Tag: Stateless Embassies
The State Has No Right To Do Anything
I often hear people make casual remarks like, “Well, the State has a right to collect taxes,” “the State has a right to punish criminals,” or “the State has a right to controls its borders.” Inside, I am always somewhat horrified at how very easily these kinds of assumptions are made, at how obvious the…
The Punitive Left and the Criminalization of Homophobia
In the now classic article “A esquerda punitiva” (“The Punitive Left”), Maria Lucia Karam criticizes the Brazilian left for forsaking their deeply held beliefs on social change and uniting with those who wish to strengthen criminal law as the principal means of solving society’s conflicts and guarantee social peace. Karam notes that the left seems to have forgotten that…
L’Onu Aveva un Compito
L’Onu è tornata sulle prime pagine con le preparazioni per l’apertura della sessione della 69ª Assemblea Generale. Il segretario generale Ban Ki-moon ha evidenziato l’importanza della missione Onu in questa “epoca di turbolenze”. Forse, però, è meglio guardare da vicino in cosa consiste questa “missione”. E allora si scopre che il fine dichiarato è il…
Ai Sondaggisti di Reason: Ripensateci!
È opinione comune che, secondo come vengono formulate le domande, i sondaggi possono produrre praticamente qualunque risposta desiderata. Emily Ekins, parlando dell’atteggiamento della generazione Y su questioni economiche e politiche (“Are Millennials Far Left on Economics? No,” Reason, 18 agosto), dimostra un’incoerenza concettuale quasi totale nell’inquadrare i risultati di un sondaggio Reason-Rupe sulla generazione Y…
Nessuna Giustizia dallo Stato Prigione
Di recente, il dipartimento penitenziario della Florida ha licenziato 32 secondini, misura presa dopo anni di presunte corruzioni all’interno del sistema carcerario, corruzioni alle quali è legata la morte di almeno quattro carcerati. I rappresentanti sindacali hanno definito il licenziamento di massa il “massacro del venerdì sera”. Un massacro che io approvo. Scavando tra i…
La Scozia Conquista il Regno Unito
Il “No” scaturito dalle urne al referendum che chiedeva agli scozzesi “volete che la Scozia sia un paese indipendente?” è una vittoria di Pirro per il Regno Unito. Con il suo 44,7%, il “Sì” rimette in discussione un consenso che durava da trecento anni. La devoluzione di una fetta sostanziale del potere politico alla Scozia…
End the Fed: The Economics of Liberty
The Federal Reserve is responsible for implementing US monetary policy. As it directs the world’s largest economy, the Fed earns top rank among powerful institutions. Though the central bank guides state monetary policy, the Fed is largely a private institution. As such, bank operations move in secrecy, absent of oversight from the public arena. Thanks…
Informe del coordinador de medios hispanos, agosto y septiembre de 2014
Durante agosto y septiembre traduje al español “Por qué el Papa está menos equivocado que Keith Farrell” y “El rol de los bienes comunales en un mercado libre“, ambos de Kevin Carson, y “El anarquismo individualista y la jerarquía” de Cory Massimino. También publiqué un artículo propio en español, “Los fondos buitre vs. Argentina“, y…
Climate Action: Stand on the Ashes of Power
In recent comments at the United Nations Climate Summit, US president Barack Obama espoused an urgent need for all the nations of Earth to work together and engage anthropogenic climate change. Obama ensured his peers in attendance that the “United States of America is stepping up to the plate” and that (the collective) we “embrace our responsibility” to…
Politics, Out of Style for Good Reason
John Della Volpe, Director of Polling at Harvard’s Institute of Politics, recently observed that “[r]ather than being empowered to remain active in politics … young voters are sadly becoming more disillusioned and distrustful of all things Washington.” Volpe cites an Institute of Politics poll which finds millennials’ “trust in almost every institution tested” at lows…
Reason Pollsters: Check Your Premises
It’s a common observation that polls can produce virtually any response desired, depending on how the questions are worded. Emily Ekins, ostensibly reporting on the political and economic attitudes of millennials (“Are Millennials Far Left on Economics? No,” Reason, August 18), displays almost total conceptual incoherence in framing the results of a Reason-Rupe poll of “millennials” (young Americans age…
No Justice from the Prison State
Florida’s Department of Corrections recently fired 32 guards after years of alleged corruption in the prison system with at least four related inmate deaths. Union officials call the mass layoff a “Friday night massacre.” Now that’s one massacre I can get behind. Reporters digging deeper into the prison records found multiple incidents of abuse and so-called…
Barack Obama Terrorista
National Public Radio (Npr) ha condotto il suo programma “La Settimana Politica” del dodici settembre con un’analisi del messaggio alla nazione in cui Obama ha parlato dello Stato Islamico. Giornalisti e mezzibusti hanno discusso i fondamenti del messaggio: È stato abbastanza duro? Riuscirà nel suo compito? Chi c’è dietro Isis? Ripensandoci, mi sono accorto che…
Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Sheldon Richman, read by Charles Johnson and edited by Nick Ford. Abstracting from the numerous, often mutually exclusive details of specific cultural projects that have been recommended or condemned in the name of libertarianism, the question of general principle has to…
È Ora di Liberare l’Istruzione Online
Dan Friedman (“The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t,” TechCrunch, 11 settembre) esprime non poco disappunto sul fatto che i corsi online dei college deludono le aspettative create qualche anno fa. In termini di completamento dei corsi e di frequenza delle lezioni, dice, “la rivoluzione ha fallito”. Ma se ha fallito una ragione c’è. Il modello predominante…
You Had One Job, UN
The UN is back in the news with preparations for the opening of the 69th General Assembly session. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon highlights the importance of the UN’s mission in this “time of turmoil.” But maybe we should take a closer look at what that “mission” is. The avowed purpose of the UN is to maintain…
The Conquest of the United Kingdom by Scotland
The “No” outcome of the referendum asking Scotland’s voters the question “should Scotland be an independent country?” is a Pyrrhic victory for the United Kingdom. “Yes” netting 44.7% of the tally undermines a 300-year consensus and the devolution of substantial political power to Scotland is already conceded. Such a near-tie is far more problematic for an existing political system struggling…
La Libertà Ha Bisogno di Imperi?
Questo articolo è stato scritto da Sheldon Richman e pubblicato su The Future of Freedom Foundation il 5 settembre 2014. In un suo sorprendente articolo, Daniel McCarthy, il lodevole direttore di The American Conservative (TAC), scrive: “L’impero britannico prima, e quello americano poi,crearono e mantennero un ordine mondiale in cui il liberalismo [classico] poté fiorire.”…
Poison as Food, Poison as Antidote on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Roderick Long‘s “Poison as Food, Poison as Antidote” read and edited by Nick Ford. But it is an all-too-common mistake – and this tendency to underestimate the chasm between free markets and corporatism is enormously beneficial to the state, enabling a slick bait-and-switch. When free markets and government grants of privilege to…
Egoism and Anarchy on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Roderick Long‘s “Egoism And Anarchy” read and edited by Nick Ford. I’ve long held that Greek philosophy and modern libertarianism are natural allies, tailor-made for each other ‘ not because they are similar but because through their very differences each can supply the deficiencies of the other. This debate in Liberty is…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory