Tag: American Imperialism
Non Usate la Comunità LGBTQIA+ per Giustificare l’interventismo USA
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Don’t Use the LGBTQIA+ Community to Justify U.S. Interventionism del 4 marzo 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il Gay Times scriveva la settimana scorsa che, stando a “una lettera inviata il 20 febbraio a Michelle Bachelet, alto commissario per i diritti umani dell’Onu”, secondo le autorità statunitensi la Russia avrebbe un…
Don’t Use the LGBTQIA+ Community to Justify U.S. Interventionism
Last week, The Gay Times reported that—based on “a leaked letter sent on 20 February to Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations’ (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights”—U.S. officials claim there is an official Russian list of “‘journalists, activists and gay rights advocates’ to punish in the event it invades Ukraine.” Would this be in line…
Liberate la Popolazione, non i Popoli
Di Black Cat. Originale pubblicato il 26 maggio 2019 con il titolo Liberate People, Not Peoples. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Dico subito che sono americano. Le questioni esposte qui riguardano (non solo, es) la sinistra americana. Il mio paese ha orribili responsabilità in fatto di interventi in tutto il mondo, i militari americani hanno lasciato…
Liberate People, Not Peoples
Before I begin, I suppose I should mention that I am an American. I will be, for the most part, addressing issues within the American left. Within that perspective is a recognition of my home country’s disastrous role in interventions across the world, and the large footprint that American military activity has left on other…
In Memoria di William Blum (1933-2018)
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 19 dicembre 2018 con il titolo In Memoriam: William Blunt (1933-2018). Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. All’inizio della sua vita adulta, William Blum era un liberal anticomunista che lavorava come funzionario tecnico presso il Dipartimento di Stato. Finché, deluso dalla guerra in Vietnam, cominciò una carriera come giornalista di estrema…
In Memoriam: William Blum (1933-2018)
William Blum began his adult life as an anti-communist liberal working as a technical functionary in the US State Department, until he became disillusioned by the Vietnam War and went on to a career in radical journalism. Among other things, he covered the Pinochet coup from Chile and worked with renegade CIA officer Philip Agee…
L’Ingenuità della Destra Autoritaria Riguardo la Natura Umana
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto ottobre 2016 con il titolo The Authoritarian Right is Naive About Human Nature. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Avete mai notato l’ironia insita nel fatto che quegli stessi che dichiarano la propria sfiducia verso uno stato forte (“Amo il mio paese ma temo il…
I “Precedenti Negativi” Sono Davanti a Tutti
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 30 settembre 2016 con il titolo “Bad Precedents” Are in the Eye of the Beholder. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Il 28 settembre, il senato americano ha votato l’annullamento del veto del presidente Obama imposto ad un disegno di legge che autorizza i cittadini…
The Authoritarian Right is Naive About Human Nature
Have you ever considered the level of irony involved in the fact that so many of the same people who claim to distrust big government (“I love my country but fear my government”) also adamantly support the police against Black Lives Matter? These people, by and large, actually worship the culture of police lawlessness as…
“Bad Precedents” Are in the Eye of the Beholder
On September 28 the U.S. Senate voted to override President Obama’s veto of a bill permitting American citizens to sue foreign governments for any role in terrorist attacks. Obama warned that the law would have unintended consequences, setting a “dangerous precedent” for other countries. The United States government, he warned, might face lawsuits by foreign…
Deprogrammiamo il Culto dell’Unità Nazionale
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 17 settembre 2016 con il titolo Time to Deprogram From the Cult of National Unity. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La gente non ama che si bestemmino le sue divinità, e la reazione furiosa al rifiuto di Colin Kaepernick di stare in piedi durante…
Putin-Trump Outrage Reveals Shared Imperialist Mindset
If anything can be said to be entertaining about liberals’ reaction to Putin’s possible role in the DNC leaks, it’s what it inadvertently reveals about the unexamined foreign policy assumptions they share with conservatives. Coming as it does on top of a long Trump history of weird Putin adulations, the possibility that Russia hacked the…
Time to Deprogram From the Cult of National Unity
People don’t like seeing their gods blasphemed, and the backlash against Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem has revealed the completely religious nature of American patriotism. Tomi Lahren, whose views on racial matters are about what you’d expect from a “conservative commentator” on Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze, has been on a nonstop outrage…
NATO and Trump’s Misconceptions
Again Trump has it backwards. According to NATO’s internal logic, the US should pay the members — not the other way around — for providing services to the empire and a tripwire for war. The empire doesn’t protect, it provokes and endangers. Who would willingly pay for that? As Andrew Levine, drawing on Andrew Bacevich,…
On the Brazil Coup
Recent events in Brazil have been framed as something of a morality play by both sides. For partisans of Dilma Rousseff and the Workers Party, her impeachment and the installation of Michel Temer as acting President was a neoliberal coup by corporate and landed interests in Brazil, backed by Washington. For those supporting her impeachment,…
Let the People Fight Their Own Wars
As the War on Terror wages on and the threat of ISIS seems to constantly loom over us, threatening our very safety at every turn according to most mainstream news sources, Americans are left wondering how we are to fight this very real monster that the U.S. government helped to create. While some folks toe…
What Do Terrorists Want?
After the terrorist violence in Brussels many people, including Barack Obama, said we should not change our way of life and live in fear because that is what terrorists want. Maybe, but is that all they want? It seems that something important is left out of the story. In the classical model of terrorism, instilling fear…
Trump’s Toxic Aggrieved-Nation Shtick
The key to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign — the feature that explains nearly everything else about that toxic dump — is his aggrieved-nation shtick. Just about everything Trump says (when he’s not adoring himself or belittling others) is about how the once-great American nation has been humbled by the rest of the world. To hear…
Hillary Clinton Breaks the Irony Meter
At the March 9 Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton had this to say about competitor Bernie Sanders’s favorable comments on Castro’s Cuba and the Sandinista regime in the ’80s:  “if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions…, that is not the kind of…
When are Crimes Against Humanity “Arcane References”?
When are crimes against humanity “arcane references”? When the United States government commits them. According to Politico (Michael Crowley, “Sanders once urged abolishing CIA,” Feb. 22), in a debate with Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders “befuddled some viewers with an arcane reference to a 1953 U.S.-backed coup in Iran, which Sanders called an example of America’s…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory