Tag: imperialism
Oleh: Conner Martinez. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Need For International Radical Solidarity With Rojava.” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Di tepian utara Suriah, daerah yang secara de facto otonom yang dikenal sebagai Rojava telah memberikan contoh nyata dari demokrasi radikal dan otonomi ekonomi di Timur Tengah. Kawasan ini dijalankan dengan struktur berdasarkan model konfederalisme demokratis sekuler…
This episode is hosted by C4SS’s Elinor Ostrom Chair in the Study of Self Governance, Nathan Goodman. Nathan is joined by Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall for a deep dive into the authors’ new book, How to Run Wars, A Confidential Playbook for the National Security Elite, available from June 18th on Amazon, or through…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: I Pencil, Revisited, pubblicato l’undici luglio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Scarica qui la versione stampabile in formato pdf. Introduzione Non credo che esista testo libertario controverso più diffuso, più noto, o più amato, di I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read. Comparso per la prima…
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: Konstantin Kisin’s Delusions Are On Life Support, del 18 gennaio 2024. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Il 22 ottobre scorso Konstantin Kisin pubblica un articolo su The Free Press (una pubblicazione fondata da Bari Weiss e specializzata in scenate contro la cultura “woke”) che immediatamente fa il giro del web….
An October 22 article by Konstantin Kisin at The Free Press — a publication founded by Bari Weiss, a pony whose one trick is anti-“woke” culture war theatrics — immediately went viral. Its popularity on the Right is suggested by the fact that its title, “The Day the Delusions Died,” trended on Twitter the following…
Di James C. Wilson. Articolo originale: On the Death of Henry Kissinger, del 7 dicembre 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. “Dopo esser stato in Cambogia, vorresti pestare Henry Kissinger fino a spellarti le mani” ~ Anthony Bourdain Il 29 novembre 2023 all’età di cento anni è morto Henry Kissinger. La gioia invade internet. Nel…
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands” –Anthony Bourdain On November 29th, 2023, Henry Kissinger died at the age of 100. The internet rejoices. For years, Kissinger had been a living embodiment of evil that would just not die, in the realm of…
Traduzione italiana: Io, la matita: Una Rilettura. Introduction There is probably no libertarian polemic more widely distributed and more familiar, or held in higher esteem, than “I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read.” It originally appeared in the December 1958 issue of The Freeman. It has since been circulated as…
MER host Alex McHugh interviews C4SS Russian translator Citizen Ilya on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, anarchist resistance to war, and what things look like on the ground in Russia. We intend this to be a two-part series. An interview with some of the folks behind the anarchist humanitarian project for Ukraine, Operation Solidarity, is…
Partition & Entanglement: Review of Home Rule by Nandita Sharma “The entire, eons-long practice of human movement into new places was pushed out of our imagination — or, perhaps more accurately, was reimagined as a national security threat. In the process, stasis was glorified as the normative way of being human.” “Only after the death…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Victims of Capitalism Day, pubblicato il 10 maggio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Su Reason Ilya Somin, secondo una sua pratica annuale iniziata nel 2007, ha scelto il primo maggio, festa dei lavoratori, per commemorare la “Giornata delle Vittime del Comunismo”. Somin parla di 80-100 milioni di vittime nel ventesimo secolo…
At Reason Ilya Somin, in keeping with his annual practice since 2007, has chosen May 1 — May Day — as his date for observing “Victims of Communism Day.” Somin cites the “authoritative” Black Book of Communism as his source for a death toll of 80-100 million in the 20th century. To put that “authoritative”…
Di Austin Reddy. Originale pubblicato il 28 marzo 2020 con il titolo Coronavirus & Critical Theory; or, How to Come Together in a Pandemic. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nel bene o nel male, il coronavirus ha unito il mondo. La gente è spaventata, preoccupata, molti non si fidano più degli spazi sociali che prima apparivano…
For better or worse, the coronavirus has brought the world together. People are scared and worried and many no longer feel confident navigating social spaces they previously took for granted. Questions regarding the hygiene of the Other are now at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Governments and other public institutions are advocating for “social distancing”…
Last night, we received the very relieving news that, after yet another suicide attempt while in confinement, a judge has ordered that Chelsea Manning be released after nearly a year of imprisonment for refusal to cooperate with a grand jury. While this is very good news, it doesn’t come without continued challenges. In an attempt…
Di Black Cat. Originale pubblicato il 26 maggio 2019 con il titolo Liberate People, Not Peoples. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Dico subito che sono americano. Le questioni esposte qui riguardano (non solo, es) la sinistra americana. Il mio paese ha orribili responsabilità in fatto di interventi in tutto il mondo, i militari americani hanno lasciato…
Before I begin, I suppose I should mention that I am an American. I will be, for the most part, addressing issues within the American left. Within that perspective is a recognition of my home country’s disastrous role in interventions across the world, and the large footprint that American military activity has left on other…
Jon Snow isn’t exactly a cop — the fantasy realm of Game of Thrones doesn’t map perfectly onto our own social and political institutions. He is, however, involved in a system that does some pretty terrible things — while claiming that “he’s not like the other ones” and that the machine can be driven to…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 19 dicembre 2018 con il titolo In Memoriam: William Blunt (1933-2018). Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. All’inizio della sua vita adulta, William Blum era un liberal anticomunista che lavorava come funzionario tecnico presso il Dipartimento di Stato. Finché, deluso dalla guerra in Vietnam, cominciò una carriera come giornalista di estrema…
William Blum began his adult life as an anti-communist liberal working as a technical functionary in the US State Department, until he became disillusioned by the Vietnam War and went on to a career in radical journalism. Among other things, he covered the Pinochet coup from Chile and worked with renegade CIA officer Philip Agee…