Draw the Pirate and Become a Reason-Approved “Free Market Think-Tank!”
If you thought the standards of the Famous Artists’ School (“Can You Draw the Pirate?”) on old matchbook covers were lax, wait till you see Reason magazine’s criteria for recognition as a “free market think-tank.” The American Federation of Teachers blacklists asset managers who manage public sector employees’ defined benefit pension funds, but have contributed…
Tax Day: What Kind of “Civilization” Are We Paying For?
April 15 seems to be a holiday of sorts for progressives, who inevitably trot out Oliver Wendell Holmes’s quote about taxes being “the price we pay for civilization,” and reminding us of all the great stuff — roads, schools, etc. — that they pay for. But on closer examination, tax day really isn’t a very…
Did Somebody Say McThor’s?
The analogy in the headline “Thor 2 is a Cinematic McDonald’s Cheeseburger” (Eileen Jones, Jacobin) is apt. There is indeed a strong parallel between the predominance in comics-to-film adaptations and diner-food restaurants: A few homogenous, formulaic products aimed at broad mass-market appeal. But far from Jones’s “perfect example of how market competition does not actually provide us with the…
How Not to Respond to Charges of Hypocrisy
More than a decade ago, neoconservative bloggers coined the term “Fisking” for the polemical device (originally demonstrated against left-leaning journalist Robert Fisk) of taking apart a commentary, sentence by sentence,  analytically ripping each part to shreds. Although the neocon positions in this debate range from misguided to repugnant, the technique itself is a good one….
This is Not Your Ancestors’ Collapse Scenario
A forthcoming “NASA study” that predicts medium-term collapse has gone viral on the Internet, based entirely on Nafeez Ahmed’s advance writeup for The Guardian (“NASA-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for ‘irreversible collapse’?,” March 14). To start with we should note, just in passing, that it turns out not to be quite a “NASA study” after…
The Negative Digital Superhighway
Joe Nocera devoted a recent column (“Will Digital Networks Ruin Us?” New York Times, January 6) to Jaron Lanier‘s “universal theory” that the tendency of “network efficiencies” to benefit but also destabilize large organizations are the root cause of a host of problems in domains with nothing else apparently in common. Such brittleness and dysfunction is everywhere,…
The “Progressive” Welfare State Fantasy
Liberals are prone to conflate all forms of decentralism and self-organization with the right wing, framing the range of possibilities as a stark contrast between their own managerial-centrist approach on the one hand and Paul Ryan, Marvin Olasky and Newt “Culture of Dependency” Gingrich on the other. A good example is Mike Konczal’s recent column…
Matt Yglesias: Closet Left-Libertarian?
Matthew Yglesias may be the most left-libertarian friendly liberal commentator out there. Not only is he unusually open to free market ideas, but he’s also repeatedly shown strong sympathies for open-source and post-scarcity approaches to economic organization. In fact, he’s practically built his brand around setting himself against the two defining features of American liberalism…
Whither Power?
The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being in Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be by Moisés Naím (Basic Books 2013), 320 pages. The topic of Moisés Naím’s book is the decay of power — the shift of power “from brawn to brains, from north to south and west…
The Real Redistribution Is Going On Behind The Curtain
By its own recent report’s framing and that of the Washington Post’s Howard Schneider (“Communists Have Seized the IMF,” February 26), the International Monetary Fund has apparently gone soft on “redistribution.” But that framing is wrong. Both the IMF report (“Redistribution, Inequality, and Growth,” IMF Discussion Note SDN/14/02, February 2014) and Schneider’s write-up of it conflate “redistribution”…
Ideological Warfare: Lessons For Us
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology James Scott describes the general phenomenon as “symbolic jiujitsu.” Prophetic rebellious movements in non-state spaces “appropriate the power, magic, regalia, and institutional charisma of the valley state in a kind of symbolic jiujitsu in order to attack it.” [145] And symbolic jiujitsu…
Why I Hate Government — And I’m Not Too Crazy About Bob Garfield, Either
“The stupid — it hurts!” That’s just a figure of speech, to be sure, but in some cases it’s almost literally true. Bob Garfield’s Valentine for Big Government (“I Luv Big Gov,” Slate, Feb. 15) comes extremely close. Hard right-wingers are easier to take. They love the awful things government does because they’re awful people….
Affeerce: A Business Plan To Save The United States And Then The World By Jeff Graubart
[Disclaimer. This is a paid review. I was assured by Jeff Graubart that negative reviews were fine – he expected only honesty. And I received 40% of the payment up front, with the rest to come after writing the review.] Graubart’s vision of a future society, like the whole of Gaul, is divided into three…
The Problem Isn’t “Patent Trolls.” The Problem Is Patents.
“As Apple prepares to defend itself against a multi-billion dollar patent infringement claim in Europe,” reports Apple Insider, “the company has aligned with rival Google in asking the U.S. Supreme Court to allow stiffer penalties for patent trolls who bring frivolous lawsuits.” Well, it’s about time. But the problem with Apple’s position is that there’s…
The Institutional Imperatives of Sloanism
Download: MOLOCH: Mass-Production Industry as a Statist Construct. I. The Origins of Sloanist Mass Production A Fork in the Road A Wrong Turn The Role of the State in Tipping the Balance II. The Institutional Imperatives of Sloanism Economies of Scale, Economies of Speed, and Push Distribution Microeconomic Institutional Forms for Providing Stability Mass Consumption to Absorb…
The Role of the State in Tipping the Balance
Download: MOLOCH: Mass-Production Industry as a Statist Construct. I. The Origins of Sloanist Mass Production A Fork in the Road A Wrong Turn The Role of the State in Tipping the Balance II. The Institutional Imperatives of Sloanism Economies of Scale, Economies of Speed, and Push Distribution Microeconomic Institutional Forms for Providing Stability Mass Consumption to Absorb…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 13
Wendy McElroy reviews a historical work on the surveillance state. Jonathan Cook discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sheldon Richman discusses how intellectual property creates corporate concentration. Jim Lobe discusses the fall of Fallujah. Stephen Kinzer discusses the potential detente with Iran. Thaddeus Russell discusses The Other America. Kevin Carson reviews AFFEERCE: A Business Plan to Save…
Rights Violations Aren’t The Only Bads
More than a few libertarians appear to hold the view that only rights violations are wrong, bad, and deserving of moral condemnation. If an act does not entail the initiation of force, so goes this attitude, we can have nothing critical to say about it. On its face, this is strange. If you observe an…
Privilege as Economic Irrationality
Download: “Intellectual Property”: A Libertarian Critique I. The Ethics of “Intellectual Property” II. Privilege as Economic Irrationality III. “Intellectual Property” and the Structure of the American Domestic Economy IV. “Intellectual Property” and the Global Economy V. “Intellectual Property,” Business Models and Product Design VI. Is “Intellectual Property” a Necessary Incentive? Artificial property rights create irrationality by holding productive resources out of use…
Five Libertarian Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For
Millennials are disgruntled, and it’s no wonder. In 2008 they turned out in record numbers in support of a presidential candidate who used the most leftish-sounding rhetoric of any Democratic candidate since McGovern. This president came into office with a seemingly filibuster-proof Democratic Congressional majority, by the largest Democratic electoral margin since LBJ beat Goldwater….
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory