Tag: white supremacy
Por William Gillis. Artigo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, de 8 de agosto 2019. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Mais uma semana, mais um ataque terrorista misógino ou de nacionalistas brancos. Ele estão se inspirando, eles estão formando movimentos amplos, ecossistemas, redes de células. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement,…
De Spooky. Artículo original: There’s No Such Thing as a Passive Shooter, del 8 de mayo de 2023. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. En Estados Unidos tenemos un problema con las armas. Esto no quiere decir en absoluto que el problema sea tan simple como “hay demasiados” o “es demasiado fácil obtenerlos legalmente”, pero la presencia…
Por Thomas J Webb. Artículo original: Murray Rothbard’s Black Nationalism, del 4 de septiembre de 2018. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. No se puede subestimar el papel de Rothbard en la configuración del carácter del movimiento libertario estadounidense. En los primeros años, el movimiento estaba compuesto por un pequeño número de personas y, como en un…
Di Spooky. Originale: There’s No Such Thing as a Passive Shooter, dell’otto maggio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Qui negli Stati Uniti abbiamo un problema con le armi. Un problema che non può essere semplificato con frasi come “ce ne sono troppe” o “è troppo facile averne una legalmente”, ma che è indubbiamente un…
We in the US have a gun problem. This isn’t at all to say the problem is as simple as “there are too many” or “it’s too easy to obtain them legally,” but the presence of a distinct problem localized here in this country is undeniable, and it’s been getting worse. One might argue the…
William Gillis. Artículo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, del 8 de agosto de 2019. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Otra semana, otro ataque terrorista misógino y/o nacionalista blanco. Se están impulsando unos a otros, están formando amplios movimientos, ecosistemas, redes de células. La base. Atomwaffen. El movimiento Rise Above. Movimiento de Identidad Americana. Nación Hammerskin. Lobos de Vinland. Vástago europeo. Chicos orgullosos. Proliferan los…
In this month’s episode, Logan Marie Glitterbomb talks with YouTuber MilitiaSlim about his recruitment into white supremacy as a teenager and his evolution into an anti-racist skinhead. Find MilitiaSlim on YouTube here. Credits: Intro song: Greenwashing by Appalachian Terror Unit Outro song: Secrets (Grooving mix) by Zoë Blade —————————————————————————————— Donate to Logan’s legal fund! …
Last week, Trump supporters — in part at the president’s urging — stormed the US capitol building, forcing Mike Pence and congress to evacuate. Others placed multiple IEDs (specifically pipe bombs) in the building. The storming and violent standoff ended in police using tear gas and flash bangs to disperse the crowd, and apparently shooting…
Emmi Bevensee, writer and editor at C4SS, and data scientist and misinformation researcher at Rebellious Data, was interviewed recently on the DOOMED podcast, “a leftist politics and culture show for our terrible times.” Emmi joined host Matt Binder to discuss: how white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and misinformation peddlers are using peer-to-peer technology to continue spreading their…
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato l’otto agosto 2019 con il titolo Anti-State Responses to Terrorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un’altra settimana e un altro attacco terroristico misogino e/o del nazionalismo bianco. Si incitano a vicenda, formano vasti movimenti, ecosistemi, reti di cellule. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement, Hammerskin Nation, Wolves…
Another week, another misogynist and/or white nationalist terrorist attack. They’re urging each other on, they’re forming broad movements, ecosystems, networks of cells. The Base. Atomwaffen. The Rise Above Movement. American Identity Movement. Hammerskin Nation. Wolves of Vinland. European Kindred. Proud Boys. The names and factions proliferate. Hordes congregate online to cheer the latest atrocity and…
Di Thomas J. Webb. Originale pubblicato il 4 settembre 2018 con il titolo Murray Rothbard’s Black Nationalism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il ruolo di primo piano di Rothbard nel formare il carattere del movimento libertario americano è innegabile. Agli inizi il movimento era formato da poche persone che, come in un villaggio, si conoscevano tutte…
Rothbard’s role in shaping the character of the American libertarian movement cannot be overstated. In the early years, the movement was made up of a small number of individuals and, like a small town, everybody knew each other. The rapid expansion since then gave rise to a founder effect. The particular idiosyncrasies of our founding fathers…
In addition to all kinds of scariness, it’s important also to mention exactly how mediocre 8ch is. It’s the human equivalent of the magazines in your dentist’s but– if it’s even possible– more tryhard. That they consider themselves to be an intellectual vanguard is on par with a grown adult self-identifying as Rick from Rick and Morty. It’s laughably pathetic and sad.
Di Naomi Edhellos. Originale pubblicato il 7 novembre 2017 con il titolo On Antifa’s Critics. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Tredicesimo saggio del November Mutual Exchange Symposium: Freedom of Speech and Political Violence. Ho abbastanza anni da ricordare quando anche solo manifestare la propria opposizione al fascismo era considerato criticabile. Lasciamo perdere il fatto che il…
After antifa clashed with right-wing protesters in Berkeley, Mayor Jesse Arreguin argued that California “should classify [Antifa] as a gang.” Later this month, juggalos – fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse (ICP) – will protest their own federal gang classification in Washington, DC. Gang classification is commonly misunderstood. ICP themselves were originally amused…
[Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 10 aprile 2017 con il titolo Debunking the White Ethno-State. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Prima parte di una serie a critica dell’idea di una supremazia bianca. L’argomento classico sostenuto da destra alternativa, neonazisti, e anarchici nazionalisti è che la fiducia sociale è più…
The classic alt-right, neo-nazi, and national anarchist line is that social trust is higher in countries with higher degrees of ethnic homogeneity. They go on to claim that where there is higher trust, there is less crime and corruption, which leads to a higher standard of living. In order to defend this argument, they often…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Lee Byas‘s “There Are No Easy Solutions for White Terrorism” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Black people — not just in Charleston, but throughout the United States — experience the police as occupiers, not protectors. Centralizing firearm ownership in the hands of the police will not protect people…
Il diciassette giugno, un bianco di nome Dylann Roof ha ucciso nove neri appartenenti alla chiesa Emanuel Methodist African Episcopal (Eame). Cito il colore della pelle perché non è un caso che siano stati uccisi dei neri. È stato un atto di terrorismo al servizio della supremazia dei bianchi. Comprensibilmente, la gente si agita e…