime is hostile to labor unions. In fact Raymond Hogler, professor of management at Colorado State University, predicts that Trump’s policies — including packing the National Labor Relations Board, appointing anti-union Supreme Court justices, and encouraging right-to-work laws — will be a “fatal blow” to organized labor…
Union Workers Stand Against Corporatist AFL-CIO & LIUNA
Turtle Island (or as the illegal immigrants renamed it, North America) has a long and storied history of labor activism. After the Civil War, the nation saw a rise in union activity. With the fight for the eight hour workday, libertarians, socialists, communists, and anarchists alike joined together to fight for working class liberation. Eventually…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory